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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcoBazzan - 19:54, Monday 04 February 2019 (1201)Get code to link to this report
Sapphire Namiki 1inch x 20mm
Members: Marco Bazzan, Manuel

We aligned the red probe with the surface reference sample.
Then we calibrated the bulk absorption.
Ac= 0.1V; DC=4.75V. T_ref=55%
R=0.1/4.75/0.032/sqrt(0.55)/1.04=0.85 cm/W

at 17:45 - Mounted the Namiki sapphire sample
Imaging unit position corrected for sample thickness by Delta_z = 8.6 mm
Rised the power to 1 W by rotating the IPC HWP

Although noisy, we can observe an absorption profile by scanning the sample along z (see first screenshot). The profile is confirmed by flipping the sample (see second screenshot).

AC max = 250uV
Max absorption level estimate:

250/5/1/sqrt(0.86)/R*3.34 = 212 ppm/cm

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Comments related to this report
MarcoBazzan - 16:55, Monday 18 February 2019 (1220)
After this measurements, the power was rised to 10.6 W on the sample and a set of measurements wee performed (scan XZ, YZ, XY top, XY bottom).

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NaokiAritomi - 18:44, Monday 04 February 2019 (1200)Get code to link to this report
PLL fiber coupling
[Aritomi, Yuhang, Marco]
Here is the summary of PLL fiber coupling now.
ML-AUX1: 3 mW → 500 uW, coupling: 0.5*2/3 = 33%
ML-AUX2: 3.6 mW → 560uW, coupling: 0.56*2/3.6 = 31%
CC: 4 mW → 600 uW, coupling: 0.6*2/4 = 30%
p pol: 4.7 mW → 1.3 mW, coupling: 1.3*2/4.7= 55%
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NaokiAritomi - 23:20, Friday 01 February 2019 (1199)Get code to link to this report
Re-alignment of fiber for PLL and fiber fluctuation
[Aritomi, Yuhang]
Today while working on coherent control PLL, the mirror for ML PLL shown in an attached figure moved because the clamp for this mirror was actually loose.
So we have to re-align the fibers for ML PLL.
Today we aligned only ML-p pol fiber. The result is as follows.
Before fiber: 3.7 mW
After fiber and fiber BS: 550 uW 
Fiber coupling: 0.55*2/3.7 = 30%
We'll align ML-CC fiber next week.
We also found that the output of the fiber for ML-CC PLL fluctuates a lot.
We'll investigate the reason of this fluctuation.
Today while working on coherent control PLL, the mirror for ML PLL shown in an attached figure moved because the clamp for this mirror was actually loose.
So we have to re-align the fibers for ML PLL.
Today we aligned only ML-p pol fiber. The result is as follows.
Before fiber: 3.7 mW
After fiber and fiber BS: 550 uW 
So the fiber coupling for ML-p pol is 0.55*2/3.7 = 30%.
We'll align ML-CC fiber next week.
We also found that the output of the fiber for ML-CC PLL fluctuates a lot.
We'll investigate the reason of this fluctuation.
Today while working on coherent control PLL, the mirror for ML PLL shown in an attached figure moved because the clamp for this mirror was actually loose.
So we have to re-align the fibers for ML PLL.
Today we aligned only ML-p pol fiber. The result is as follows.
Before fiber: 3.7 mW
After fiber and fiber BS: 550 uW 
So the fiber coupling for ML-p pol is 0.55*2/3.7 = 30%.
We'll align ML-CC fiber next week.
We also found that the output of the fiber for ML-CC PLL fluctuates a lot.
We'll investigate the reason of this fluctuation.
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YuhangZhao - 18:11, Friday 01 February 2019 (1198)Get code to link to this report
Replace of fiber splitter

We found the fiber for ppol-mainlaser PLL (FC1064-50B-FC) was broken. We replaced it by a new one (PN1064R5F2).

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NaokiAritomi - 10:52, Tuesday 29 January 2019 (1197)Get code to link to this report
Locking procedure of coherent control
[Aritomi, Yuhang, Matteo]
1. lock ML and cc with 7 MHz
2. make resonant frequency of p pol and cc overlap inside OPO
3. measure the beat note between ML and p pol (assume f MHz)
4. lock ML and p pol with f +/- 7 MHz
5. lock OPO with p pol
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NaokiAritomi - 10:41, Tuesday 29 January 2019 (1196)Get code to link to this report
Original position of flipping mirror for Bright Alignment Beam

Attached picture shows micrometer of  flipping mirror for BAB when BAB is aligned to OPO.

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NaokiAritomi - 19:06, Monday 28 January 2019 (1195)Get code to link to this report
Fiber coupling for coherent control PLL

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Matteo]

Before fiber collimator: 4mW
After fiber collimator and fiber BS: 0.5mW
So the fiber coupling for coherent control is 0.5*2/4 = 25% 
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EleonoraCapocasa - 18:28, Monday 28 January 2019 (1194)Get code to link to this report
500MHz oscillator now provides four clock signals

[Matteo, Eleonora]

Last Friday we have modified the 500MHz oscillator (realized by Pierre) to make it provide two more channels (four in total).

We have simply replaced the two channel splitter inside (pic1) with a four channel splitter (pic 2-3) and modified the front pannel accordingly (pic4).

Now we can supply the 500MHz clock signal to all the three DDS boards we have. 

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EleonoraCapocasa - 18:20, Monday 28 January 2019 (1193)Get code to link to this report
Installation of KAGRA DGS

Last Thursday and Friday Oshino-san and Miyakawa-san have installed a standalone version of the KAGRA digital sytem in TAMA.

The rack with PC, DAC, ADC and AI and AA filters is placed in the South-East corner of the central building, beside the desks. 

Even if some more work is still necessary and the installation will be completed in the next days,  we can already start to build our similink model.

More details on the system will follow. 

One important caveat: every time that we switch off the computer on the rack (Pic1) we should also disconnect the cables on the back (Pic 2) before switching it on again. 

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YuhangZhao - 17:11, Monday 28 January 2019 (1192)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Additional DDS board assembled (Click here to view original report: 1181)
channel function frequency phase
CH0 EOM SHG/IR-MC 15.2MHz 0deg
CH1 SHG + IR-MC demod 15.2MHz 0deg
CH2 EOM OPO 87.6MHz 0deg
CH3 OPO demod 87.6MHz 135deg
channel function frequency phase
CH0 EOM FC/GR-MC 78.0MHz 0deg
CH1 FC demod 78.0MHz ~
CH2 GR-MC demod 78.0MHz 60 deg
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NaokiAritomi - 18:38, Thursday 24 January 2019 (1191)Get code to link to this report
Squeezing at lower frequency
[Aritomi, Eleonora, Matteo]
We measured squeezing level at lower frequency. Injected green is 47 mW.
Attached figures show squeezing level at 100 kHz, 10 kHz, 5 kHz.
squeezing: 3 dB, anti-squeezing: 9 dB @ 100 kHz 
squeezing: 2 dB, anti-squeezing: 5 dB @   10 kHz
squeezing: 0 dB, anti-squeezing: 6 dB @     5 kHz 
Note that a spectrum analyzer we used (E4411B ESA-L) works above 9 kHz, so the result for 5 kHz could be wrong.
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EleonoraCapocasa - 19:55, Wednesday 23 January 2019 (1190)Get code to link to this report
Characterization of all the RF amplification channels

As entitled.

AOM FC 37.3dB
EOM FC+MCGR.  20.8dB
EOM OPO 20.9dB
PLL OPO lenght 18.8dB
PLL CC 18.7dB

Labels with the amplification values have been applied to all the channels.

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NaokiAritomi - 19:49, Wednesday 23 January 2019 (1188)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of first squeezing
[Aritomi, Eleonora, Matteo, Yuhang]
Today we measured first squeezing at 200 kHz.
Attached figure shows time series of shot noise of LO at 200 kHz with and without squeezing.
Shot noise level with squeezing modulates when relative phase between LO and squeezing is modulated.
Measured squeezing level is about 4 dB and anti squeezing level is about 5 dB. 
First we recovered mode matching of LO and BAB inside AMC. For LO, main peak is 2.24V and mode mismatch peak is 24mV, so mode matching is 2.24/(2.24+0.024) = 98.9%.
For BAB, main peak is 336mV and mode mismatch peak is 17.6mV, so mode matching is 336/(336+17.6) = 95%.
Then we measured visibility of LO and BAB. Maximum is 7.56 V and minimum is 1.56 V which means visibility is 65.8%.
Considering that LO is 528uW and BAB is 78 uW, the expected visibility is 67.0%. That means mode matching of LO and BAB is 98.2 %.
For measurement of squeezing, we injected 30mW green power into OPO which corresponds to 1/3 of OPO threshold. LO phase is modulated at 2 Hz with 900 mVpp.
The homodyne signal is amplified by 200. The data is taken by spectrum analyzer (E4411B ESA-L) with zero span mode whose center frequency is 200kHz, RBW is 1 kHz, sweep time is 2s.
Next steps:
- loss analysis of the system
- check the stability of the control systems
- measure the squeezing level at lower frequency 
- measure green power dependence of squeezing level
- coherent control
First we recovered mode matching of LO and BAB inside AMC. For LO, main peak is 2.24V and mode mismatch peak is 24mV, so mode matching is 2.24/(2.24+0.024) = 98.9%.
For BAB, main peak is 336mV and mode mismatch peak is 17.6mV, so mode matching is 336/(336+17.6) = 95%.
Today we measured first squeezing at 200 kHz.
Attached figure shows shot noise of LO with and without squeezing.
Shot noise level with squeezing modulates when relative phase between LO and green pump is modulated.
Squeezing level is about 4 dB and anti squeezing level is about 6 dB. 
First we recovered mode matching of LO and BAB inside AMC. For LO, main peak is 2.24V and mode mismatch peak is 24mV, so mode matching is 2.24/(2.24+0.024) = 98.9%.
For BAB, main peak is 336mV and mode mismatch peak is 17.6mV, so mode matching is 336/(336+17.6) = 95%.
Then we measured visibility of LO and BAB. Maximum is 7.56 V and minimum is 1.56 V which means visibility is 65.8%. Considering that LO is 528uW and BAB is 78 uW, the expected visibility is 67.0%. That means mode matching of LO and BAB is 98.2 %.
For measurement of squeezing, we injected 30mW green power into OPO. LO phase is modulated at 2 Hz with 900 mVpp. The data is taken by spectrum analyzer with zero span mode whose center frequency is 200kHz, RBW is 1 kHz, sweep time is 2s.
Next step:
loss analysis of the system
check the stability of the control system
measure the squeezing level at lower frequency 
measure green power dependence of squeezing level
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 19:04, Wednesday 23 January 2019 (1187)Get code to link to this report
Laser demo replacement

The new laser Thorlabs S1FC1310PM was delivered today together with the optical fiber.
I replaced the demo laser with the new laser. (the demo laser was the same model).
I switched it on, it works, and the alignment looks fine.

The demo is ready to be shipped back to Thorlabs.

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MatteoLeonardi - 15:15, Wednesday 23 January 2019 (1186)Get code to link to this report
Today PLL parameters

[Matteo, Eleonora, Aritomi]

Memo of parameter for the lock of the PLL (no green injection, only p-pol and BAB).

T_OPO = 7.038kOhm

ppol PLL LO freq = 130MHz

DDS3_ch0 = 65MHz

PLL R = 1
PLL N = 2
Reference freq = 65MHz
Charge pump setting 1 = 1.875mA

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MatteoLeonardi - 15:11, Wednesday 23 January 2019 (1185)Get code to link to this report
OPO locking parameter

[Matteo, Eleonora, Aritomi]

The gain of the SR560 used for the OPO lock was changed from 5 to 20. The lock seems more stable now.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 18:13, Tuesday 22 January 2019 (1184)Get code to link to this report
Re-alignment of HeNe probe and calibration

I switched on everything after the last power shut down.

I re-aligned the HeNe probe with the surface reference sample, and made a calibration scan, then, a calibration scan of the bulk reference sample.

The pump power is 30mW, so,
for the bulk:      R = 0.08/4.75/0.03/1.04 = 0.54 cm/W
for the surface: R = 0.52 /4.1 /0.03 / 0.2 = 21.1 W-1

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NaokiAritomi - 22:21, Monday 21 January 2019 (1183)Get code to link to this report
Re-measurement of parametric gain
[Aritomi, Eleonora, Matteo]
Last week we had a problem with unstable parametric (de)amplification. The reason is that amplitude of green phase modulation is not enough.
It was 0.5 Vpp last week and now it's 1 Vpp. Parametric (de)amplification looks fine now.
Then we measured parametric gain again. The result is shown in an attached figure.
De-amplification is not reasonable, so I used only amplification data for getting threshold power which is 90.21mW.
The parametric gain is smaller than the previous result. The reason could be misalignment of BAB and green inside OPO.
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EleonoraCapocasa - 20:15, Monday 21 January 2019 (1181)Get code to link to this report
Additional DDS board assembled

[Matteo, Eleonora]

We have assembled an additional DDS board able to provide four RF signals.

For the assembly, we took as a model one of the two boards already realized at ATC. Pictures of the new board are attached.

The board have been tested and seems to work well.

Now we have three DDS boards providing four channels each. Here the "final" channel assignment we plan to have:


1: SHG demod + IR-MC demod  (use a splitter and adjust each phase with TAMA demod board)
3: OPO demod
1: FC demod
2: GR-MC demod
3: AA QUADRANT demod (is one enough?)
0: PLL p-pol
2: 2omega CC
A new DDS setup for Board 1 and 2 has been saved with the name "Board1_22_01_19.stp" and  "Board2_22_01_19.stp"
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YuhangZhao - 17:11, Monday 28 January 2019 (1192)
channel function frequency phase
CH0 EOM SHG/IR-MC 15.2MHz 0deg
CH1 SHG + IR-MC demod 15.2MHz 0deg
CH2 EOM OPO 87.6MHz 0deg
CH3 OPO demod 87.6MHz 135deg
channel function frequency phase
CH0 EOM FC/GR-MC 78.0MHz 0deg
CH1 FC demod 78.0MHz ~
CH2 GR-MC demod 78.0MHz 60 deg
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YuhangZhao - 21:14, Sunday 20 January 2019 (1180)Get code to link to this report
Preparation for squeezing measurement(stability after removing second FI, align green into OPO)

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

We recovered the BAB alginment into OPO after removing second FI. The stability is also measured in the infrared path. As shown in the attached figure 1, it is quite stable(the fluctuation is only within 1%). From the experience, the stability is related to how well we align SHG. From the spectrum on the oscilloscpe we got after removing the second FI. And compare with the spectrum we got during Chienming is here. It is obvious that the alignment is worse than that time. So this stable infrared light is reasonable.

We also measured the green production efficiency, now it is 163/540.8=30%. This is lower than the effciency 35% when we have a better matching/alighnment. But still higher than the situation before Chienming came, at that time efficiency is only 20%. Although the efficiency is worse, but we have maximam 50mW going to OPO. While the threshold is 80mW for OPO. So we can use this power to observe a desirable level of squeezing. We can also increase the injection power to SHG if we want higher green power. So it should be fine with this alignment condition.

However, we found the parametric (de)amplification process has some abnormal behavior. If you check this video in the attached link, you can see the scanning peak has a roughly 50% of fluctuation(sorry I didn't take quite long time and this fluctuation doesn't have a clear frequency).  And seems there are two peaks they are competing with each other. Sometimes, the pump goes into one. Sometimes the other. Actually after we realize this problem, we start to check the fluctuation of infrared and green. They are as good as before. We also checked if we have mode hop. Even it is clear form the SHG scanning that we don't have this problem. After trying to change the temperature, we didn't find mode hop around our present situation. I also asked Chienming, he confirmed we didn't have this kind of fluctuation. But we didn't check the phase shifter, temperature control or some vibration. 


Figure1: The statics of infrared beam(BAB) power.

Figure2: THe statics of green beam(before green EOM) power.

Figure3: SHG injection beam power.

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