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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 18:57, Friday 27 May 2016 (245)Get code to link to this report
Refraction effect included in the simulation

The direction of the probe changes inside the sample according to the Snell's law. As I calculated in this post

I included this effect in the optical part of my simulations. I show the simulation of the scan of the silica bulk reference sample, with and without the refraction effect.

The sample thickness is 3.6mm. With the refraction effect, the simulation is more similar to the measurement. Apart from the unknown scale factor.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 01:41, Wednesday 25 May 2016 (244)Get code to link to this report
Low absorption measurement on Tama-size Sapphire sample. Refraction effect. Phase filtering.

I attach the slides that I presented at the last meeting on May 18 (slides from 1 to 6)

and the slides about the progress I did in these these days (slides from 7 to 11).


Slides 8 and 9 have two animations which don't move in the pdf.

I attach also the GIFs.

X axis unit of the histograms in the GIFs is ppm/cm

I couldn't upload the pdf file at once, so I had to split it in two.

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DECIGO (General)
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SimonZeidler - 20:32, Friday 20 May 2016 (243)Get code to link to this report
SiC samples back from outgassing measurements

We got the SiC samples back from KEK last week. Unfortunately, I discovered some dark spots on the polished surface on at least 3 of 7 samples. 

The pictures below show these spots on a NFC (first picture) and Covalent (second one) sample.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 01:30, Tuesday 10 May 2016 (242)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Noise investigation - Tama-sized sapphire sample sitting on blocks (Click here to view original report: 241)

I made a calculation that might explain why I couldn't see any absorption signal.

The cross point between pump and probe changes position when there is a thick sapphire sample.

Details are in the attached slide.

This might also explain why in my simulations the simulated scan shows a thicker sample than the measured scan. I will include this effect in the simulations and check the result.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 02:36, Wednesday 27 April 2016 (241)Get code to link to this report
Noise investigation - Tama-sized sapphire sample sitting on blocks

I attach a report about the measurements I did this week

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ManuelMarchio - 01:30, Tuesday 10 May 2016 (242)

I made a calculation that might explain why I couldn't see any absorption signal.

The cross point between pump and probe changes position when there is a thick sapphire sample.

Details are in the attached slide.

This might also explain why in my simulations the simulated scan shows a thicker sample than the measured scan. I will include this effect in the simulations and check the result.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 18:38, Monday 11 April 2016 (240)Get code to link to this report
1310 nm Fabry-Perot Laser: Ignition test

I set the parameters thresholds on the controller (CLD1015) as specified in the butterfly package specs (FPL1053P):

LD max current: 450mA

TEC max current: 500mA

There are two possible operation modes: "Constant Current mode" and "Constant Power mode"

- The "Constant Current" mode keeps the LD current constant (and is used for fast laser modulation)

- The "Constant Power" mode uses the current of a PD placed inside the butterfly package to monitor the output power. 

I set the operation mode on "Costant Current" and make measurements of the optical power using a powermeter. I attach the pdf of the  measurements.


I couldn't use the "Constant power" mode because as soon as I switch on the laser, the  LD current reaches immediately the maximum (450mA as set before), even if I set the minimum PD current. It looks the controller is not able to measure the PD current, I attach a picture of this situation (pic1).

I also noticed that the PAF-X-11-C is bent (pic2) like Pisa's tower, I disassembled the clamp plate (pic3) and removed the "Bulkhead", which is the bent part, I think it is a fabrication defect.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 01:30, Friday 08 April 2016 (239)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Checking of optical chopper SR540 (Click here to view original report: 238)
I tightly fixed the chopper to the optical table;
I monitored the frequency value for about 1.5 hours;
I didn't change any parameter or move anything;
Just took some snapshot of the spectrum analyzer every few minutes.
The attached file shows each snapshot and a summary plot
The result is:
- For a short time (few minutes), the frequency fluctuations are within the specifications (2%), in agreement with previous Tatsumi-san's measurements.
- For a long period, the frequency fluctuations can be larger than 2%
I couldn't upload the file because it's a bit more than 10MB, so here is the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajzduvo0ingj5an/chopper%20long%20time%20stability.pdf?dl=0
KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 13:36, Monday 04 April 2016 (238)Get code to link to this report
Checking of optical chopper SR540

Because Manuel claimed that the optical chopper has some problems,

I checked the chopper before sending it back.


The chopper has no problems and works well.

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ManuelMarchio - 01:30, Friday 08 April 2016 (239)
I tightly fixed the chopper to the optical table;
I monitored the frequency value for about 1.5 hours;
I didn't change any parameter or move anything;
Just took some snapshot of the spectrum analyzer every few minutes.
The attached file shows each snapshot and a summary plot
The result is:
- For a short time (few minutes), the frequency fluctuations are within the specifications (2%), in agreement with previous Tatsumi-san's measurements.
- For a long period, the frequency fluctuations can be larger than 2%
I couldn't upload the file because it's a bit more than 10MB, so here is the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajzduvo0ingj5an/chopper%20long%20time%20stability.pdf?dl=0
ManuelMarchio - 15:14, Thursday 02 June 2016 (246)

I wrote a python script to record the frequency value from the lockin amplifier through the serial port.

Sample rate: 1Hz

Acquisition time: 8h

I attach a plot of the entire acquisition (0 - 480min)

and a plot of the first 1000 seconds

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 19:05, Friday 25 March 2016 (237)Get code to link to this report
1310 nm Fabry-Perot Laser setup: Butterfly package mounted on controller

I mounted the butterfly package FPL1053P on the controller following the instructions step by step:

 - Check the 14 pins orientation.

 - Remove the laser mount and install it according to the type of pinout (Pinout standard: "Pump"). Actually it was already in the right orientation.

 - Open the ZIF ("Zero Insertion Force") socket clamps. Picture.

 - Apply the thermal conductive pad to improve thermal contact between laser and heat sink. Picture.

 - Fix the laser diode to the laser mount using the attached 4 screws and close the clamps. Picture.

In order to ensure the best thermal contact between the bottom plate of the laser diode (hot side of peltier) and the surface of the laser mount, the instructions recommend to use thermal compound.

Do we have it?

To mount the fiber I used the PAF-X-11-C but I need something like this HCA3-SM1, do we have it?

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 19:25, Thursday 24 March 2016 (236)Get code to link to this report
1310 nm Fabry-Perot Laser setup: ground cable

I'm doing the ignition test of the 1310nm laser.

I have to install the "Butterfly package" FPL1053P inside the laser diode controller CLD1015.

First of all, according to the instructions, a good grounding is needed because electrostatic shocks are very dangerous for the laser.

On the rear panel of the controller there is a 4mm-diameter hole for the ground jack, but the cable is not included. So I made it.

Since the optical table has plastic wheels, it might be a bad ground. So I think the best way is to connect it to the network ground.

I isolated the brown and blue wires of a power cable, selected the ground wire and soldered it to a banana connector.

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KAGRA AOS (General)
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SimonZeidler - 14:40, Friday 18 March 2016 (235)Get code to link to this report
PD exchange of JASMINE scatterometer

I proofed and confirmed the adjustment of the new PD in the scatterometer.

Hence, the exchange of the PD is now officially finished.

R&D (General)
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ManuelMarchio - 23:29, Wednesday 16 March 2016 (233)Get code to link to this report
Optical tables in tama central room

Members: Tatsumi, Manuel, Fabian

We cleaned up a bit in Tama central room: floor, garbage and a lot of dust (as usual, the picture can give an idea).

We moved the black rack and a small optical table downstairs. Removed the covering frame and  put it below the vacuum pipe in the west arm.

Now  there are two cleaned (shining) small optical tables: one is for Fabian's experiment, and one will be used to make ignition test of the new 1310nm laser for GaAs absorption measurements.

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KAGRA AOS (General)
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SimonZeidler - 19:39, Wednesday 16 March 2016 (232)Get code to link to this report
Manual of the Back-Scatterometer

I finished the English version of the manual for the back-scatterometer.

It can be downloaded from the JGW document server (I and Torii-san are the authors).

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 17:25, Monday 14 March 2016 (231)Get code to link to this report
Checking absorption measurement system status. Tama sized sapphire measurement.

Members: Tatsumi, Manuel

Measured the bulk reference sample: Pump_power=30mW, Chopper=430Hz; AC=74mV; DC=3.94V; Abs=1.16/cm; --> calibration factor R=0.55W-1. fig.

Measured the surface reference sample:  Pump_power=30mW, Chopper=430Hz; AC=380mV; DC=4.75V; Abs=0.22; --> calibration factor R=12W-1. fig.

Both values of R are consistent with the calibrations we made last year (considering a repeatability of 5-10%).


Measured the shinkousha little sample (1.5"diameter) with pump maximum power 9W.

Scan along z axis: fig. Today's measurement looks noisier because I didn't apply the filter

Resolved map: fig. It show the same unhomogeneus pattern al last time we measured it.


Measured the 2 sapphire tama-sized samples Hirose-san sent us few months ago:

the translation stage is too weak to bear 100mmx60mm samples, so we tried to put a height tunable jack on the table and the new mirror mount over it. Unfortunately, because of the translation stage position, there was not room enough to to reach the center of the sample. So we  changed the jack with some heavy blocks and a V-shape. Then we could reach the center of the sample. We measured the probe AC noise and we found that with the probe passing through the sample, the noise (~50microV) is double respect to the noise without the sample (25microV). This means that a large part of the noise is due to the sample vibrations. So we put a rubber sheet below the block. But the noise doesn't change considerably. fig.

So we have ~50microV of noise level, which correspond in ppm/cm for sapphire at 9W pump power to ~50e-6V*3.34/6.5/9W/0.55W-1 = ~6ppm/cm

The specs say 5ppm/cm for silica at 1W, which for sapphire (3.34 correction factor) and 9W, correspond to about 2ppm/cm. So we have a noise level higher than what the specs say.

To measure the signal I take the mean of the AC signal (lock-in time constant 1s) over 100s

    AC mean 0W AC mean 9W absorption  
    [microV] [microV] [ppm/cm]  
sample#1 point A 35 43 1 ± 4  
sample#1 point B 37 53 2 ± 4  
sample#1 point C  36 78 5 ± 4  
sample#1 point D  43 49 1 ± 5  
sample#1 point E  42 79 4 ± 5  
sample#2 point A  37 48 1 ± 4  
sample#2 point B  44 51 1 ± 5  
sample#2 point C 35 43 1 ± 4  
sample#2 point D 46 16 -3 ± 5  
sample#2 point E 44 30 -1 ± 5  

The point positions are  shown in the picture. As best as I could do with this setup, the positioning has a 3mm error.

The measured absorption value is always below the noise.


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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 19:32, Sunday 13 March 2016 (230)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Mechanical chipper replacement (Click here to view original report: 224)

On friday afternoon Flaminio and me noticed that the chopper frequency is quite unstable, about 5Hz of standard deviation. The old one was not that unstable. We should check it.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 12:43, Friday 11 March 2016 (229)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Mechanical chipper replacement (Click here to view original report: 224)

Two days later, I found that the wheel was stopped.

Therefore, I and Manuel replace the new motor with chopper also.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 00:46, Tuesday 08 March 2016 (226)Get code to link to this report
Simulation of GaAs absorption measurements. Comparison of bulk and surface absorption.

I made a simulation of the temperature distribution on a GaAs sample of 0.4mm in thinckness and 5% of absorption.

First with the absorption distributed on all the substrate (bulk) and then only on the coating (surface).

Plot the map of the temperature, as a function of the depth and of the radius, for both cases (bulk and surface).

Used the temperature distribution in the optical simulation with a 1310nm wavelength probe.

Simulated a scan along the sample for both cases and found the same value of the AC/DC PD signal. 

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KAGRA AOS (General)
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SimonZeidler - 20:07, Monday 07 March 2016 (225)Get code to link to this report
Doughnut Baffle inspection

I and Akutsu-san went to Hashimoto today and insected the final results on the Doughnut Baffle production.
So far, it seems that the results are OK and within the constraints of bKAGRA. However, due to the baking procedure, scratches appeared on at least on side of each baffle. Yet, they will probably have no big impact on the scattering, according to the simulations.

The results plus some pictures taken at the facility, are summarized in a JGW document.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 18:19, Monday 07 March 2016 (224)Get code to link to this report
Mechanical chipper replacement

Because the mechanical chopper on absorption measurement bench was broken,

we bought new one (Stanford research instruments SR540).

Today I repalce the controller (motor driver with local oscillator) of the chopper.

Old chopping motor and wheel are unchanged, since we want to keep the setup

as much as possible.


After the replacement, I checked all of cable connections.

And then, I found that many cables are unplugged.


Tomorrow I will check the absorption measurement system by using reference samples.

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ManuelMarchio - 19:32, Sunday 13 March 2016 (230)

On friday afternoon Flaminio and me noticed that the chopper frequency is quite unstable, about 5Hz of standard deviation. The old one was not that unstable. We should check it.

DaisukeTatsumi - 12:43, Friday 11 March 2016 (229)

Two days later, I found that the wheel was stopped.

Therefore, I and Manuel replace the new motor with chopper also.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuefanGuo - 14:59, Thursday 25 February 2016 (223)Get code to link to this report
Slides of the presentation today
Progress in the squeezed light experiment:
Finished mounting the part of SHG crystal. Next step is to build a Fabry-Perot Cavity outside the crystal.
All the details will be showed in the attachment below.
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