Wide Field Optical Spectrometer (WFOS) is one of the first light instruments on Thirty Meter Telescope. WFOS successfly passed the conceptual design review In February 2022, and moved to the preliminary design phase. We are aiming to install an integral field unit (IFU) as a future upgrade.

WFOS structureicourtesy: Caltechj

Optical layout of WFOS IFU

Conceptual mechanical structure of WFOS IFU

Parameters of WFOS IFU. Four slicers offers different field sizes with different slice widths.

Comparison with other IFU on GMT and E-ELT. The wide field of view (FoV) of WFOS IFU is outstanding. HARMONI focuses on observing fine structure with very fine sampling and its FoV is narrow (Thatte et al. 2020, Proc. SPIE, 11447, 114471W). GMACS+MANIFEST offers multi-object integral field spectroscopy function and its FoV for each IFU is also narrow (Zafar et al. 2022, Proc. SPIE, 12184, 1218417).

