KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 19:05, Friday 25 March 2016 (237)
1310 nm Fabry-Perot Laser setup: Butterfly package mounted on controller

I mounted the butterfly package FPL1053P on the controller following the instructions step by step:

 - Check the 14 pins orientation.

 - Remove the laser mount and install it according to the type of pinout (Pinout standard: "Pump"). Actually it was already in the right orientation.

 - Open the ZIF ("Zero Insertion Force") socket clamps. Picture.

 - Apply the thermal conductive pad to improve thermal contact between laser and heat sink. Picture.

 - Fix the laser diode to the laser mount using the attached 4 screws and close the clamps. Picture.

In order to ensure the best thermal contact between the bottom plate of the laser diode (hot side of peltier) and the surface of the laser mount, the instructions recommend to use thermal compound.

Do we have it?

To mount the fiber I used the PAF-X-11-C but I need something like this HCA3-SM1, do we have it?

Images attached to this report
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