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KoheiMitsuhashi - 11:11, Wednesday 12 October 2022 (3088)Get code to link to this report
Measured the beam size


I measured the beam size and fitted beam propagation.
When I measured the beam size, I used ND(2.0) filter.
The result of it was as follows and attached.The width of error bar are 2σ.

x[mm] Radius of the beam [mm]
447 0.1518±0.0040
465 0.1480±0.0022
488 0.1629±0.0033
507 0.1819±0.0027
514 0.2059±0.0035
530 0.2306±0.0029
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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 17:00, Saturday 08 October 2022 (3086)Get code to link to this report
Laser current dependent beam size variation

Attached figure 1 is a characterization of laser current dependent beam size measurement. The measurement is done at a point shown in the attached figure 2.

There was two abrupt beam parameter change points. They coincides with the change of half wave plate before Faraday isolator, which is used to reduce laser power going to the beam profiler. It seems that there is also depdence of the measured beam size on this half wave plate. Or maybe the measurement depends on the laser power going to the beam profiler. A slightly more investigation would be better.

The half wate plate angle was originally 38 degrees. 

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 00:19, Saturday 08 October 2022 (3085)Get code to link to this report
Wired beam size behavior and new beam parameter measurements after EOM replacment

Yuhang and Marc

As reported in the last logbook 3084, where we found the beam size changed significantly. Fortunately, we have a reported beam parameter measurement four years ago (logbook 1079). Thus, to compare, we measured again the beam parameter (relative to the first hole after the 2-inch BS). The new measurement is shown in Fig.1. According to this new measurement, we made a comparison of beam waist positions on the scheme as Fig. 2. We note that although the beam waist position is measured to be very different, the beam waist size is the same as before.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 22:50, Friday 07 October 2022 (3084)Get code to link to this report
Replacement of main laser old Newport EOM with a new QUBIG wedged crystal EOM

Yuhang and Marc

It was verified in logbook 3081 that the main laser EOM (as shown in the attached figure) was introducing significant amount of phase noise for the squeezing measurement. However, a better way of reducing the modulation caused by EOM is to use mode cleaner to reduce it. For instance, the new EOM has modulation frequency of 88MHz, which will be filterted out with a factor of about 4000.

r1 = r2 = 0.992

fin = np.pi*np.sqrt(r1*r2)/(1-r1*r2)

l = 0.5844

FSR = c/l

spac = 88e6/FSR

r1 = 0.992
r2 = 0.992
fin = np.pi*np.sqrt(r1*r2)/(1-r1*r2)
l = 0.022+np.sqrt(0.281**2+0.011**2)*2
FSR = c/l
spac = 88e6/FSR
r1 = 0.992
r2 = 0.992
fin = np.pi*np.sqrt(r1*r2)/(1-r1*r2)
l = 0.022+np.sqrt(0.281**2+0.011**2)*2
FSR = c/l
spac = 88e6/FSR

1/(1+4*(fin/np.pi)**2*np.sin(np.pi*spac)**2) = 0.0002449

Thus the phase noise caused by EOM modulation should be removed to a negilible level.

On the other hand, the new wedged EOM will remove residual amplitude modulation. However, the old EOM doesn't have wedge so that the introduction of new EOM deflects the laser beam. This causes a substantial alignment change, although we expect small beam path length change. To handle the alignment change, we decide to put the wedge oriented in the horizontal direction. In this situation, the misalignment will happen without causing beam height change. In general, we would like to avoid beam height variation.

For the SHG/BAB path, we could correct alignment change by the 2-inch BS after EOM. For the LO/PLL path, we set up two one-inch mirror with small mirror mount to correct the beam tilt. Using this strategy, we started to align beam again to SHG and IRMC as the first step. In particular, we found that we resulted to have a very large beam in front of SHG by moving just the 2-inch BS to recover alignment. This is out of our expectation because we expect small beam path length change. However, now it seems to be not the situation. To solve this problem, we decided to measure beam parameter again after the 2 inch BS. This measurement will be reported in the next logbook since it's a slightly different topic.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 16:59, Wednesday 05 October 2022 (3081)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Measurement of sqz/asqz when pump power is scanned (Click here to view original report: 3080)

The extracted optical losses and phase noise are 22.51+/-3.49 % and 8.88 +/- 55.25 mrad.

The error bar for phase noise is very large since points are scattered around the fitted curve. Either more precise measurement or more points would help to reduce the error bar.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 16:29, Wednesday 05 October 2022 (3080)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of sqz/asqz when pump power is scanned

Measurement conditions:

MZ 4.6, CC1 44.4 temp 7.165, sqz 110, asqz 160 

MZ 4.7, CC1 51.2 temp 7.172, sqz 125, asqz 180

MZ 4.4,                 temp 7.163, sqz 110, asqz 150

Measurement results:

sqz: 5.41, 6.34, 6.03

asqz: 10.84, 14.63, 16.64

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YuhangZhao - 16:59, Wednesday 05 October 2022 (3081)

The extracted optical losses and phase noise are 22.51+/-3.49 % and 8.88 +/- 55.25 mrad.

The error bar for phase noise is very large since points are scattered around the fitted curve. Either more precise measurement or more points would help to reduce the error bar.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 14:46, Wednesday 05 October 2022 (3079)Get code to link to this report
Comment to investigation of spurious OPO seed from LO (Click here to view original report: 3076)

Marc, Matteo, Yuhang

We found out that we were only rotating the PBS circular dump and not the PBS itself..

We removed the circular dump and could see some beam. After a little realignment of the LO back-reflection to the FI, we measured :

Pinc = 3.54 mW, 12.6 uW and 8.4 uW rejected by the first PBS respectively towards top and bottom, 3.5 mW rejected by the second PBS toward the top and 0.4 uW transmitted by the FI.

This is closer to what we expect, especially because the 8.4 uW and 3.5 mW measured have some error due to space constraints to place the power-meter.

With this measurement, we can estimate the FI isolation to be about 40 dB which is in agreement with the specsheet.

We reinstalled the ND filters on the LO path, realigned the LO into the AMC, removed the steering mirror we used to increase the back-scatter light of LO (ie recovered the usual situation) and measured 3nW incident on the FI. It means that the LO seed should be about 0.3 pW.

Then, we measured the FI transmission using the BAB. We optimized the PLL frequency to be at maximum OPO transmission and got 342 uW incident on FI and 328 uW transmitted.

Finally, we were also able to remove one titled HWP on the squeezing path towards the Homodyne because we were able to use the HWP just after the FI to remove the p pol as seen in the AMC scan.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 11:06, Wednesday 05 October 2022 (3078)Get code to link to this report
Squeezing measurement after reducing the phase modulation on main laser

Yuhang, Marc, Matteo

The main laser phase modulation introduces phase noise for squeezing measurement. This phase modulation is reduced from DDS setting by a factor of 4. Before and after this modulation reduction, we measured squeezing level. The result of squeezing measurement is shown in the attached figures.

Since there are peaks appearing in the squeezing measurement, to compare measuremet in a fair manner, I did an average of data from 9.6kHz to 16kHz for each measurement separately. We see that the squeezing level differs by 0.2dB, it seems that this gain of 0.2dB could come from the reduction of phase noise. To confirm this phase noise, we would make a squeezing measurement at a higher pump power situation (the current measurement used 40mW pump with 4.5 MZ offset). CC1 pk-pk was 41.2mW

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MichaelPage - 14:34, Monday 03 October 2022 (3077)Get code to link to this report
KAGRA filter cavity - TAMA PLL noise

Yuhang and Michael

This measurement is more for the purpose of the KAGRA filter cavity project. We would like to optimise the design of the length control for the filter cavity. This involves setting the parameters of the control loop (bandwidth, filters, RMS noise etc) as well as choosing a control scheme of one of the three available for frequency dependent squeezing (A+ Resonant Locking Field, AdV+ Subcarrier, TAMA CCFC).

The performance of the filter cavity length control is in principle limited by two noise types:

  • backscattering - the length noise of the filter cavity causes fluctutations of incident coherent fields, most notably the residual interferometer dark port power that leaks through the squeezing path Faraday isolators. This light has length noise imprinted on it by the filter cavity which degrades squeezing at frequencies where mirror motion is dominant (~ < 10 Hz). Backscatter can be decreased by increasing the gain or bandwidth of the control loop. However, increasing the gain at low frequency causes issues with stability, and increasing the bandwidth causes issues with...
  • sensing noise - primarily caused by phase (frequency) noise of the voltage controlled oscillator that generates the sensing field for filter cavity locking. The phase noise of the sensing light causes locking fluctuations of the filter cavity length, which in the case of sensing noise can't be suppressed by increasing the gain of the control loop. In the A+ case, the phase noise of the AOMs that generate the resonant locking field is quite severe and the reinjection of sensing noise becomes prominent at and above about 10 Hz.

Changing the control bandwidth will raise one of these noises and lower the other, and the "bucket" is of the order 10-30 Hz for ~ 100m filter cavities with km scale GW detectors. Thus, we would like to measure the frequency or phase noise of the TAMA PLL at low frequency, as a placeholder for the KAGRA filter cavity sensing control noise. The PLL generates a sine wave that is the frequency difference of the main laser and CC/p-pol. Obviously we would like to keep this difference as stable as possible. We can beat this sine wave with a different one in order to check the stability. When the frequency of the signal and LO is the same, provided that the LO is stable enough, the voltage coming out of the mixing between the local oscillator and PLL is proportional to the phase noise. The relevant equations for this principle of measurement are given in Yuhang's thesis, 4.25 to 4.31. By default, we are using 190 MHz for the CC PLL and 250 MHz for p-pol, but the digital system in TAMA can only generate sufficiently clean signals up to 100 MHz. So we lowered them to 50 MHz. 

The spectrum of the phase noise is related to the spectrum of the mixed voltage by:

PSD (rad/rtHz) = PSD (V/rtHz) / Apk^2

Where Apk^2 is the amplitude of the oscillation that occurs when we change the LO by a small amount.

For the actual measurement, I used the P-POL PLL MON channel as the signal and the CC PLL LO (DDS3 board, Channel 0) as the local oscillator. The level of the DDS3 Ch0 output at 50 MHz was found to be 7.61 dBm after removing the attenuator that is normally attached to it. The signal and LO were send to a small mixer. By setting DDS3 Ch0 to 50.0001 MHz, the Apk is found to be 0.083 V. Then, resetting it back to 50 MHz, the signal and LO are combined at the mixer to give the phase noise spectrum. Of course, you should make sure that the PLL has remained locked throughout the measurement :).

Figure 1 shows the spectrum of PLL phase noise. Figure 2 shows a previous measurement from Yuhang's thesis. In general seems mostly consistent but I think we have more noise in the tens of Hz band right now.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 15:46, Saturday 01 October 2022 (3076)Get code to link to this report
investigation of spurious OPO seed from LO

Marc, Yuhang

As described in McKenzie PhD, a possible coupling mechanism of pump RIN coupling to squeezing measurement is the presence of a spurious IR seed.

In our case, this could come from spurious LO back-reflected from Homodyne to the OPO or from IR coming from the SHG.

We started investigation on the first case by checking if the FI after the OPO has good attenuation factor.

We removed the Homodyne BS and installed a reflective mirror before the AMC.

We injected BAB and overlapped these 2 beams.

Then, we removed BAB and check the LO power around the FI.

We checked the OPO Trans PD and found really low power. We tuned the steering mirror just before and got TEM00 peak height at about 2V.

We got about 420 uW incident, 400 uW reflected (to the top) but only 10 nW transmitted... Despite alignment tuning we could not find where the missing 20uW are..

We removed the OD filters on the LO path but we had similar power ratio.

We tried to tune the polarizer of the FI (furthest from OPO) by about 20 deg but the transmitted power did not change at all...

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MarcEisenmann - 14:46, Wednesday 05 October 2022 (3079)

Marc, Matteo, Yuhang

We found out that we were only rotating the PBS circular dump and not the PBS itself..

We removed the circular dump and could see some beam. After a little realignment of the LO back-reflection to the FI, we measured :

Pinc = 3.54 mW, 12.6 uW and 8.4 uW rejected by the first PBS respectively towards top and bottom, 3.5 mW rejected by the second PBS toward the top and 0.4 uW transmitted by the FI.

This is closer to what we expect, especially because the 8.4 uW and 3.5 mW measured have some error due to space constraints to place the power-meter.

With this measurement, we can estimate the FI isolation to be about 40 dB which is in agreement with the specsheet.

We reinstalled the ND filters on the LO path, realigned the LO into the AMC, removed the steering mirror we used to increase the back-scatter light of LO (ie recovered the usual situation) and measured 3nW incident on the FI. It means that the LO seed should be about 0.3 pW.

Then, we measured the FI transmission using the BAB. We optimized the PLL frequency to be at maximum OPO transmission and got 342 uW incident on FI and 328 uW transmitted.

Finally, we were also able to remove one titled HWP on the squeezing path towards the Homodyne because we were able to use the HWP just after the FI to remove the p pol as seen in the AMC scan.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 19:04, Thursday 29 September 2022 (3074)Get code to link to this report
Checking the PDH signal demodulated at the refection of GRMC at 15.2MHz and 78MHz

In the past, we always demodulate the reflection of GRMC at 78MHz to get PDH and lock GRMC. However, the 15.2MHz modulation on the main laser which is well within the linewidth of SHG, which makes this 15.2MHz modulation present also on green. To check what is the quality of this modulation, we did a demodulation of GRMC reflection at 15.2 MHz today.

The PDH demodulated at 15.2MHz and 78MHz are shown in attached figures. We can see that the PDH at 15.2MHz is even larger than the signal at 78MHz. This indicates that the SHG process seems not to degrade the sideband of green. This could make the lock of GRMC easier in the future.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 17:14, Wednesday 28 September 2022 (3072)Get code to link to this report
LO RIN and phase noise coupling to squeezing measurement

Marc, Yuhang

We investigated the possible RIN and phase noise coupling from the LO to the squeezing measurement.

Pump RIN :

To make this measurement, we injected 900mVPk of white noise to IRMC.

Results are attached in the first 5 figures. We can see a huge degradation of the squeezing level below 8kHz. However, the coherence is quite low (about 0.4).

In the 5th figure we also showed the contribution of this noise to the squeezing level but the shape is too different to precisely estimate the 'real squeezing' we are generating.

Pump phase noise :

To make this measurement, we injected 20mVPk of white noise to CC2.

Results are attached in figure 6 to 11.

This time, there seems to be no contribution to the squeezing measurement.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 17:00, Wednesday 28 September 2022 (3071)Get code to link to this report
pump RIN and phase noise coupling to squeezing

Marc, Yuhang

We investigated the possible RIN and phase noise coupling from the green pump to the squeezing measurement.

Pump RIN :

We repeated the measurement of elog 3065 but injected this time larger noise (400mVPk instead of 100mVPk).

Results are attached in the first 5 figures. The results are compatible with the previous measurement : to match the projection of pump RIN to our estimation of classical noises, we should have about 9.4dB of squeezing instead of the 6dB that we are seeing at high-frequencies.

Pump phase noise :

To make this measurement, we injected 20mVPk of white noise to CC1.

Results are attached in figure 6 to 11.

This time, we can see a broadband degradation of the squeezing level (by at least 2dB). However, the coherence is really low between our excitation and the squeezing measurement..

Also, it seems that the contribution of pump phase noise create some similar pattern to the contribution of pump RIN to the squeezing measurement..

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 16:43, Wednesday 28 September 2022 (3070)Get code to link to this report
unaccessible PC + loud noise from DDS

Marc, Yuhang

These past days it was not possible to access the clean room pc from remote.

We found out that the was turned off, the DDS was emitting a really loud noise and lasers were all off.

It might have been caused by the typhoon this past week-end which might have created some electricity shut-down.

We restarted the pc and DDS rack before reloading the appropriate configuration files.

Everything seems fine for now.

R&D (Cryogenic)
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KoheiMitsuhashi - 22:15, Saturday 24 September 2022 (3069)Get code to link to this report
RF driver test

I checked the RF driver(1080AF-AEN0-2.5) working in atc.

Tuning Voltage was fixed 10V, and Analog input was set from 0.1V to 1.0V.
I recorded voltage and frequency of AO Modulator, and also recorded voltage and ampere of Power Supply.
Before recording it , I ran electricity only from Power Supply for 5 minute to warm up the RF driver.
And I used a 20dB/50OHM attenuator(Mini-Circuits model CAT-20) to prevent the oscilloscope from saturating.

The result about Analog input and AO Modulator was as follows.

Analog input
AO Modulator
AO Modulator
100 93±1 81.46±0.24
200 190±3 81.20±0.66
300 285±2 81.13±0.22
400 385±5 81.00±0.27
500 478±6 81.15±0.23
600 567±9 81.09±0.13
700 665±3 80.89±0.22
800 759±6 80.97±0.14
900 852±3 81.10±0.19
1000 938±11 81.08±0.32

I graphed and fitted linearly with respect to voltage of the AO Modulator and voltage of the Analog input.
The figure was attached. The width of error bars is 1σ.

The result about Analog input and Power Supply was as follows.

Analog input
Power Supply
Power Supply
100 2804±5 0.659±0.002
200 2804±5 0.654±0.001
300 2808±4 0.649±0.001
400 2808±5 0.645±0.005
500 2804±5 0.638±0.001
600 2812±7 0.634±0.001
700 2808±7 0.629±0.001
800 2808±7 0.627±0.001
900 2808±7 0.624±0.001
1000 2808±7 0.625±0.001
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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 13:38, Thursday 22 September 2022 (3068)Get code to link to this report
FIS measurement (3)

Marc, Yuhang


First, we checked BAB and LO alignment inside the AMC.

LO mode-matching is about 99.9% and BAB is 99.12 +/- 0.3 %.

We measured visibility by installing a PD before the AMC and got 95 +/-1.7 %, but we expect to find same value as mode-mismatch into the AMC..

We then measured the visibility directly from the homodyne and got 98.1 +/- 0.4%.

While this value is closer, there is still some discrepancy and we are not so sure about the reason for that.

We measured squeezing and anti-squeezing with higher pump power (45mW, 50 mW, 55 mW).

The result is attached in figure 1.

From the fit, we have optical losses = 20.74 +/- 1.16 % and phase noise = 34.64 +/-3.15 mrad.

We tuned PLL frequency and OPO temperature before each measurement but forgot to record their values..

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NaokiAritomi - 18:42, Wednesday 21 September 2022 (3067)Get code to link to this report
Comment to All the RF signal frequencies we have in our squeezer (Click here to view original report: 3066)

DDS RF channels are summarized in elog1488.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 18:38, Wednesday 21 September 2022 (3066)Get code to link to this report
All the RF signal frequencies we have in our squeezer

This information is summarized in my Ph.D. thesis Appendix B. I take them and put them here in a table.

second harmonic generator 15.2 MHz
mode cleaner 532nm 78 MHz
bright alignment beam 15.2MHz
p-pol laser 190 MHz to 270 MHz
cc laser 7 MHz
mode cleaner 1064nm 15.2 MHz
cc laser 2 14 MHz
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NaokiAritomi - 18:42, Wednesday 21 September 2022 (3067)

DDS RF channels are summarized in elog1488.

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YuhangZhao - 18:10, Wednesday 21 September 2022 (3065)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of pump relative intensity noise coupling to squeezing

Yuhang and Marc

As reported in logbook3064, the noise coupling from 532nm pump relative intensity noise (RIN) to anti-squeezing was characterized. In this logbook, we report the same noise coupling way, but it's from RIN to squeezing.

For two situations of no noise sent to MZ and 100mV sent to MZ, we measured four spectra, including RIN spectrum, squeezing spectrum, transfer function spectrum (from RIN to squeezing), coherence spectrum. The comparison of each spectrum in the two situations is shown in attached figure 1 to 4.

We can see that the noise injection is coherent below about 10kHz. So the transfer function measurement should be reliable below this frequency. Therefore, we take the measured transfer function when 100mV is sent to MZ for calculation in the next step.

The next step calculation is firstly a subtraction of measured squeezing spectrum (orange in Fig. 5) and expected squeezing level (black in Fig. 5). This expected squeezing level is an estimation of a constant value of 6.4 dB since squeezing is frequency independent, considering the flat region of measured squeezing spectrum above 20kHz. The result of the subtraction is the green curve in Fig. 5, which should represent all the calssical noise, such as homodyne electronic noise, pump amplitude/phase noise, and LO amplitude/phase noise. On the other hand, we use the transfer function to transfer the RIN, measured when no noise is sent to MZ, to squeezing measurement. Thus we get the blue curve in Fig. 5, which should represent the classical noise coming from the pump amplitude noise (RIN). However, we see in Fig. 5 that the green curve is even lower than the blue curve, which seems not very reasonable for me since total noise (green) should not be smaller than a signle noise component (blue).

To solve the mismatch of green and blue curves issue in Fig. 5, we adjusted the expected squeezing level by hand to 9.4 dB. Then we get Fig. 6 which makes the derived total noise (green curve) overlap with a single RIN noise (blue curve) at peaks around 10kHz. We should note that this is just a guess of squeezing level of 9.4dB, but it could explain better the classical noise coupling to squeezing. The green curve has some frequency regions higher than the blue curve, which could be also reasonable if the pump phase noise, LO amplitude/phase noise can contribute to that. However, the noise contribution from these other noise sources needs to be verified.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 14:50, Friday 16 September 2022 (3064)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of pump relative intensity noise coupling to anti-squeezing

Yuhang and Marc

It was found that the relative intensity noise (RIN) contribute substantially to the squeezing noise spectrum, such as the peaks around 10kHz in the squeezing noise spectrum reported in logbook 3062. Thus we suspect that the amount of RIN could limit the squeezing measurement at TAMA.

In my understanding, the RIN could introduce noise through the noise amplification of the bright field of CC sideband. On the other hand, the squeezing field is generated from the DC power of the pump. Therefore, the noise from CC field and RIN should be uncorrelated with the squeezing field.

To investigate the effect of RIN, we took anti-squeezing noise spectrum measurement in two conditions. One is the measurement as usual. In the other condition, we inject 100mV white noise (from ~50 to 51200 Hz) to the 'pertubation in' point of the MZ locking servo. In both condition, we took four measurement. They are the spectrum of anti-squeezing, the spectrum of RIN (without normalization), the transfer function from RIN to anti-squeezing, the coherence between RIN and anti-squeezing.

As a fast analysis, we attach in this logbook the comparison of those spectra. A detailed analysis will follow after considering more carefully the noise coupling mechanisms.

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