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ALMA/45m/ASTE Users Meeting 2024
Poster List
  Title Name Affiliation
1 A discovery of HC5N in the middle atmosphere of Titan Takahiro Iino The University of Tokyo
2 ALMA images and physical properties of 1 Ceres Shigeru Takahashi The University of Tokyo
3 Inform the origin relation of [C I] and CO in debris disks via ALMA observation Xiaoming Jiang NAOJ/Wuhan University
4 ALMA 2D Super-resolution Imaging Survey of Ophiuchus Class I/Flat/II Disks - I: Discovery of New Disk Substructures Ayumu Shoshi Kyushu University
5 Large field mosaic and multi-line ALMA TP observation of NGC1333 Naofumi Fukaya Nagoya University
6 Kinematics of SiO maser stars around Sgr A*:They are not members of the NSC? Masato Tsuboi Meisei University
7 Total Power CO(1-0) mapping of Stephan's Quintet Fumiya  Maeda Osaka electro-communication university
8 The origin of aligned filamentary molecular cloud structures in the high-mass star-forming region N44NW of the Large Magellanic Cloud Kosuke Higashino Osaka Metropolitan University
9 An ALMA study of molecular clouds associated with high-mass protostars in the Small Magellanic Cloud Yuri Kunitoshi Osaka Metropolitan University
10 Giant molecular clouds classification and evolution in the Antennae galaxies Fumika Demachi Nagoya University
11 ALMA 10-pc Resolution Imaging of the Antennae Galaxies Toshiki Saito Shizuoka University
12 GMC evolutions in the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC2903 Misaki Yamamoto Osaka Metropolitan University
13 pythonradex: RADEX-style radiative transfer in pure python Gianni Cataldi NAOJ
14 Massive star formation in the Spitzer Bubbles explored from the kinematics of gas and stars Fuuna Takayama Nagoya University
15 ACA CO(J=2-1) mapping of the nearest spiral galaxy M33: exploring dense gas based on the C18O line and 1.3 mm continuum Kazuyuki Muraoka Osaka Metropolitan University
16 ALMA CO Observation of the X-ray Bright Supernova Remnant in M33 Riku Hamada Gifu University
17 Insights into spiral arm formation via molecular cloud evolution and gas kinematics in the flocculent spiral M33 Ayu Konishi Osaka metropolitan university
18 New calibration methods for SFR and molecular gas mass demonstrated with NGC 1068 Yuzuki Nagashima Fukushima University
19 High-Velocity Molecular Clouds in M83 Maki Nagata The University of Tokyo
20 Observations of Cold Molecular Gas in NGC 1275 within the central 10 pc Ryoya Kojima The University of Tokyo
21 Investigating AGN-driven outflows using [CII] line stacking analysis at z~6 Mahoshi Sawamura The University of Tokyo
22 A large-scale dense molecular outflow revealed by high-resolution ALMA observations of the luminous infrared galaxy ESO173-G015 Tamaki Okumura The University of Tokyo
23 ADF22-WEB: Uncovering galaxy formation within the cosmic web filaments with ALMA and JWST Hideki Umehata Nagoya University
24 New insights on the nearby galaxy NGC 1068 with multi-line analysis by unsupervised machine learning Hiroma Okubo University of Tsukuba
25 High-resolution follow-up observations of the GC south with Nobeyama 45m telescope Rei Enokiya Kyushu Sangyo University
26 Update on the re-reduction of the FUGIN survey Takeru Murase Gifu University
27 Out-of-focus holography measurement of the primary surface accuracy of ASTE using DESHIMA 2.0 Masaki Sakakibara Nagoya University
28 DESHIMA2.0:Development of chop-and-nod observation analysis method considering atmospheric absorption correction Juri Yamanaka Kyusyu University
29 "ASTE2030" and Beyond: Bridging Towards ALMA2, NRO 45m, and LST/AtLAST Kotaro Kohno The University of Tokyo
30 Development of TIFUUN: THz Integral Field Unit with Universal Nanotechnology Akira Endo Delft University of Technology
31 Millimetric Adaptive Optics(MAO): Performance evaluation of the wavefront sensor installed on the NRO 45m telescope Kotaro Iwakami Nagoya University
32 A 10.24-GHz-wide digital spectrometer array system for LMT-FINER: Laboratory demonstration of the digital sideband separation  Masato Kato Nagoya University
33 Ultra-wideband and easy-to-array 180° Hybrid design for mm/submm continuum imaging Shuhei Inoue The University of Tokyo
34 Evaluation of a Scaled Model of On-Chip Bandpass Filters for Millimeter-Wave multi-color camera Kazuki Watanabe SOKENDAI
35 HINOTORI Status Report 2024 Hiroshi Imai Kagoshima University
36 Progress of the Thirty Meter Telescope and Synergies with ALMA Daisuke Iono NAOJ
37 ALMAr's Adventure: Ready to use Radio Astronomy Outreach & Education in English & 日本語 Ramsey Lundock NAOJ
2024 Dec. 17
ALMA/45m/ASTE Users Meeting 2024