R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 22:52, Wednesday 17 February 2021 (2376)
Comment to TAMA 14MHz resonant PD investigation (Click here to view original report: 2371)

We also took some measurement of PD spectrum.

Attached figure 1 shows the measurement of CC1 PD noise after demodulation for different incident power. In this figure, op-amp LMH6624, R1 1.1kOhm, R2 13kOhm are used.

We could see that noise becomes to be shot noise limited when laser power reaches around 300uW. Therefore, I confirmed that electronic noise was still limiting in this case. Then I checked again the simulation, which shows the noise is limited by the resistor. However, according to the simulation, shot noise should start to limit after laser power reaching 3mW.

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