氏名 / Name (FAMILY First and Middle) 東谷 千比呂 [ TOKOKU, Chihiro ]
所属 / Division 先端技術センター / Advanced Technology Center
職名 / Position 研究技師/Research Engineer
E-mail chihiro.tokoku__at__nao.ac.jp
ウェブページ / Web Page  
学位 / Degree 博士(理学) 東北大学 / Ph.D. in Astronomy from Tohoku University
専門分野 / Research Field 天文観測装置開発 / Instrumentation in Astronomy
研究活動概要 / Summary of Research Activities 大型低温観測装置の開発 / Design, integration, verification, and system engineering of the large cryogenic instruments.
主な研究業績・論文 / Research Achievements or Papers 1. "Cryogenic system of the infrared space mission SPICA", Nakagawa et al., SPIE Vol. 11443, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; 1144328 (2020)
2. "Cryogenic System for the Interferometric Cryogenic Gravitational Wave Telescope, KAGRA - Design, Fabrication, and Performance Test -" Tokoku et al., Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 59A, AIP Conf. Proc. 1573, 1254 (2014)
3. "Infrared multi-object spectrograph of MOIRCS", Tokoku et al., SPIE Vol. 6269, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, 62694N (2006)
所属学会 / Academic Society 日本天文学会 / The Astronomical Society of Japan
受賞学術賞 / Academic Award
その他社会活動等 / Other Activity  

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