NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2

I upload three drawings.

As Akutsu-san pointed me to this, I should add that the strange curve of PRM(horizontal) is maybe due to the high peak of its transfered vibration noise at around 0.5Hz.
It seems that I first have to dump this peak to become a more realistic result...

I found the error in my calculation which was actually not really an error but a non sufficient precision of the calculation software. I made the calculations again using Mathematica with higher precision.
The results can be seen in the attached graphs. I uploaded the results for each mirror and type of vibration (horizontal/vertical).
As Akutsu-san pointed me to this, I should add that the strange curve of PRM(horizontal) is maybe due to the high peak of its transfered vibration noise at around 0.5Hz.
It seems that I first have to dump this peak to become a more realistic result...

I finished (for now) to calculate the up-conversion of suspended PRM, BS, and SRM mirrors.
However, it seems that I have to improve my calculation procedure as I got strange results when the spectral density falls below 10^(-15) m*Hz^(-1/2)...
I upload a picture of the results for all three mirrors in case of a horizontal vibration.

Writting the theory part of my paper makes progress (although probably it is a bit overloaded..).
However, I am still thinking of what should be the actual content of my manuscript.
In particular, Iam not sure whether I should report also on the measurements that I have done or whether I just give the results of the calculations...

Report on some of the main points given in the meeting:
- Cryo-payload-integration meeting will be held only once per month in this FY
- NAOJ groups should attend the meeting (VIS, AOS,...); respective requests will be given later maybe
- No clean booth this FY because of financial problems
- NAOJ should consider to construct a clean booth on the second floor
- one payload will be purchased this year (have to!), then checking; others next year
- surface polishing of sapphire-sapphire ear connection area by impex not sufficient (P-V=633nm/2 is required but 1.4*633nm measured by Tatsumi-san)
- Other black material: oxidized, rough copper surface.

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See the attached PDF file

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In order to write my paper/report on the calculation that I have done on scattering of the mirrors, I asked Hirose-san to give me the PSD of the BS.
He kindly responded and gave me the data quickly so that I can now derive the rms surface roughness and so one for further calculations.
I think these kind of information might be interesting for other application too.

The vacuum chamber to be used for the macroscopic quantum measurement experiment was delivered to NAOJ and now stored temporarily at the TAMA center room. It will be moved to Tohoku University within April.
The photos are here:

(Sorry for the late entry)
The cryostat was installed at the ATC on Mar. 26th (Thu).You can see the photos here:
The cryostat was just put in place, but no test was performed at this time because they want to bring it back in a few weeks. Here is the reason. At their factory, the company performed a cooling test, but they could not cool the sample stage as quickly as they thought. There must be something wrong with the system, but they did not have time to track down the issue. Therefore, they delivered the sytem once to the NAOJ. But they need to bring the system back to their factory to fix the problem.
In any case, the cryostat will be in the ATC at least for a few weeks from now. So we can use it as just a vacuum chamber. We are planning to perform a rough leak test of the geophone canisters using this "vacuum chamber".
Today, I connected the vacuum pumps and wired up them. Now the pumps (scroll + turbo) are running. At the time I left the lab., the vacuum level was about 1e-1 Pa. I plan to leave the pump running for a while. The photos of today's vacuum work can be found here:

Last week, Torii-san measured the backscattering properties of DLC and soot of a candle distributed on an Aluminum surface.
I have now calculated the respective BRDF. The DLC backscatter is now symmetric and shows a sharp and strong peak (>100 1/sr) for its specular reflection. The wide-angle scattering is similar to MV from A.
The soot shows no specular reflection peak but a more or less equally distributed scattering also at wide incident angles. The wide-angle scattering is 1.5-2 times the one from MV.
(for more details, just ask me)

I finally succeeded in calculating the up-conversion of seismic noise in the Kamioka-mine with both Mathematica and Scilab.
I just wanted to follow the thoughts from Flanagan and Thorne which give a procedure how to do the up-conversion from a given spectral noise distribution. Anyway, I also did the explicite calculation by using the time-dependent noise data from the Kamioka mine from Sakakibara-san.
Both calculations are consistent with each other.
Now, I only need the transfer functions for the various devices on which I did scattering/noise calculations to complete them.

I soldered a geophone preamp to a geophone and tested it with the cable Aso-san made previously ( ) and the IO chassis at the TAMA West End.
The original geophone connector has been cut off, leaving five individual wires. I used an ohmmeter to identify them:
Red/White - main coil, 5.5 kohm
Blue/Black - calibration coil, 6.8 ohm Green - ground
I traced the pin names from Aso-san's cable through to the preamp:
* The Amphenol MIL-DTL-26482, Series 2, Matrix 10-6 plug on the end of the cable is a female. The A pin is labeled and can also be identified as the one near the widest of the three locating lugs. Pins B to F continue anticlockwise. See geophoneplug.jpg.
* The Amphenol socket on the outside of the geophone canister end cap is a male. The A pin is near the widest of the three locating grooves, and pins B to F continue clockwise. See geophoneendcapsocket.jpg.
* The six-pin connector on the inside of the geophone canister end cap is a male. The A pin is identified by a dimple in the grove around the pins and pins B to F continue anticlockwise. See geophoneendcaprear.jpg.
* The front side of the circuit board has six female sockets. When the silk-screen text is right-way-up and the large white arrow is at the top, the A pin is at the BOTTOM! Pins B to F continue clockwise. See geophonepreampfront.jpg.
* The back side of the circuit board is what will be visible in the final stages of assembly. When the silk-screen text is right-way-up, the A pin is at the BOTTOM! Pins B to F continue anticlockwise. See geophonepreampback.jpg.
This means that to assemble the preamp and canister end cap, you should orient the end cap with the dimple at the bottom and place the preamp with text right-way-up.
I then soldered the red lead to the INPUT-GEO terminal, the white lead to the GND-GEO terminal, and the green lead to the GND. This was very awkward because I tried to do it so as to allow later assembly of the canister, which meant the wires needed to pass through the canister flange, with the preamp and geophone stranded on opposite sides. See Geophone Test.pdf. In fact it was so awkward that I think it needs to be redone with connectors rather than soldered joints. However it was good enough to allow a test to verify the connections.
I took the geophone and preamp down to the West End and set it up on one of the optic lever pillars (as a convenient solid platform) using clamps to prevent it moving. I used the geophone cradle for this test rather than trying to get the geophone into the canister body. See geophonetest.jpg
I powered up the geophone distributor in the West End IO rack. I connected a straight cable, a gender bender, the geophone adapter cable and the geophone canister end cap (but not the preamp) as Geophone #0. I checked that the power was reaching the expected pins. I then plugged in the preamp.
Sekiguchi-san had been using ADC channels 4-7 to test some other signals, so I plugged the geophone distributor output into ADC channels 0-3. As expected the geophone signal showed up on one of the LVDT channels.

Took a pic of two LED candidates:
- OP232 (the golden one)
- TSTS7100 (the silver one)
The packages seem similar forms, but be careful, positions of the anode and cathode are opposite!! to the flange's boss.

Please check the following files showing the modifications of OSEM LED and PD holders for PR2 and PR3 (hope - only) . The concept is that using already exisiting parts as far as possible anyhow!
The design will be checked by VIS people, and then a few test parts will be purchased.
Some parts of the LED assy and all parts of the PD assy have compatibilites with new (unapproved by VIS still) design of OSEM LED/PD holders in the following.
Hope they are approved immediately, and then I'd like to start with purchasing a few samples. I have already got some cost estimations from several companies and started comparison.
The reason why some parts have JGW-Dxxx, but others not is, I guess, there would be some difference in the concept for controlling things between VIS and me.

Torii-san has created a conical baffle for cutting down the ghost beam. We readjusted the scatterometer and Torii-san is again measuring the DLC sample. We will see whether the asymmetry in the data is still there or not. If yes, I guess its origin in the multiple reflections of the beam splitter.

and asked the manufacture company about the cost reduction.
Those parts are for box structres of IM and IRM.
Hope the oreder can be done soon (in low cost!)...
Some information