* 日本語は下にあります

- The delivery service is offered for interferometric data 
  (the service is not offered for single-dish data), excluding 
  Cycle 0 (project codes starting with 2011.X.XXXXX.X)
- Calibrated MS for up to 5 Scheduling Blocks can be requested at one time.
- The product that we will deliver is the outcome of running "scriptForPI.py".
- Notification will be sent as soon as the calibrated MS is ready. 
  Then you will need to download the calibrated MS in 15 days.

FYI, there are calibrated data in the Archive for Cycle 0. 
You can refer the following page on how to deal with Cycle 0 data:

【How to request】
1. Log in to Helpdesk https://help.almascience.org/
2. Create a new ticket by clicking "Submit Helpdesk Ticket"
3. Choose "Archive and Data Retrieval (EA)" as Department
4. Put "Request of calibrated MS" as Subject
5. Choose "Data request (calibrated MS, stale data, calibrator data, 
   or suggestions)" as Sub-category
6. Provide the following information in the box of "Message", 
   then "Submit" the ticket

a. Your affiliation
[example: University of Tokyo] (so that we can check if the institute 
 does not have a network issue with NAOJ etc.)

b. Project Code and SB name of the data
[example: please split Project Code and SB name with a space.
2013.1.00010.S NGC253_a_04_TM1
2013.1.00010.S NGC253_a_07_TM1
2014.1.00020.S NGC1068_a_06_TM1

If you have any questions, please also ask via Helpdesk (https://help.almascience.org/).

- 干渉計データのみを対象としています (単一鏡観測のデータは対象外です)。
 また、Cycle 0(プロジェクトコードが2011.X.XXXXX.Xとなっているもの)は
- 一度にリクエストできるのは、最大 5 個の Scheduling Block までです。
- 配布の準備ができ次第、ダウンロードについてご案内します。ダウンロード
 期間は FTP サーバー上に配布準備ができてから 15 日間となります。

なお、Cycle 0ではキャリブレーション済みデータがアーカイブに格納されています。
Cycle 0データの見方についてはこちらのページが参考になるかと思います:

1. ヘルプデスク (https://help.almascience.org/) へログイン
2. Submit Helpdesk Ticket でチケットを作成
3. "Archive and Data Retrieval (EA)" Department を選択
4. Subjectに "Request of calibrated MS" と記載
5. Sub-categoryとして "Data request (calibrated MS, stale data, 
  calibrator data, or suggestions)" を選択
6. "Message" ボックスに以下を記入して "Submit" する

a. Your affiliation
[example: University of Tokyo] (so that we can check if the institute 
 does not have a network issue with NAOJ etc.)

b. Project Code and SB name of the data
[example: please split Project Code and SB name with a space.
2013.1.00010.S NGC253_a_04_TM1
2013.1.00010.S NGC253_a_07_TM1
2014.1.00020.S NGC1068_a_06_TM1



Last Update: 2023.7.7