KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 18:38, Monday 11 April 2016 (240)
1310 nm Fabry-Perot Laser: Ignition test

I set the parameters thresholds on the controller (CLD1015) as specified in the butterfly package specs (FPL1053P):

LD max current: 450mA

TEC max current: 500mA

There are two possible operation modes: "Constant Current mode" and "Constant Power mode"

- The "Constant Current" mode keeps the LD current constant (and is used for fast laser modulation)

- The "Constant Power" mode uses the current of a PD placed inside the butterfly package to monitor the output power. 

I set the operation mode on "Costant Current" and make measurements of the optical power using a powermeter. I attach the pdf of the  measurements.


I couldn't use the "Constant power" mode because as soon as I switch on the laser, the  LD current reaches immediately the maximum (450mA as set before), even if I set the minimum PD current. It looks the controller is not able to measure the PD current, I attach a picture of this situation (pic1).

I also noticed that the PAF-X-11-C is bent (pic2) like Pisa's tower, I disassembled the clamp plate (pic3) and removed the "Bulkhead", which is the bent part, I think it is a fabrication defect.

Images attached to this report
240_20160411113633_pic1.jpg 240_20160411113641_pic2.jpg 240_20160411113648_pic3.jpg 240_20160411113656_pic4.jpg
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