R&D (FilterCavity)
ZhaoYu-hang, TomuraAkihiro, - 19:02, Friday 24 November 2017 (597)
Beam Radius Measurement
This week we measured the beam radius after EOM. The measurement started from 100mm after EOM. We took 6 points and used Gaussian beam formula to fit. The result is shown as below.

The beam waist is 2.61667926e-05(m). We set the position of EOM as origin, the position of beam waist is 4.72853283e-02(m).

For details, please refer to the figure attached below.
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Comments related to this report
AkihiroTomura - 13:32, Wednesday 29 November 2017 (601)

Vertical: w0 = 2.67e-5 m, z0 = 4.73e-2 m

Horizontal: w0 = 2.77e-5 m, z0 = 4.62e-2 m

where w0 is the spot size at a beam waist and z0 = a position of the beam waist.