R&D (FilterCavity)
MarcEisenmann - 17:14, Wednesday 28 September 2022 (3072)
LO RIN and phase noise coupling to squeezing measurement

Marc, Yuhang

We investigated the possible RIN and phase noise coupling from the LO to the squeezing measurement.

Pump RIN :

To make this measurement, we injected 900mVPk of white noise to IRMC.

Results are attached in the first 5 figures. We can see a huge degradation of the squeezing level below 8kHz. However, the coherence is quite low (about 0.4).

In the 5th figure we also showed the contribution of this noise to the squeezing level but the shape is too different to precisely estimate the 'real squeezing' we are generating.

Pump phase noise :

To make this measurement, we injected 20mVPk of white noise to CC2.

Results are attached in figure 6 to 11.

This time, there seems to be no contribution to the squeezing measurement.

Images attached to this report
3072_20220928101204_losqz.png 3072_20220928101209_lorin.png 3072_20220928101326_locoh.png 3072_20220928101330_lotf.png 3072_20220928101403_loclas.png 3072_20220928101409_cc2sqz.png 3072_20220928101413_cc2pn.png 3072_20220928101417_cc2coh.png 3072_20220928101425_cc2tf.png 3072_20220928101431_cc2class.png