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ZhaoYu-hang, TomuraAkihiro, - 19:02, Friday 24 November 2017 (597)Get code to link to this report
Beam Radius Measurement
This week we measured the beam radius after EOM. The measurement started from 100mm after EOM. We took 6 points and used Gaussian beam formula to fit. The result is shown as below.

The beam waist is 2.61667926e-05(m). We set the position of EOM as origin, the position of beam waist is 4.72853283e-02(m).

For details, please refer to the figure attached below.
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Comments related to this report
AkihiroTomura - 13:32, Wednesday 29 November 2017 (601)

Vertical: w0 = 2.67e-5 m, z0 = 4.73e-2 m

Horizontal: w0 = 2.77e-5 m, z0 = 4.62e-2 m

where w0 is the spot size at a beam waist and z0 = a position of the beam waist.