KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
SimonZeidler - 11:15, Thursday 26 September 2019 (1661)
Characterization of Calibration Samples for Sapphire


I finished the spectroscopic measurements of the colored Sapphire samples from 1600 to 300 nm wavelengths (respective figures are attached).

I measured the transmittance (T) and the reflectance (R) for both blue and green sapphire samples, and calculated the absorbance by 1-R-T = A.
In short, the green samples have the lowest absorbance at 1064 nm wavelength (A = 0.05), while the absorbance of the blue ones ranges from 0.143 to 0.158.

Images attached to this report
1661_20190926041502_bs1.png 1661_20190926041507_bs2.png 1661_20190926041511_gs1.png 1661_20190926041517_gs2.png