ALMA/45m/ASTE Users Meeting 2024
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December 18 (Wed)  
10:30-10:45 On-site registration all
Session1: Nobeyama  
10:45-11:20 Status of Nobeyama observations Atsushi Nishimura (NAOJ)
11:20-11:50 Discussion Atsushi Nishimura (NAOJ)
11:50 Lunch & Poster session  
13:50-14:05 Unbiased CO J=1-0 survey of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies with Nobeyama 45m telescope Ren Matsusaka (U.Tokyo)
14:05-14:20 Filament and star formation triggered by cloud-cloud collision in Perseus cloud Takuto Ito (Ngoya U.)
14:20-14:35 Current Status and Science Cases with the eQ Receiver Kotomi Taniguchi (NAOJ)
Session 2: Spectral management  
14:40-14:55 Recent status of spectrum management in mm/submm bands in 2024 Masaaki Hiramatsu (NAOJ)
14:55-15:15 break  
Session 3: ASTE  
15:15-15:50 ASTE status report Masao Saito (NAOJ)
15:50-16:10 DESHIMA 2.0: Commissioning and science verification at ASTE Yuri Nishimura (U. of Tokyo)
16:10-16:40 Discussion Masao Saito (NAOJ)
Session 4: Poster session  
16:40-17:30 Poster session  
December 19 (Thu)  
9:00-9:15 On-site registration  
Session 5: ALMA   
9:15-9:30 ALMA general report Misato Fukagawa (NAOJ)
9:30-9:50 ALMA science operations report Takuma Izumi (NAOJ)
9:50-10:05 Cycle 11 proposal statistics Bunyo Hatsukade (NAOJ)
10:05-10:25 SAC report Hideo Sagawa (Kyoto Sangyo U.)
10:25-10:45 break  
10:45-11:05 Report from Taiwan ARC Node Yu-Nung Su (ASIAA)
11:05-11:25 Report from Korean ARC Node Aran Lyo (KASI)
11:25-11:45 Science highlights Yuichi Matsuda (NAOJ)
13:30-13:50 CASA/Pipeline updates Kotomi Taniguchi (NAOJ)
13:50-14:10 Data structure and Archive Hsieh Pei-Ying (NAOJ)
Session 6: Science with ALMA  
14:10-14:25 ALMA observations of the rotating disk and envelope; case study of a young Class 0 source, MMS 5/OMC-3 Yurika Nakamura (Kyushu U.)
14:25-14:40 Towards a complete understanding of the star-forming dense core MC 27:
Complex gas envelope produced by magnetic interchange instability as the protostellar sneeze
Kazuki Tokuda  (Kyusyu U./NAOJ)
14:40-14:55 ALMA CO observations toward the Gamma-Ray Supernova Remnants Hidetoshi Sano (Gifu U.)
14:55-15:10 CI/CO abundance ratio of shock-excited gas in the Magellanic supernova remnant N63A Natsuko Izumi (NAOJ)
15:10-15:25 ATCA Study of Small Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant 1E 0102.2-7219 Rami Alsaberi (Gifu U.)
15:25-15:45 break  
15:45-16:00 Interstellar gas evolution driven by Galaxy interactions: Insights from ALMA CO observations Kisetsu Tsuge (Gifu U.)
16:00-16:15 Possible detection of CO absorption line in the nucleus of M87 Norita Kawanaka 
(NAOJ/ Tokyo Met. U.)
16:15-16:30 Large scale variations of the 12CO(J=2-1) and 12CO(J=1-0) line ratio in ALMA-FACTS galaxies Shinya Komugi (Kogakuin U.)
Session 7: Poster session  
17:00~19:00 Coffee and snacks, 17:30~ drinks  
December 20 (Fri)  
9:30-9:45 On-site registration  
Session 8: ALMA  
9:45-10:15 WSU general report Shun Ishii (NAOJ)
10:15-10:35 WSU EA development (TPGS) Jongsoo Kim (KASI)
10:35 Discussion  
Session 9: Science with ALMA  
13:30-13:45 Measurements of the magnetic field structure in a protoplanetary disk with ALMA Satoshi Ohashi (NAOJ)
13:45-14:00 Molecular gas distribution in five AKARI-selected ULIRGs at 0.1<z<0.5 Kianhong Lee (Tohoku U./NAOJ)
14:00-14:15 Resolving the assembly of massive galaxies at cosmic noon with ALMA molecular line observations Shuo Huang (Nagoya U./NAOJ)
14:15-14:30 Properties of mm-wave line emitting galaxies from ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey Kanako Narita (U. of Tokyo)
14:30-14:45 Resolved properties of dust and gas in z~4.5 submillimetre galaxies with ALMA; triggering and evolution Pascale Desmet (NAOJ/Waseda U.)
14:45-15:00 Dynamical signature of a massive bulge in a lensed DSFG at z=6 Akiyoshi Tsujita (U. of Tokyo)
15:00-15:15 break  
Session 10:  Contribution talks  
15:15-15:30 possibility of future mm-VLBI with phased TPA Mareki Honma (NAOJ)
15:30-15:45 Far-Infrared Nebular Emission Receiver for the Large Millimeter Telescope (FINER): Project Overview Akio Taniguchi (Kitami Ins. of Tech.)
15:45-16:00 Far-Infrared Nebular Emission Receiver for the Large Millimeter Telescope (FINER): Receiver Development Status Haoran Kang (NAOJ)
2024 Dec. 23
Poster list
ALMA/45m/ASTE Users Meeting 2024