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IreneFiori - 11:07, Friday 10 May 2019 (1343)Get code to link to this report
low frequency spectrum of homodyne (squeezing off)

Eleonora, Irene, Yuhang, Federico

Yesterday we took a high resolution spectrum of the homodyne signal (no squeezing): this is shown in Figure 1.

Above 1kHz the spectrum is quite flat at around -134dBV/sqrt(Hz). Instead below 1kHz some clear structures appear. Below 10Hz the spectrum is rising with no clear structure. In Figure 2 we marked some of these peaks.

Some of these peaks we recognize from May 7th investigation (logbook 1336): 13.6Hz looks the table horizontal resonance, 24.6Hz and 49.25Hz are the scroll pump, 603Hz (turbo pump). Peaks at 33.75 and 67.6 (looks its harmonics) are not known.

We then put the accelerometer on the homodyne box and measured coherence with the homodyne signal. This is in figure 3 and figure 4. In Figure 4: we see coherence with some narrow peaks (possibly originated by something like a fan?) plus the turbo pump (603Hz) and some large coherence around 640Hz and some reasonable coherence around 577Hz, however the accelerometer has no associated peak at these same frequencies, so we would conclude these are not resonant mode of the homodyne box (see also figure 10 of  1336).

The closest match is with the "no-piezo mount" we measured yesterdy (resonant mode 576Hz, see figure 8 of 1336).

NOTE: this frequency (around 576Hz) should be typical first resonant mode of all NO-PIEZO mounts - there are several. While, PIEZO mounts have first resonance mode around 470-500Hz. Then mounts seem to have higher resonant modes up to 2kHz or so.

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Comments related to this report
NaokiAritomi - 15:46, Friday 10 May 2019 (1344)

Thank you a lot for your work. 

I want to know the reason why the homodyne noise is improved from before.

Alignment of homodyne is improved? or something environment is changed? 

YuhangZhao - 18:27, Friday 10 May 2019 (1345)

I think there are mainly two points:

1. Turn off fan of clean room. Especially it brings noise around 20Hz. It is roughly the corner frequency where our spectrum starts to go up(from 20Hz to 0Hz, spectrum goes up). And also some other noise around low frequency region.

2. Maybe common noise rejection is also better. Everytime we make measurement, we make sure it is good.

Federico Paoletti - 19:00, Friday 10 May 2019 (1347)


3. The spectrum is plotted with poor resolution, so another reason could be that at low frequency nearby lines are "grouped" and the baseline seems higher.

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YuhangZhao - 02:39, Friday 10 May 2019 (1342)Get code to link to this report
Some coherent measurement between squeezing and many others

Irene, Federico, Eleonora, Yuhang

Turbopump's 603Hz is everywhere.

Fig1-2: acoustic spectrum(fan on and off). From these two figures, we can see the clean room fan brings some narrow and broad peaks. The obvious narrow peaks are 22Hz and 386Hz. We could also see some broaden part around 60-110Hz and 330-470Hz.

Fig3: squeezing and acoustic coherence check. The acoustic coupling is everywhere. Some high and meaningful coherence peaks are 313Hz, 453Hz, 526Hz, 756Hz, 1008Hz, 1524Hz.

Fig4-5: squeezing and homodyne box vibration coherence check. Above around 2kHz, there is almost no coherence. Below 1.6kHz, at 24.5Hz(also harmonic), there is some coherence. And it should come from scroll pump. Also 134Hz, 140Hz, there is coherence. Also 281Hz, which comes from the resonance of the homodyne box. Also 516Hz, 533Hz, 591Hz, 757Hz.

Fig6: squeezing and IR phase shifter coherence check. Resonance around 468Hz gives rise to the noise level of squeezing. Other narrow peaks should come from other vibration sources.

Fig7: squeezing and GR phase shifter coherence check. The resonance of the GR phase shifter affects squeezing less. Maybe this is related to the high Finesse of GRMC.

Fig8-9: horizontal and vertical vibration on the top of the bench and coherence with squeezing noise. Horizontal contains 533Hz, 313Hz, 685Hz. Vertical coupling is not so severe.

Fig10-11: squeezing and rack coherence check. It contains 416Hz, 694Hz, 758Hz(from new spectrum analyzer), 833Hz, 878Hz.



1. We could see a broad peak at around 9kHz. The peak around 20kHz is not analyzed with enough resolution.

2. The noise of the squeezing part is quite broad. But the acoustic and vibration effects cannot explain all the broad rise of squeezing noise level. There should be other noise sources.



1. We should check the acoustic spectrum at a higher frequency region.

2. For peaks related to mirror mounts and homodyne box, we should be able to remove it if we float bench. For acoustic noise, we should cover bench.

3. Check homodyne sub-DC spectrum up to 50k.

4. There are broad peaks around 800Hz, 640Hz. We should find out where is it from.

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YuhangZhao - 00:13, Friday 10 May 2019 (1340)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of new squeezing level

After having a better matching of homodyne, we tried to measure the squeezing level before the golden week. However, we failed because of misalignment of homodyne. Besides, we also changed green power to 40mW.

We have a better squeezing level, which is 4.4dB.

We can also see we have two main peaks in this plot. One is around 9kHz and the other is around 20kHz.

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IreneFiori - 18:52, Thursday 09 May 2019 (1338)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Preliminary measurements of mounts and bench vibration (Click here to view original report: 1336)
In plots 6 to 10 the calibration of vertical scale is wrong by a factor 10: to really have m/s2 numbers should be multiplied by 10. Plots 1 to 5 are correct.
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FedericoPaoletti - 10:38, Thursday 09 May 2019 (1336)Get code to link to this report
Preliminary measurements of mounts and bench vibration

Eleonora, Eleonora, Irene, Yuhang, Federico

Day one: first measurements on "in-air" bench and on some (supposed) critical optical devices/mounts.

We used an accelerometer Wilcoxon 731 (low frequency, low noise) for bench measurements, and a PCB 352C68 (low weight - see photos) for optical mounts.


Bench characterization (accelerometer placed in horizontal and vertical over the bench; later over a top cover).

In fig.1 we see a main horizontal bench mode at 13.5Hz

In fig.2 we see some vertical mode of the bench (broad, not well defined) around 45Hz

In fig.3 we see a comparison (vertical only) between floor and bench acceleration: they are quite similar except the 45Hz region that is a bit amplified on bench as expected because of the resonance. We also notice a line at 26.75 that goes on/off, maybe is some devices into the building.

In fig.4 Bench lines at 24.75Hz and 49.5Hz are due to the vacuum Scroll pump always running near the bench.

In fig.5 we tapped ont the top panel (bench cover) and we excited a fundamental mode (drum?) at 4.5 Hz with harmonics.


Optical mounts characterization (accelerometer clamped on devices using some dedicated harware - if you need it in Italy, ask for a "fattapposta" - see photos)

In fig.6 "Infrared Phase shifter" (Coherent Control) placed horizontal, tapping on the bench we excited a resonant mode of this mount at 468Hz

In fig.7 the same but with the accelerometer placed in vertical, broad structures excited (one around 1212Hz and one around 1748Hz)

In fig.8 accelerometer horizontal on a similar mount but without the piezo: we excited a structure at 576Hz (very near to the 604Hz coming from the many turbo vacuum pumps)

In fig.9 "Green Phase shifter" (Coherent Control) placed horizontal, tapping on the bench we excited resonant modes at 500Hz, 1144Hz, 1584Hz

In fig.10 we placed the accelerometer horizontal (well, in line with the PD box) on the "homodyne" and we excited modes at 132Hz, (maybe) 281Hz, 393Hz, 508Hz


Preliminary conclusions:

It seems some optical devices are sensitive to vibrations, and moreover some eigenfrequencies are present also in quiet seismic spectra.

The bench has its own "natural" frequencies 813.5Hz horizontal, 45Hz vertical).

Mounts have their own frequencies above 100Hz (see the numbers quoted above).

Some external noise sources (Scroll Pump, Turbo Pump, etc) come to the bench via direct coupling and/or air coupling; worth to suspend it with air legs and close it with the 1cm thick panel covers.

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Comments related to this report
IreneFiori - 18:52, Thursday 09 May 2019 (1338)
In plots 6 to 10 the calibration of vertical scale is wrong by a factor 10: to really have m/s2 numbers should be multiplied by 10. Plots 1 to 5 are correct.
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YuhangZhao - 10:00, Wednesday 08 May 2019 (1334)Get code to link to this report
One of the high voltage drivers is broken

Yuhang and Federico

We found one of the high voltage drivers is broken. It is the high voltage driver for IRMC.

Federico checked the circuit inside. The regulator part of this machine is broken.

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YuhangZhao - 23:28, Saturday 27 April 2019 (1333)Get code to link to this report
Try to float our bench(by using s-2000 stabilizer)

Matteo, Takahashi, and Yuhang

We connected the translucent tubing to each leveling valves. We also connected each valve to each isolator through the grey tube(One of them is from the valve to the 'Tee' and use translucent tubing between the 'Tee' and either isolator). We also found an isolated air compressor which can continuously provide air. Although the compressor is quite noisy, we could put it far away in the future.

However, before going on, we have a to-do list:

1. To buy an air regulator filter(ARF) https://www.newport.com/p/ARF

2. To evaluate the required pressure. To evaluate this value, we need to know the weight of the part above isolators including breadboard, all the optical components, and the shield box. Up to now, I don't know how to evaluate it. The formula is ((weight(in pounds)/103.6)+10) psig.

3. To check if the center of gravity of the part above isolators is higher than B/2 or 3B/4. B is the distance between the longer leg distance.

4. To consider how to deal with the exhaust air from valves. Now all of them are closed. Since our bench is inside the clean room, we should find a way to evacuate it.

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YuhangZhao - 23:14, Friday 26 April 2019 (1332)Get code to link to this report
Visibility and measurement of squeezing

Aritomi and Yuhang

Today we measured the visibility in a more precise way. Because we use PD and we could fix it and measure it for a longer time. Then we take the mean value of two beams power.

After the improvement of BAB to AMC matching, we did this and the result is shown in the attached figure.

Then we tried to measure squeezing. However, we could measure only roughly 3dB of squeezing. And then we checked the visibility. It is only about 88% at the time of measurement. So in principle, we should see more squeezing. But unfortunately, we have again the misalignment of the homodyne. Then I checked these two beams with AMC. I found out both of BAB and LO were misaligned.

We will measure again after the alignment of homodyne. We still don't know why this alignment can be so easy to be misaligned! We had visibility of 99% before all the measurement and then we found 88% after a not decent measurement. This happens within 5 hours!

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YuhangZhao - 22:54, Friday 26 April 2019 (1331)Get code to link to this report
The leaking pipe was repaired

Yesterday, I found the leaking pipe around the tank in TAMA central area storage room. Today Takahashi-sensei came here and repaired it. We found there is a hole on the pipe. We cut the broken part and reconnect the shorted pipe back to the original position.

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YuhangZhao - 22:49, Friday 26 April 2019 (1330)Get code to link to this report
The old air conditioning system is for back up

As pointed out by Takahashi-sensei, the old air conditioning system is just used for backup. In the future please use only the new airconditioning system.

As shown in the attached picture, the old air conditioning system has some problems.

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YuhangZhao - 13:27, Friday 26 April 2019 (1329)Get code to link to this report
Iris and black wall set up for avoiding scattering light

I put two irises.

One is before the half wave plate and along the squeezing path.(Shown in the attached figure 1 and 2) As you can see this iris equips with a rotateable blocker. We chould also use this block or unblock the beam.

The other is just before homodyne's BS along the LO path.(Fig 3)

I also put a black wall to block scattering lignt.(Fig 4)

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NaokiAritomi - 07:57, Friday 26 April 2019 (1328)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Improvement of BAB matching to AMC up to 99.5% (Click here to view original report: 1326)

Good work! By the way, loss is visibility**2 so loss will improve by ~9%.

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YuhangZhao - 23:41, Thursday 25 April 2019 (1326)Get code to link to this report
Improvement of BAB matching to AMC up to 99.5%

By moving the lens position, I could improve the matching from OPO transmission(BAB) into AMC to a decently high level. This will improve our losses situation by roughly 4.5%. Before, the matching of this beam was roughly 95%. Now it is (1.3680-0.0068)/1.3680 = 99.50%

In the attached figure 2, there is some residual s-pol(actually it is p-pol, but we put a half-wave plate. So this residual beam becomes p-pol when it arrives AMC). But it comes from the defect of PBS.

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Comments related to this report
NaokiAritomi - 07:57, Friday 26 April 2019 (1328)

Good work! By the way, loss is visibility**2 so loss will improve by ~9%.

R&D (Cryogenic)
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SatoshiTanioka - 11:43, Thursday 25 April 2019 (1325)Get code to link to this report
Swapping mirror

This entry is a log on Apr. 23.
I swapped the mirror to PBS for splitting beam into TEM00 path and HOMs path.
TEM00 path beam has ~2 mW power with slightly tilted PBS (HOMs has 16.6 mW).
The reason PBS has slightly tilted incident angle from 45 deg is that the PBS is 56 deg Brewster PBS, and very low transmitted power with 45 deg incident angle.

Then I confirmed polarization of both transmitted and reflected beam are not circular polarization.

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EleonoraPolini - 20:37, Wednesday 24 April 2019 (1324)Get code to link to this report
2D graphs for robustness of injection and reflection telescopes

I made the codes on Python to compute the 2D graphs in order to study the robustness of the injection (fig 1) and reflection (fig 2) telescopes, taking into account the correlations moving the two lens.

The mismatch is consistent with the results of entry #1311 and there is a region of positions in which the mismatch is under 10% also for the reflection telescope.

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YuhangZhao - 18:48, Wednesday 24 April 2019 (1323)Get code to link to this report
Squeezing measurement after engagement of cc noise eater

I measured again the squeezing and anti-squeezing after the engagement of cc noise eater. Also, the measurement is done after the implementation of the s-pol GRMC lock. The measurement result is attached.

We could see that we have 3.30dB of squeezing and 16.47dB of anti-squeezing. This precise number is done by averaging the noise spectrum from 30kHz to 500kHz and then subtracting. In the attached figure, we can see there is still a lot of peaks.

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YuhangZhao - 18:45, Wednesday 24 April 2019 (1322)Get code to link to this report
Lock GRMC with s pol again

Since we have enough green power, we decided to use s-pol again. By changing the gain of GRMC and MZ servo, we could lock both of them again. Also, I changed the integrator of MZ.

We could have 50mW of green light going inside OPO as before.

However, I observed a more stable coherent control 1 loop. This is quite beneficial for the future. 

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EleonoraCapocasa - 15:29, Tuesday 23 April 2019 (1320)Get code to link to this report
PR pitch local control loop closed

The pitch local control  loop of PR has been closed.

The mechanical TF and the closed loop TF are shown in pic 1 and 2.  The comparison between the open and closed loop spectrum is shown in pic 3.

UGF is crossed two times at 3Hz and 10 Hz. The phase seems above 50 deg.

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YuhangZhao - 00:30, Tuesday 23 April 2019 (1319)Get code to link to this report
300kHz noise source of homodyne noise spectrum is figured out

Participant: Yuhang, Matteo, Eleonora, Aritomi

We checked many things and want to figure out why we have a 300kHz peak in the spectrum of homodyne.

We tried to remove green by putting line filter(1064nm), tried to investigate the locking of OPO, tried to see the effect of leaked p-pol to homodyne. Finally, we confirmed the problem comes from the coherent control beam directly.

Then we found the noise eater doesn't give any difference when we switch on/off noise eater. So we suspected that this is because we are using not enough power of cc laser. This guess is mainly from the remind of Chienming. Then we tried to increase the cc power. We found the peak disappeared after going beyond a current value of ~1.2A. So we confirmed that increasing the current value above ~1.2A can engage the noise eater.

Then we set the current value of 1.305 and temperature of 34.37 degrees for cc laser. This is done by compromising available ND filters, desirable value 15mW of IR after filters and the avoid of mode hop. As we know, we lose alignment each time after putting the ND filter. We also recovered alignment. The alignment situation is attached in figure 1. We will keep this setting for the future until we find additional problem.

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YuhangZhao - 00:04, Tuesday 23 April 2019 (1317)Get code to link to this report
Phase noise measurement after solving cc PLL loop problem

Participant: Eleonora, Aritomi, Matteo, and Yuhang

Today we found the problem why I can have so large noise of cc-PLL. The reason is fiber PD is broken again. We just swap the PD and we could lock cc PLL very well. After the swap, we measured the beatnote level which is 7dBm now(measured by hp-E4411B, so the real amplitude should be -10dBm). This should be a reference for the future.

Then I measured the phase noise of both loops again. The result is shown in the attached figure 1. As you can see, in this figure, the RMS phase noise of cc PLL is 5mrad. This is 30 times smaller than the previous measurement. (Actually, I made a mistake of estimating the phase noise level of the previous measurement) While the measurement of p-pol PLL shows RMS phase noise of 15mrad, which is 3 times higher than the measurement of Marco.

While I was checking the demodulated beat note of p-pol PLL, I found a very low-frequency oscillation. This is shown in the attached figure 2. We should investigate how to remove this oscillation because it brings us almost 1rad of phase noise, which is a lot.

Next step:

buy new power cable for fiber PD or many batteries.

we should also check the level of p-pol beat note.

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