KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 16:03, Friday 13 July 2018 (885)
Comment to Control loop investigation (Click here to view original report: 880)

I repeated the same measurements with another spectrum analyzer, the Agilent35670a

This instrument spectra are much cleaner, I did only 32 averages instead of 256 with the Yokogawa sa2400

First plot: gain 1000 in-loop pd: PM100D

Second plot: gain 1000 in-loop pd: DET10N

Third plot: gain 5000 in-loop pd: DET10N

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885_20180713091810_inlooppm100doutofloopdet10ngain1000agilent35670a.png 885_20180713091818_inloopdet10noutoflooppm100dgain1000agilent35670a.png 885_20180713091831_inloopdet10noutoflooppm100dgain5000agilent35670a.png