R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 18:52, Wednesday 02 October 2019 (1682)
Looking for dithering error signals in the transmitted power: they are not good

[Eleonora, Matteo]


Excitations are sent in pitch


END MIRROR: 18.5 Hz  

Amplitude: 10000 count

Both lines are well visible in the transmitted power. (Pic1, bottom)


Before the demodulation the transmitted power is filtered with a resonant filter at the modulation frequency (see pic 2-3)

The demodulation phase is chosen by looking at the transfer function between the injected line (seen on the oplev) and the transmitted power. This phase is ~12 deg for both input and end (pic 4-5) 

The demodulated signal is filtered with a first order low pass (simple pole) at 0.3 Hz.

 The spectra of the demodulated signal after and before lowpass look as expected. (Pic 1 top. Blue and Red)


Error signals are very noisy (see some examples in the attached pdf). To investigate their goodness we have misaligned in turn the input and end mirror of a known amount of counts and measured the change in count of the two error signals. The results are not very clear, nevertheless we have tried to compute a sensing matrix.

  demod INPUT demod ERR
input misaligned -300 1500
end misaligned -700 13000

It seems quite unbalanced and not very reasonable. Another suspicious thing is that error signal behavior is not very reproducible.

It seems they are affected by some variables which we are not considering and controlling.

Images attached to this report
1682_20191002115216_58.png 1682_20191002115356_sigfilter1.png 1682_20191002115404_signfilter2.png 1682_20191002120534_08.png 1682_20191002120539_38.png
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