R&D (Cryogenic)
SatoshiTanioka - 21:46, Monday 30 September 2019 (1675)
AOM driver installation

I soldered the twisted cables as power supply for AOM driver with two capacitors, 1nF and 100nF, which are implemented for high frequency noise reduction.
Then I connected it to DC power supply and added the DC voltage, 28V.
However, the AOM did not work properly at first.
This was due to the current limit of DC power supply was not enough high.
I increased the current limit, then the AOM driver worked properly.

Then I injected the laser light into the AOM and I could see the diffracted beam as shown in 2nd picture.
I have not yet tuned the shifting frequency, alingment, and so on.
Anyway, I could confirm the AOM can diffract the laser beam.

Images attached to this report
1675_20190930143732_20190930aom.jpg 1675_20190930143736_20190930aom2.jpg