Publication Support for FY2024

NAOJ ALMA Project provides the opportunity of financial support in order to assist researchers in Japan to actively pursue their researches using ALMA. We support the first author of a paper (not necessarily the PI of the observing project), as well as the first author of a paper using ALMA archival data. In particular, we would like to encourage applications by young researchers.


Applicants must be the first authors of the papers submitted (or the papers that will surely be submitted, for case of the English editing service) to peer-reviewed journals and belong to an institute/university in Japan. The applicants’ affiliation in Japan must be listed in the papers. The papers should include scientific results using ALMA data (PI data and/or archival data) as the primary datasets, and should have the “ALMA program code” in the Acknowledgments. Papers submitted in September 2023 and before, papers only cite ALMA results/figures, or papers only show the importance of future ALMA observations, will not be supported.

In principle, the support will be provided on a first-come first-served basis. In the case of a high pressure, a selection process may be carried out at the NAOJ ALMA Project's discretion. In that situation, early-career researchers will be prioritized. Thank you for your understanding if your application is unfortunately rejected.


One support from the followings is accepted per support ID for FY2024
Please contact directly to for those with support ID in FY 2023 or earlier.

  1. Page charge of the paper
    Accepted peer-reviewed papers are eligible. Open Access fee is excluded if it is optional for that journal.
  2. English editing service fee
    Applications will only be accepted for papers ready for submission. The paper must be submitted after using this service. This support will be provided only once before submission of the manuscript, in principle.
  3. Travel and registration fees for oral presentations in an international conference hosted or co-hosted by overseas organizations either in abroad or in Japan
    Papers that have already been submitted are eligible. Any network cost or cost for communication device(s) and software to connect to an online conference will not be supported. A conference held after 2 years since the acceptance of the paper is not eligible for this support.
  4. Travel expense for an oral presentation such as at a colloquium held at an overseas institution, in combination with the international joint research using ALMA in a way that expands on the results shown in the oral presentation
    Papers that have already been submitted are eligible. The period of travel should be no less than two weeks and a maximum of one month. Up to 600,000 yen per support ID will be covered for airfare and local stay. Joint research only or mainly using ALMA while staying at a single research institution is eligible for support. Upon returning to Japan, the applicant will be required to submit a report on the progress of research made during the visit. Support will not be provided after two years from the date of acceptance of the paper.
  5. Commission fee for the creation of images to be used in the press releases led by organizations other than NAOJ
    Please first contact the ALMA-J public outreach office ( for press releases. The office will support the entire process for the press releases. On the other hand, the public outreach office may not be able to accept all the requests due to limitations. In such a case, if the organization where the author belongs to takes the lead in the press release, we would like to support the cost of producing artist images in this Publication Support program: no more than 200,000 yen per image, and no more than one image per application.

    ALMA-J public outreach office: (please replace _atmark_ with @)


Please use the link for the application form below to apply for this support program. Please submit the e-mail of acknowledgement (receipt) of the paper submission (except for the English editing support) and a manuscript through the application form.

You can apply just to obtain the support ID number to check if your paper is eligible for the support. Please note, however, that the actual support may not be available for the page charge at the time of application unless the paper is accepted, since this support is provided on a first-come first-served basis or through a selection process, in the case of a high number of applications.

Please note that the fee for paper submission, English editorial and creation of images will be paid by NAOJ. No advance payment will be permitted.

For overseas travel, NAOJ will arrange airline tickets. Please do not purchase airline tickets by yourself. In addition, traveling across fiscal years is not eligible for support.

Regarding programs that have been accepted by the ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program, we would like to ask you to use the research funds for the Joint Scientific Research Program instead of this publication support unless there are special circumstances.

Application Form

The paper support must be acknowledged as :

[PI name] was supported by the ALMA Japan Research Grant of NAOJ ALMA Project, NAOJ-ALMA-xxxxxx.

After paper publication, please let us know the publication information (such as paper number and page number).

If NAOJ staff are included in the author list of your papers, please also consider applying for the support provided by Publications Committee of NAOJ.

Please contact us if you have any questions: (please replace _atmark_ with @)

Last Update: 2024. 5.9
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