Reduction software

Reduction software for FOCAS IFU is here. (Current cversion: 20230831)

The manual is here, and also included in the above compressed file.
Installation instruction is shown in the manual.

Previous virsions



20220817 => 20230831 20210818 => 20220817 20200210 => 20210818
20201003 => 20210210
20200213 => 20201003
No version number change
20200210 => 20200213
20190621 => 20200210

Test data set

A test data set is here (123 Mbyte).
Please read readme.txt in the downloaded file at first.

Required Python modules

It has been developed using Python, and works under Python 2 and 3.
Some processes needs use IRAF tasks through PyRAF.
The table below shows required Python modules and their versions confirmed for working well.

Python 2.7.12 3.6.7
NumPy 1.14.2 1.13.3
SciPy 1.0.1 0.19.1
matplotlib 2.2.2 2.1.1
Astropy 2.0.5 3.0
Astro-SCRAPPY 1.0.8 1.0.5 3.4.11 3.4.12
PyRAF 2.1.14 2.1.14
Photutils 0.4 0.4

Information on ZAP

Now, the high precison sky subtraction software, Zurich Atmosphere Purge (ZAP), supports FOCAS IFU.
The latest verion supporting FOCAS IFU is avairable here.
The detaield information is described in Soto, Lilly, Bacon, Richard and Coseil, 2016, MNRAS, 458, 3210.
The documentation is here.

An input file for ZAP is XXXX.xyl.fits (XXXXX is the frame ID) in the normal procedure in the FOACS IFU reduction software.

The reduction software of FOCAS IFU also provides a sky subtraction script using the dedicated sky slit. But it makes a sky spectrum by integrating about 50 spaxels matching with a pseudo slit width of an object field. Therefore, when sufficient area in the object field can be available as sky region, ZAP is the better option. About the sky subtraction in the FOCAS IFU reduction software, please see Ozaki et al. 2020, PASJ, 72, 97.

Known issues