KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 19:25, Thursday 24 March 2016 (236)
1310 nm Fabry-Perot Laser setup: ground cable

I'm doing the ignition test of the 1310nm laser.

I have to install the "Butterfly package" FPL1053P inside the laser diode controller CLD1015.

First of all, according to the instructions, a good grounding is needed because electrostatic shocks are very dangerous for the laser.

On the rear panel of the controller there is a 4mm-diameter hole for the ground jack, but the cable is not included. So I made it.

Since the optical table has plastic wheels, it might be a bad ground. So I think the best way is to connect it to the network ground.

I isolated the brown and blue wires of a power cable, selected the ground wire and soldered it to a banana connector.

Images attached to this report
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