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NaokiAritomi - 22:22, Wednesday 02 October 2019 (1683)Get code to link to this report
Improvement of mode matching

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

Current mode matching is as follows. Mode matching is around 90%. TEM00 is fluctuating a lot due to alignment drift of suspended mirrors and it's difficult to improve the alignment without auto alignment.

Mode AOM frequency (MHz) IR transmission
TEM00 109.03593 2400
HG10 109.43126 180
HG01 109.43207 250
IG02 109.82923 115
offset   94

Then we checked IR reflection and it was cutted. We measured BAB reflection from filter cavity when BAB is on/off resonance.

Injection: 386uW
Reflection: 170uW (on resonance)
Reflection: 296uW (off resonance)

Reflectivity when BAB is on/off resonance is 44% and 77%. "real" cavity reflectivity which is ratio of these reflectivity is 57% and this is too low compared with ~80% in paper we published last year.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 18:52, Wednesday 02 October 2019 (1682)Get code to link to this report
Looking for dithering error signals in the transmitted power: they are not good

[Eleonora, Matteo]


Excitations are sent in pitch


END MIRROR: 18.5 Hz  

Amplitude: 10000 count

Both lines are well visible in the transmitted power. (Pic1, bottom)


Before the demodulation the transmitted power is filtered with a resonant filter at the modulation frequency (see pic 2-3)

The demodulation phase is chosen by looking at the transfer function between the injected line (seen on the oplev) and the transmitted power. This phase is ~12 deg for both input and end (pic 4-5) 

The demodulated signal is filtered with a first order low pass (simple pole) at 0.3 Hz.

 The spectra of the demodulated signal after and before lowpass look as expected. (Pic 1 top. Blue and Red)


Error signals are very noisy (see some examples in the attached pdf). To investigate their goodness we have misaligned in turn the input and end mirror of a known amount of counts and measured the change in count of the two error signals. The results are not very clear, nevertheless we have tried to compute a sensing matrix.

  demod INPUT demod ERR
input misaligned -300 1500
end misaligned -700 13000

It seems quite unbalanced and not very reasonable. Another suspicious thing is that error signal behavior is not very reproducible.

It seems they are affected by some variables which we are not considering and controlling.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 16:33, Wednesday 02 October 2019 (1679)Get code to link to this report
Several point to check GR/IR power (AOM setting)

Yuhang and Aritomi

Power reference form

GR power before green EOM 200mW
GR power before AOM 36mW
GR power before MZ 152mW
GR power after AOM 12.6mW
IR power before ND filter 20mW
IR power after ND filter (before IRMC) 4mW
IRMC transmission 1.7mW

We set the power after AOM by changing the AOM modulation depth. The maximum RF signal we should give to AOM is 30dBm(1W). The signal is generated from a signal generator then pass through a RF amplifier(amplify 32dB). So the maximum RF signal power we should generate should be -2dBm. Then we measured the GR power after AOM while changing AOM modulation depth(see attached form).

AOM modulation depth Green power (injected to FC)
30dBm 28.2mW
29dBm 28.5mW
28dBm 27.8mW
27dBm 26mW
26dBm 23.5mW
25dBm 20.7mW
24dBm 17.8mW
23dBm 15.11mW
22dBm 12.65mW
R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 00:28, Wednesday 02 October 2019 (1677)Get code to link to this report
Recovery of IR alignment

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

We recovered IR flash and alignment. However, when IR is aligned, IR reflection seems a bit cutted. We measured BAB reflectivity from filter cavity. Filter cavity was not locked with IR. IR injection is 343uW and reflection is 286uW. Reflectivity is 83% which is lower than before.

Current mode matching is as follows. Mode matching is 1706/(1706+343) = 83%. Pump green power is 60mW and green phase is scanned.

Mode AOM frequency (MHz) IR transmission
TEM00 109.03549 1800
HG10 109.43087 200
HG01 109.43131 300
IG20 109.82841 125
offset   94
R&D (Cryogenic)
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SatoshiTanioka - 20:42, Tuesday 01 October 2019 (1676)Get code to link to this report
Wire Disconnection

I tried to solder the cable to another AOM driver.
But the wire inside the box was disconnected for some reasons.

Tomorrow I will repair this.

R&D (Cryogenic)
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SatoshiTanioka - 21:46, Monday 30 September 2019 (1675)Get code to link to this report
AOM driver installation

I soldered the twisted cables as power supply for AOM driver with two capacitors, 1nF and 100nF, which are implemented for high frequency noise reduction.
Then I connected it to DC power supply and added the DC voltage, 28V.
However, the AOM did not work properly at first.
This was due to the current limit of DC power supply was not enough high.
I increased the current limit, then the AOM driver worked properly.

Then I injected the laser light into the AOM and I could see the diffracted beam as shown in 2nd picture.
I have not yet tuned the shifting frequency, alingment, and so on.
Anyway, I could confirm the AOM can diffract the laser beam.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 14:14, Monday 30 September 2019 (1674)Get code to link to this report
Alignment and matching of green beam into FC seem fine

[Yuhang, Yuefan, Matteo, Eleonora]

Motivated by the transmission issue reported in entry # 1672 we have investigated the goodness of green beam alignment and matching into FC.

First, we have checked that the beam was centered on both input and end mirror. To do this we have steered the beam with the BS on each side of the mirrors in order to make it more visible since it was hitting the suspension frame. We have recorded the BS position for the beam at the two sides and choose the middle point at a reference position. We confirmed that the beam position was already good even if the precision of this measurement is limited to, let's say, ~5mm. This was done to center the yaw, but it also allowed to assess the pitch centering while the beam was on a side. We could also have done the opposite and steer the beam from top to bottom with BS using the mirror top and bottom frame as reference.

Note that for the end mirror we could reach only the right (back toward input mirror) leg of the suspension, while the beam was hitting the pipe before reaching the left leg. So we used the earthquake stoppers as side references. The camera at the end was aligned to make the beam centered in this configuration. Actually, it was already in a good position.

Then, we scanned the cavity after having aligned it at our best. We kicked the end mirror by applying a large offset to the coils and check with the length oplev the excitation of the pendulum motion.

Pic 1 shows the flashes in transmission (top) and the length op lev (bottom). As expected the height of the peaks is smaller and the density is higher when the cavity is moving faster. Note that there seems to be a delay of the oplev signal wrt the transmission one. Actually they arrive from the end room with two different fiber system (old tama fiber system for oplev and new fast optical fiber for transmission) 

We zoomed in a region when the velocity is constant so that it is easier to identify FSR. (See pic 2). It seems that HOM are reasonably small (the fact the higher peak is TEM 00 is confirmed by the flashed in the camera).

We have misaligned on purpose the pitch and observed that the HOM become higher as expected. (Pic 3-4). I think this measurement confirms that we don't have a major problem with matching and alignment that can justify a drop of the transmitted power to half of the previous power.  Anyway a more refined measurement, with the identification of HOM would be nice.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 13:31, Monday 30 September 2019 (1672)Get code to link to this report
About FC green transmitted power

We reconstructed the history of the cavity transmission. 

At the beginning of June we locked again the FC, after more than 6 months (entry #1385), at that time the injected power was 34 mW and the PD in transmission read a bit more than 4 V (which corresponds to ~ 7000 counts). (entry #1404)

After then we decided to reduce the injected power to 12 mW and the transmitted power was reduced accordingly ( ~2300 counts). (Not reported on logbook!)

Recently Yuhang found that by reducing the gain of the locking servo the transmission could reach 5000 counts. (entry #1644) We didn't remeasure the power at that time. 

Few days ago, after some realignment work on the bench (entry #1647), we found out the transmission was back to 2200 counts. (entry #1655). In that occasion (even if it is not reported on the logbook)  the AOM was also realigned and this brought to a large increasing of the power injected into FC (30 mW). The power was reduced by tweaking the half waveplate after the main laser.

Last Thursday (26/09) we spent half a day to carefully check and asses the alignment level (which is reported in entry #1674). The conclusion of that work is that the cavity seems well aligned. 

It seems to me that this mysterious change in the cavity transmission is connected to the change in the injected power, which is largely affected by AOM alignment condition. Also, the only straightforward reason why a reduction in the locking servo gain should bring an increasing of the transmitted power is that the loop was oscillating, and this is likely to be due to an increased power.

Anyway, I think that from now on we should better monitor (and report on the logbook) the level of power injected into FC and the cavity transmission.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 12:11, Monday 30 September 2019 (1670)Get code to link to this report
The implementation of AA system DC normalization and RF issue

Yuefan, Eleonora and Yuhang

For DC normalization, we found out why we couldn't connect. The reason is there is a range of output for photodiode DC sum, it was not able to fit in this range. But now it is fine after some adjustment done by Eleonora(mainly just adding a -1 factor to the DC sum).

For RF signal, in the beginning, we just checked the PDH signal from each quarter of quadrant. But we couldn't find any signal. Then we did some further check, including:

1. quadrant power supply(power and bias were switched on)

2. quadrant DC signal(to make sure the beam is hitting on PD, we checked this signal and it was fine)

3. LO sent to demodulator(it was fine)

4. RF signal from quadrant(before demodulation, checked directly from spectrum analyzer) we found this RF signal was only around -40dBm

5. We amplified this RF signal by 18dBm then we could see a small signal. 

6. Check demodulator for AA system. we took the RF signal from Qubig PD(used to lock filter cavity). The green power on Qubig PD is around 200uW for now. Then we just replace of demodulator for this signal. And then compare the demodulated signal(PDH signal). We got PDH signal pk-pk as 50mV. While the signal we got from another demodulator is ~500mV. So it seems this demodulator is not as good as what we were using.

7.  By using the same demodulator, we took RF signal from Qubig PD and quadrant and got PDH signal(see attached figure 1, blue curve is signal from Qubig, yellow curve is signal from quadrant). Note that green power on quadrant is ~1mW while green power on Qubig PD is ~200uW. So is seems quadrant is not so sensitive to green light or it doesn't have enough bandwidth. 

8. We also tried to move the beam totally on one quarter of quadrant. See attached figure 2. Roughly, the PDH signal was increased by a factor of 4.

9. We also tried to check the other quadrant and the other demodulation board. I shows similar result. (Attached figure 3 shows PDH signal when beam is centered on quadrant, attached figure 4 shows PDH signal when the beam is mainly located in the first quarter of quadrant)

Above is the check we did on last Friday. Since quadrant worked well in NIKHEF, we will check again these days.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 09:45, Monday 30 September 2019 (1668)Get code to link to this report
Adjustment of green injection beam to filter cavity

Yuhang and Yuefan

As we discussed in the last filter cavity meeting, we may have a beam cut issue in AOM/EOM/iris. We checked again these optics by putting a steering mirror/lens after it and look at beam shape far.

For the cut issue of the iris, we found a better point where the higher-order diffraction beams are more separated. Attached pictures 1 and 2 show the position where we were putting the iris and we are putting it now. This more separated point is located just after the first lens after AOM. The new set-up is shown in the attached picture 3.

We also checked the beam cut issue of Faraday isolator and AOM. The checking point is just before the injection to PR chamber. We found out the main cut comes from AOM. We could see from the attached picture 4 that the most powerful center part could go through AOM/FI but not centered. After twinking a bit the position of AOM, we made the beam go through AOM from the center part(as shown in the attached picture 5). 

So although the aperature of AOM and FI are not ideal, we confirmed that the most powerful center part is not cut.

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KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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SimonZeidler - 15:20, Friday 27 September 2019 (1667)Get code to link to this report
Polarization Map for AQ2 Substrate (fused Silica)

Matteo, Simon

attached are the first results of our experimental try to map also the polarization homogeneity of fused-silica substrates.

In total, I think that we can say that the homogeneity is almost perfect. The fluctuations in the map are probably due to fluctuations risen from the input polarization which cannot be filtered out. That would explain at least the stripe-like pattern in the map along the way of the measurement.

Anyway, the next steps will be to convert the bench back to a PCI for taking an absorption map of the AQ2 sample.

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KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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SimonZeidler - 12:00, Friday 27 September 2019 (1665)Get code to link to this report
Polarization Maps of Tama-sized Sapphire Sample

Matteo, Simon

attached, please find the maps and the distribution analysis of the polarization measurements on the Tama-sized Sapphire samples from Shinkosha.
The maps are taken with different polaization angles indicated in each figure, with 0 degrees being pure P-polarization.

Obviously, the birefringence effect is relatively homogeneous and divided into three parts with different offsets. The offsets itself may have their origin basically in the non-zero incident angle of the pump-beam.

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R&D (Cryogenic)
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SatoshiTanioka - 18:22, Thursday 26 September 2019 (1663)Get code to link to this report
Cryostat renovatioin

with help of Tomaru-san, Namai-san, Ueda-san from KEK, and Sato-san

We did renovation work of cryostat.
First, we detached the optical breadboard from cold head.
Then we moved cryostat chamber about 80cm to extract cold head, and now that we can implement viewport windows.

Next step is to implement viewports to 80K shield, and install modified 4K shield to the chamber.

The cryostat is located different position temporally.
Cold head was attached to optical table using apiezon grease and indium.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 16:11, Thursday 26 September 2019 (1662)Get code to link to this report
AA quadrant DC signal long term monitor

Yuhang and Yuefan

While designing the telescope of the automatic alignment, we had one question is that how close we could  put the galvo from the quadrant to have decent range. To answer this question, we should at least have the idea how much the reflection beam could move.

So in order to do this, we tried to do a long term monitor of the DC signal of the quadrant without closing the galvo loop.

The problem is that the filter cavity could not stay lock during the time we record the DC signal, so we only could have data of less than one hour.


  • In the first try(fig7), during around 1h of locking, the recombined DC pitch signal has a maximum movement of 0.1, first we tried if we manually moved the beam in pitch to have 0.1 movement, the galvo was totally able to bring the beam back to the center.(fig6) But then we thought maybe it is better to do a rough calibaration to have an idea about how much the beam moved on the quadrant, with the chaning we saw on the dataviewer.
  1. Record the DC pitch and yaw signal with Dataviewer (fig 1), we could see that for pitch and yaw, the reading are both around 0.2.
  2. For the pitch, we record the beam height at that moment by put a ruler in front of the quadrant. The position of the ruler also recorded. (fig 2)
  3. Move the screw of the galvo to move the beam around 1mm in pitch. Actually the movement done by the screw has a coupling between pitch and yaw, but because we are only checking pitch this time, we didn't care about the yaw value changing.
  4. Checking the difference in the signal in Dataviewer again. (fig 3) Pitch moved to 0.1
  5. Starting from the position of last step, where yaw reading is -0.14, Repeat the steps above on yaw (fig 4), then it changes -0.22. (fig 5)

         So the calibration results are like below,        

  Movement on the quadrant Reading change in Dataviewer
pitch 1.47mm 0.1
yaw 1.84mm 0.1
  • For the second(fig8) and third try(fig9), we compared the DC signals with the cavity green power tranmission. There were several short time unlock and relock, so we could see that everytime the cavity relock, it seems lock again at different position. And while the alignment of the cavity is drifting away, the tranmission power is lower and lower, and finally cavity unlock, we could see the DC signals also goes to zero slowly, from this two fact we had some guesses.
  1. Since everytime we tried to overlap the input and reflection green by only checking the viewport, the beam may not always go to the same direction, which results in the reflection beam height changing we obsered yesterday and also in the past weeks. But of course closing the galvo loop could make the situation better, but the galvo mirror is quite small, if the beam pointing change is too much, the beam could totally miss the galvo. So probably we should do another long term monitor with galvo loop close.
  2. What we expected the DC signal should be like when the cavity slowly misalign is that in one or both direction the signal should firstly increase and then a sudden drop to zero when the beam is totally off the quadrant. But what we saw is quite different. After discussing with Matteo and Eleonora, we found out this could  be caused by the fact we didn't normalise the pitch and yaw signal with the total power, so the slowly drop we saw is because the power reduction when the beam is moving out of the quadrant.
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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SimonZeidler - 11:15, Thursday 26 September 2019 (1661)Get code to link to this report
Characterization of Calibration Samples for Sapphire


I finished the spectroscopic measurements of the colored Sapphire samples from 1600 to 300 nm wavelengths (respective figures are attached).

I measured the transmittance (T) and the reflectance (R) for both blue and green sapphire samples, and calculated the absorbance by 1-R-T = A.
In short, the green samples have the lowest absorbance at 1064 nm wavelength (A = 0.05), while the absorbance of the blue ones ranges from 0.143 to 0.158.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuefanGuo - 10:54, Thursday 26 September 2019 (1660)Get code to link to this report
Comment to AA telescope new design works for less astigmatism beam both axises (Click here to view original report: 1659)

This is the scheme of the AA telescope now

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YuefanGuo - 11:30, Wednesday 25 September 2019 (1659)Get code to link to this report
AA telescope new design works for less astigmatism beam both axises

According to the measurement yesterday, we made the new design for the telescope, this time seems we could use one telescope to get gouy phase around 90 degree difference in two axis of the beam.


Firstly, we calculated the reflection beam waist position according to the measuremnt. (colors refer to different curves in last entry)


Measured beam waist

Measured beam waist position (origin @ FI)

Calculated waist of the cavity reflection beam

Calculated waist position of the cavity reflection beam


Axis 1 (blue)





Axis 2 (orange)






The size of the waist in two direction seems much closer than all the measurement we did before.

Then because the space limitation, we fixed the two quadrant position as before, which is around 1.9m and 2.3m from the FI, and both the positions have some margin of 5cm.

The beam we used to first determine the lens is the orange one, because it has smaller divergence than the other one. So with the orange as the initial beam, we tried to put different focal length, and move the lens position to have the beam waist around 2.1m which is in the middle of the two quadrants. By checking the gouy phase difference, we could know that we need longer focal length or shorter.

The final results we got is to put a lens with focal length of 1m, and 0.82m from the FI. 

Then the quadrants information are as below


Distance between the lens and quadrant

Gouy phase on the quadrant

Beam size on the quadrant










Then use the distance to calculate the gouy phase of the other beam axis (blue). By slightly adjusting the lens position and the quadrants position, we could get the gouy phase difference around 90 degree for both axises. In this case the lens position is 0.75m.


Distance between the lens and quadrant

Gouy phase on the quadrant

Beam size on the quadrant

Gouy phase difference

QPD1 (axis 1)





QPD2 (axis 1)




QPD1 (axis 2)





QPD2 (aixs 2)




Comments related to this report
YuefanGuo - 10:54, Thursday 26 September 2019 (1660)

This is the scheme of the AA telescope now

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YuhangZhao - 10:46, Wednesday 25 September 2019 (1658)Get code to link to this report
Green beam height adjustment(between SHG and last steering mirror on bench) and Green beam parameter measurement

Yuefan and Yuhang

We did beam height measurement on the bench and the result is reported here. However, we could see that the beam is still not flat at the height of 76mm. So we adjusted beam height again. After the adjustment, the beam height after AOM and until the last steering mirror is maintained at the level of 76mm.

After this activity, we aligned the filter cavity again. And the reflected green beam seems to be better. We think at this point, we should turn the work to design and implement the final telescope for AA telescope. We also measured the reflected beam. The result is attached and Yuefan will use this result to design the new AA telescope.

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NaokiAritomi - 21:17, Tuesday 24 September 2019 (1657)Get code to link to this report
Comment to OPO escape efficiency issue and HR coating of PPKTP (Click here to view original report: 1559)

Note that if reflectivity of HR coating of PPKTP is 99.995%, we can explain 10% loss from OPO in loss and phase noise measurement.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 17:27, Tuesday 24 September 2019 (1656)Get code to link to this report
Bash script to open/close loops on MEDM

I discussed with Shoda-san and we looked better into the issue about python scritp launching from MEDM (see entry #1651). We couldn' t solve the problem.

So I decided that the best solution is to use only a bash script, as for the moment we simply need to change loops gains.

I prepared two bash scripts to open and close the loops repectively ( open_loops.sh, close_loops.sh), just using "caput" command. The scripts are located in /home/controls/FDSscripts.

I modified the shell command MEDM to launch them and now we can close and open the loops by pressing the button, even when we open MEDM from desktop icon.