KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
SimonZeidler - 15:20, Friday 27 September 2019 (1667)
Polarization Map for AQ2 Substrate (fused Silica)

Matteo, Simon

attached are the first results of our experimental try to map also the polarization homogeneity of fused-silica substrates.

In total, I think that we can say that the homogeneity is almost perfect. The fluctuations in the map are probably due to fluctuations risen from the input polarization which cannot be filtered out. That would explain at least the stripe-like pattern in the map along the way of the measurement.

Anyway, the next steps will be to convert the bench back to a PCI for taking an absorption map of the AQ2 sample.

Images attached to this report
1667_20190927082041_aq2map20190926pols.png 1667_20190927082046_aq2dist20190926pols.png