R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 10:35, Wednesday 31 July 2019 (1533)
Squeezing level change by putting additional losses

Yuhang and Aritomi

Yesterday, we tried to put ND filter so that we could characterize the squeezing level.

We put ND-0.3, which is corresponding to 0.5 loss.

When we were measuring, we were sending 40mW of green. From the measurement of yesterday, we could know the squeezing level we are sending is 13dB. By using this squeezing level, I made the plot of squeezing level change curve. The x-axis variables in the plots is losses. And there are three curves for different phase noise level.

The measurement result of squeezing corresponding to different losses is

loss squeezing level
0.25 5.2dB
0.75 1.2dB

From this plot, it seems elog 1523 result is reasonable.

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