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KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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MarcEisenmann - 21:45, Friday 24 September 2021 (2689)Get code to link to this report
Comment to AZTEC sample measurement started (Click here to view original report: 2688)

There might have been some issue with this measurement as after 35h it did not finished..

Today Yuhang kindly went to PCI to reset the parameters (sensitivity = 1 mV for both lockin amplifiers and input A for the one connected to the PC).

We restarted the measurement with HWP = 46 deg (ie incident polarization is p).

The measurement finished and I started with HWP = 91 deg (ie incident polarization s)

Analysis to follow.

KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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MarcEisenmann - 17:11, Wednesday 22 September 2021 (2688)Get code to link to this report
AZTEC sample measurement started

Today I tried to check if I could improve the shielding of the PBS transmission photodiode but it seemed to be already fine like this.

Then, following Simon advices, I tweaked both QWP and HWP at the DC photodiode (s pol) minimum.

In the end, the s pol  is minized for HWP = 46 degrees.


I took some values of AC and DC in different configurations :


without laser

AC= 0.6 V
DC = 0.065 V with lockin = 0.2 uV (sensitivity 30uV)
DC = 0.076 V with lockin = 0.007 mV (sensitivity 1mV)

with laser (~30 mW ie HWP1 = 20 deg) & HWP = 46 deg

AC= 607 V
DC = 0.099 V with lockin = 0.01 uV (sensitivity 1mV)

with AZTEC sample :

AC= 378 V
DC = 0.326 V with lockin = 0.032 uV (sensitivity 30uV)

The AZTEC sample orientation is the same as for the absorption measurement (black dot at the top).

I used the AC (p pol) to find the AZTEC sample center and got Y_center = 327.72 mm and Y_center = 122.825 mm. I didn't tune the Z position which is now 53mm.

The measurement started with Median filter  = 1, average filter = 0, wait time = 500 ms, map radius = 20 mm and step size = 0.1 mm and HWP = 46 degrees (ie p pol maximum).

The measurement should last 4h30. But before leaving PCI room I touched by mistake the lockin sensitivity... so one or two points might be wrong...

I will start other polarizations over the holidays.

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MarcEisenmann - 21:45, Friday 24 September 2021 (2689)

There might have been some issue with this measurement as after 35h it did not finished..

Today Yuhang kindly went to PCI to reset the parameters (sensitivity = 1 mV for both lockin amplifiers and input A for the one connected to the PC).

We restarted the measurement with HWP = 46 deg (ie incident polarization is p).

The measurement finished and I started with HWP = 91 deg (ie incident polarization s)

Analysis to follow.

MarcEisenmann - 00:31, Wednesday 29 September 2021 (2692)

I did a series of measurements while changing the polarization angle by 90 degrees.

I did not recorded the required max/min of s and p polarizations to have accurate calibrations of the measurements.

So today I restarted measurements with incident p pol, s pol and started a 30 degrees polarization angle measurement.

However, there was another WIndows update... As it is not possible (yet?) to fully control the 2 lockin amplifiers from remote, I can not restart the measurement for today.

Furthermore, the HWP2 controller is not recognized by the software after acting strangely in the past days (only jog by 1 degree otherwise it resets the current angle to 0 and still move by 1 degree...)


For the new measurement a possibility could be to start by an absorption measurement before switching to birefringences ones.

This would assure 100 % that the orientation of the sample during all measurements is the same.

MarcEisenmann - 09:23, Wednesday 29 September 2021 (2693)

This morning I put back the correct lockin parameters.


I started a measurement so that the polarization angle is close to 45 degrees.

This time, a new trouble with the HWP appeared : I can change the polarization angle (quite visible from the relative change of the p pol and s pol photodiodes) but the value on the angle value on the Kinesis software does not change.

I'll investigate this issue after all required measurements for this sample are finished.

KAGRA MIR (General)
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MarcEisenmann - 17:58, Tuesday 21 September 2021 (2687)Get code to link to this report
recovery of birefringence setup

Marc, Matteo


Last Friday, we decided to slightly move the optical board hosting the birefringence readout part in order to be able to close the enclosure to reduce possible effects of scattered light.

The flipping mirror to switch to absorption measurement is not reinstalled but it should be straightforward. We checked that it is still possible to move the absorption imaging unit translation stage on all its range with this configuration. nm path but the sensor was too small.

We tried to use the photodiode for the 1310 nm path but the sensor seemed too small (1mm diameter vs 3.6 for the ones we installed). So we used a thorlabs power supply labelled 'broken' for our Thorlabs photodiode and it seemed to work fine (maybe just too noisy?)

In any case we plan to buy 2 new photodiode and 3 new powersupply.

We connected these 2 photodiodes to the lockin amplifier and could get signals.

With 2 optical density (2 and 3) there was no saturation.

We moved the HWP angle between the 2 lenses and confirmed a maximum and minimum for the photodiode in reflection of the PBS separated by 45 degrees.


Today we started by changing the imaging unit PBS post by a more stable one and realigned the 2 photodiodes. This time, the photodiodes have a small angle to limit back-scattering.

Then, we installed walls on the birefringence board before putting the large enclosure and closing its 4 walls.

Then, we tuned the QWP angle so to be at a maximum on one of the 2 photodiode.

Then, we did a scan of the motorized HWP  with incident pump power around 30 mW) and results are reported in the attached figure.

min p pol = -0.16 mV

max p pol = 0.606 V

min s pol = 0.12 mV

max s pol = 0.588 V

where the offset without pump beam is already taken into account (p-pol = 0.6 mV, s-pol = 12 uV)

I guess we could try to add more shielding for the p pol photodiode (ie in transmission of the PBS).

Notes :

Be careful when acting on the QWP as its holder is not so stable !

Only use jog function for motorized HWP otherwise it will reset the current angle value to 0

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KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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MarcEisenmann - 16:31, Friday 17 September 2021 (2686)Get code to link to this report
Comment to birefringence imaging unit in transmission of flipping mirror (Click here to view original report: 2684)

You're welcome.

The input power is 30 mW and can indeed be tweaked with the HWP.

Also, the lockin amplifier settings have not been changed yet.

For the photodiode powersupply we will take the one used for the 1310 nm beam I think.

For the PSDs, one is now used in FC experiment so only one is available.

It seems that with the 100 mm focal length lens, the beam is small enough for the photodiode. And we can also tune their gain.

KAGRA MIR (General)
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SimonZeidler - 22:01, Thursday 16 September 2021 (2685)Get code to link to this report
Comment to birefringence imaging unit in transmission of flipping mirror (Click here to view original report: 2684)

Thanks a lot for the report.

I have some questions. What is the input power of the beam and wouldn't it be possible to further reduce that power by using the HWP right after the fiber-output?
In any case, I remember that we had to use several ND filters as well...

Regarding the power supply of the PD, Can't you use the one from the absorption-PD? I think they are both from TL and the power supply should be the same.
By the way, was there a reason to reject the PSDs which we used in the past?

KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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MarcEisenmann - 18:49, Thursday 16 September 2021 (2684)Get code to link to this report
birefringence imaging unit in transmission of flipping mirror

Following a discussion we had with Matteo and Simon I switch the position of the power meter and the birefringence readout with respect to the flipping mirror.

Meaning that the power meter is now in reflection and birefringence readout is now in transmission. The reason being to avoid possible polarizations issue at this reflection.

Because there is not enough space on the imaging unit, I added a small optical board that hosts all the birefringence readout part.

Just before it, I placed a 1" IR reflective mirror that sends the ir power to the power meter. This mirror is installed on a flipping mount (which was before holding a lens).

On the birefringence board I placed a optical density 3 and its reflection is sent to a vantablack beam-dump (not sure but seems so).

A 100 mm focal length lens coated for green and IR (it is coming from FC experiment) is mounted on a black tube linked to the PBS.

Then, 2 Thorlabs photodiode are looking at its reflection and transmission.

The trouble is that now there is only 1 power supply so we might have to switch one for a PSD.

Also, I tried to connect one photodiode to the lockin amplifier but it was saturating so I will have to add optical densities.

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SimonZeidler - 22:01, Thursday 16 September 2021 (2685)

Thanks a lot for the report.

I have some questions. What is the input power of the beam and wouldn't it be possible to further reduce that power by using the HWP right after the fiber-output?
In any case, I remember that we had to use several ND filters as well...

Regarding the power supply of the PD, Can't you use the one from the absorption-PD? I think they are both from TL and the power supply should be the same.
By the way, was there a reason to reject the PSDs which we used in the past?

MarcEisenmann - 16:31, Friday 17 September 2021 (2686)

You're welcome.

The input power is 30 mW and can indeed be tweaked with the HWP.

Also, the lockin amplifier settings have not been changed yet.

For the photodiode powersupply we will take the one used for the 1310 nm beam I think.

For the PSDs, one is now used in FC experiment so only one is available.

It seems that with the 100 mm focal length lens, the beam is small enough for the photodiode. And we can also tune their gain.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MichaelPage - 16:28, Wednesday 15 September 2021 (2682)Get code to link to this report
OPO replacement - construction

Yuhang and Michael

We completed assembly of the OPO crystal holder. We followed the intstructions from 812, although we were unsure of the orientation of the Peltier and tested it by applying a small (< 1 V) signal using a DC power supply. In this case, the cold side was with the text. The first time we assembled, it was placed the wrong way, so we had to flip the Peltier.

Figures 1-13 show the assembly of the OPO, though many of these are the same in substance as those presented in 812.

1: Incoupler mirror, looking at focus distance of ceiling light
2: Testing the hot/cold side of the Peltier (blank = hot)
3: Copper L placed on top of Peltier, with 0.1mm indium between the two
4: Black dot of OPO indicating the HR side
5: Indium not laying flush against the coppler L. We took off the Macor and made sure the indium was properly pressed against the copper
6: Exit hole of the OPO mount. The black dot is closer to this side
7: Other side of the OPO mount showing the plastic screws holding the Macor/copper L in place
8: Re-assembly of the OPO holder, placing the Peltier the correct way up (note the orientation of the wires)
9: Thermometers connected to the copper L with a mounting plate and screw
10: As above
11: Plastic holder with thermometers and correct Peltier orientation
12: Plastic screws holding the assembly
13: Exit hold of the OPO assembly again

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KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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MarcEisenmann - 20:43, Tuesday 14 September 2021 (2681)Get code to link to this report
birefringence setup almost recovered

Marc, Matteo


Today we first removed the PBS (it was taking too much place and prevented the installation of QWP and HWP).

We tweaked the last lens on the injection (L2) and recovered proper signals using the surface reference sample.

We placed the pinhole and tune its position at the waist (z=41mm) and plus/minus one Rayleigh range (ie Z = 36 and 46 mm). We checked that at these position all the pump power was properly transmitted (ie P_t = P_in = 28.8 mW)

We installed back the PBS and started to try to align it.

It was not possible to recover more than 22 mW. We checked that it was not due to misalignment by moving the pinhole that also gave 22 mW of transmitted power at maximum.

We simulated the effect of the PBS on waist size and position using Jammt : It moves the waist by ~ 10 cm. But this can be recovered by moving L2 by ~1 cm towards the imaging unit.

We did this change and could recover more than 27 mW at the extremum positions of the pinhole.

We then placed the razor blade (that cuts the beam in vertical) so that it is at the center of the pinhole holder.

We wanted to use the Translation_Stage_v3.vi to automatize the measurement but no values except the position changed...

By using the ..._v2.vi we got the beam waist = 33.39 um at z = 40.76 mm (see figure 1).

We reinstalled the surface reference sample and moved the translation stage to 40.8+1.5 = 42.3 mm (to compensate for the 3 mm thickness of this sample) and by tuning the horizontal and vertical screws of L2 we recovered the expected AC value (ie >0.4V).

We reinstalled the QWP and HWP, beam dump in reflection of the PBS and a small one instead of the steering mirror that catches the pump beam reflection from the sample (not enough space with the current holder) as in figure 2.

We did a Z scan of this sample and found R = 18.57 /W.

Either the alignment was the best since few months, either there are some polarizations effects that prevented to reach this value before I guess.

Finally, we started to reinstall the imaging unit part as in figure 3.

The steering mirror that was removed is now placed in front of the high-power power meter to allow for quick switch between absorption and birefringence measurement.

A 2" lens and the PBS inside the black tubing were also installed.

We still have to install ND filters and the 2 photodiodes on the readout path as well as proper walls.

Also, the motorized HWP is not yet connected to PC.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MichaelPage - 15:40, Friday 10 September 2021 (2679)Get code to link to this report
Retrying new Mephisto RIN measurement, comparison with other results

Yuhang and Michael

We measured again the RIN of the new Mephisto laser. The laser was sent to a tilted ND filter (prevents back reflection) -> 75mm focal length lens -> PD. The measurements were taken with the spectrum analyser taken out of the clean room.

The relative intensity noise and PD dark noise are shown in figures 1 and 2 (low freq span, high freq span). The units differ between the curves, though the RIN isn't recalibrated by much - the intensity noise was measured from the PD and then divided by the DC value of 0.89 V. For comparison, the KAGRA HP laser RIN shown in Aso-san's LVK presentation is given in figure 3. The new Mephisto laser at TAMA seems to have better RIN than the "Current" KAGRA laser, but not quite as good as the "New" laser.

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KAGRA MIR (General)
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MarcEisenmann - 15:51, Tuesday 07 September 2021 (2678)Get code to link to this report
start of modification for birefringence measurement

Today I checked the 2 PBS available in PCI.

There is one with label (1064 nm PBS) so I decided to use this one.

I moved it to the mount with the good height but I'll need to print a new label for it.

I measured its transmission to be 166.0 uW with 166.4 uW of incident power.

Actually, it seems that the beam is too large for the small power-meter head as the power is supposed to be 30 mW there...

Anyway I started to tweak the alignment by checking the AC value of the surface reference sample.

Up to now I did not manage to recover proper alignment and it seems that the shape of the AC signal during Z scan is a bit strange (kind of similar to bulk sample...)

Hopefully I'll have a bit more time tomorrow to finish this alignment.

Note that to save time the pump laser is kept on with low power (30 mW)

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 11:34, Monday 06 September 2021 (2677)Get code to link to this report
Comment to SHINKOSHA eval plate #7 absorption measurement started (Click here to view original report: 2674)

I attached the measurement results which gives absorption = 267+/-59 ppm/cm with P_in = 3.745 W and P_t = 3.198W.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MichaelPage - 17:07, Friday 03 September 2021 (2676)Get code to link to this report
OPO replacement - incoupler characterisation

Yuhang and Michael

We did a quick measurement of the new incoupling mirror using the OPO replacement setup in ATC. The incoupling mirror was placed with the convex side facing forward in the mirror mount. The beam was reflected at a low angle (approximately 10 degrees), which is within the specified incident angle tolerance. Reflection and transmission were measured on both faces of the incoupler.

Using thorlabs power meter, we obtained:

Forward mount

Incident =   6.58 mW
Reflected =  6.07 mW (92.2%)
Transmitted = 0.537 mW (8.1%)

Reverse Mount

Incident = 6.64 mW
Reflected = 6.04 mW (91.0%)
Transmitted = 0.535 mW (8.1%)

The power meter is imprecise when being intermittently moved around between measurements - certain beam spot positions around the edge of the power meter seem to record more power (also noted during a previous measurement of OPO nonlinear gain in TAMA)

Very rough measurement obtained by focusing ceiling lights onto the table indicates the focal length to be approximately 15cm.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 18:33, Wednesday 01 September 2021 (2674)Get code to link to this report
SHINKOSHA eval plate #7 absorption measurement started

Today I installed the SHINKOSHA evaluation plate #7 on the translation stage so that the top side of the ingot is facing the laser sources with marking on the right side of the sample looking from the laser source side.

I moved the IU to 62.6 mm to compensate for the thickness.

I checked the X and Y centering using drop of the DC values to ~ 8mV which gave : X_center = 397.466 mm and Y_center = 120.629 mm.

I increased the pump power to ~3W and checked the Z centering at that position from the phase = 0 deg and got Z_center = 53.2 mm.

I also checked the top/ bottom and left/right Z centering over a 120 mm diameter area and found a tilt of this sample in both these directions to be ~ 0.8 mm.

Matteo confirmed that it was small enough to start absorption measurement.

The XY absorption measurement started over a circular area with diameter 120 mm and step size 250 um with P_t = 3.198 W and P_in = 3.745 W

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MarcEisenmann - 11:34, Monday 06 September 2021 (2677)

I attached the measurement results which gives absorption = 267+/-59 ppm/cm with P_in = 3.745 W and P_t = 3.198W.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 16:36, Wednesday 01 September 2021 (2673)Get code to link to this report
Zero baseline drift monitoring

Mainly two mechanisms cause zero baseline drift (ZBD): the birefringence of electro-optic crystal and the etalon effect formed by two parallel end facets of the EOM crystal [Z. Li, et al., Optics Letters, 41, 14, 2016]. The reduction of birefringence effect can be done by controlling modulation voltage or the crystal's temperature [K. Kokeyama, et al., J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31, 81 (2014)].

To monitor ZBD, we can lock cavity on anti-resonance. In this situation, the PDH signal is very much insensitive to phase change. Therefore, the signal magnitude change comes mainly from sideband amplitude change, usually addressed as residual amplitude modulation (RAM). This amount of RAM exists all the time, including the situation when cavity is on resonance. The control loop makes error signal to be zero with such RAM present, which makes the cavity not exactly on resonance. Or we can say RAM introducing detuning for cavity. This is the effect we are interested in. Notably, this effect may appear also for the CCFC control loop, which should be investigated.

We used the method described in the last paragraph to monitor ZBD. Since this effect exists when cavity is on resonance, we use the slope of PDH signal at resonance to calibrate ZBD. In this way, we have the detuning influence cause by ZBD for detuning change. The attached figure (is not yet calibrated), after calibration, shows a ~4Hz detuning change around zero.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 10:55, Wednesday 01 September 2021 (2672)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Tama sample T1 absorption measurement started (Click here to view original report: 2670)

Measurement finished and reported in the 3 attached figures.

I finally choose to use this colormap for all plots as it is (I think) nice looking, color-blind and printing friendly.

Mean absorption seems to be 18+/-5 ppm/cm.

The sample was oriented to have the kanji for 'up' at the top.

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2672_20210901035433_xy.png 2672_20210901035439_xz.png 2672_20210901035645_yz.png
KAGRA MIR (General)
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YuhangZhao - 17:25, Tuesday 31 August 2021 (2671)Get code to link to this report
Two HEPA capsules installed for PCI cleanroom air gun

Two HEPA capsules are installed for the air gun of PCI cleanroom. The maximum air pressure was specified to be 3.4 bar (figure 1). So I adjusted the pressure of the compressed air as attached figure2.

History: Marc found that there is air leakage between the connection part of capsule and tube. The connection was done by only fixing capsule and tube with steel belt. Aso-san put some white sealing tapes in this connection part. The use of sealing tape solves the problem of air leakage.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 10:27, Tuesday 31 August 2021 (2670)Get code to link to this report
Tama sample T1 absorption measurement started

Yesterday I started the measurement of the tama size sample T1.

Thanks to the help of Simon and Matteo I could identify the good sample.

Indeed there are now 2 tama size sample in PCI clean room but one seems to be different (maybe FC mirror?)

The one I installed is the one on the left of entry 301.

However, it seems that this sample creates at least 2 beams in reflection that hit directly the last prism on the probe path before the sample.

In turn, multiple reflections are sent a bit everywhere (but not towards the photo detector).

Using 50 mW of incident pump power I could estimate the power lost in these reflections to be around 10% of the incident power.

Because the sizes of these reflections are quite large, we started the measurement anyway.

These measurements will finish this evening and I will turn off the pump laser at that time.

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MarcEisenmann - 10:55, Wednesday 01 September 2021 (2672)

Measurement finished and reported in the 3 attached figures.

I finally choose to use this colormap for all plots as it is (I think) nice looking, color-blind and printing friendly.

Mean absorption seems to be 18+/-5 ppm/cm.

The sample was oriented to have the kanji for 'up' at the top.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 14:47, Monday 30 August 2021 (2669)Get code to link to this report
AZTEC tama size sample absorption

The 3 measurements (XY, XZ and YZ) have been finished and are reported on the attached figures.

Note that for the XZ and YZ measurements the mean and standard deviation are computed only inside the sample while the contour plot and histogram show the entire measurement.

The results is compatible with previous measurements and gives absorption ~ 60 +/- 5 ppm/cm without peculiar feature on XY plane.

I like a lot the plots in gray scale but I also did the same with colored scale.

I'll upload soon a notebook to do these plots.

The mirror is oriented to have a black dot on the top.

EDIT : changed number of bins in histogram

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MichaelPage - 19:35, Thursday 26 August 2021 (2665)Get code to link to this report
New Mephisto laser at TAMA - initial relative intensity noise test

Yuhang, Michael

We measured the relative intensity noise of the new Mephisto 2W NdYAG laser to be used at TAMA. The laser was sent into a 75mm lens, then a 50:50 beamsplitter going to a photodetector and power meter sensor. The distance between the laser and detectors is fairly short due to the initial divergence of the laser beam. With the photodetector we took the following spectra, while the power meter was used to measure long term power stability. Some ND filters were placed between the laser and beam splitter to counteract saturation of the PD and prevent back reflection into the laser. 

First PD: Thorlabs PDA36A-EC 

Second PD: Qubic PD-AC100-Si 1-100 MHz

Figure 1 shows the low frequency laser RIN at approximately the minimum current required for the laser to start emitting (about 0.8 A), compared to the PD dark noise. The measurement was passed through the Stanford pre-amp at DC coupling and 100 gain.

Figure 2 shows the RIN at different laser current (power). The DC level on the detector changes on the highest two measurements due to the PD saturating. The gain on the pre-amp was reduced by a factor of half for the highest two current measurements. Due to the PD reading being close to the noise floor, this may be responsible for the jump between the levels of the measurements between different pre-amp gain values.

Figure 3 shows the effect of activating the noise eater. In our first measurement its effect only became noticeable at laser current > 1.55 A.

Figure 4 shows the predicted frequency dependence of RIN from the Coherent Mephisto manual. Ideally the noise eater suppresses the large peak and reduces the 10k-100kHz noise floor by ~15 dB. We don't see much if any of the latter effect though. It seems like the low frequency signal is too close to the detector noise level. The levels are a bit different from the measured results - I didn't apply normalization to the measurements from the spectrum analyzer readings, but the relative values for noise eater on/off are what is important.

To follow up, we tried changing the preamp gain settings and changing the spectrum analyser coupling from DC to AC to see if we could get better SNR. The Stanford pre-amp was close to saturating though.

Figure 5 shows the result of increasing the PD gain and optimising the pre-amp settings. We can get a bit more clearance from the PD dark noise versus figure 1, but still less than desireable.

We then tried to do another measurement using the second PD, but it seemed like it had more dark noise than the Thorlabs one just from inspection on the oscilloscope. The Qubic PD is AC only, but we couldn't see anything on the oscilloscope when applying 1-10 kHz modulation, just ~ 5 mV rms noise.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 16:50, Thursday 26 August 2021 (2668)Get code to link to this report
Kasi absorption measurement started

Today I checked the bulk reference and got : R_bulk = 0.7527 cm/W (note that in this case I moved the IU by 0.32 mm)

With laser diode current of 6A I set up the HWP so to have P_in = 7.072W.

Using the DC values drop, the Kasi sample center positions are : X_center = 329.62 mm and Y_center = 122.81 mm.

The Zaber limits have been changed accordingly with some margin to check the incident power from remote.

I did a long Z scan and used the phase transition to get the center Z position at Z_center = 64.1 mm.

I realigned the DC at this position and started a circular map in the XY plane with parameters :

X = X_center, Y=Y_center, Z =Z_center, 20 mm radius, 0.1 mm step size, 500 ms waiting time, median/average filter order 5 and sensitivity = 5mV (ie 5 nA).

Preliminary absorption is : 75 ppm/cm (coherent with previous measurement)

with :

AC =4.6e-4 V
DC = 4.144 V
P_in = 7.074 W
P_t = 6.096 W
T_sample = P_t/P_in;

All measurements should be finished tomorrow.