氏名 / Name (FAMILY First and Middle) SHAN Wenlei  [ SHAN Wenlei ]
所属 / Division 先端技術センター / Advanced Technology Center
職名 / Position 准教授 / Associate Professor
Phone 0422-34-3863
Fax 0422-34-3864
E-mail wenlei.shan_AT_nao.ac.jp
ウェブページ / Web Page  
学位 / Degree PhD (Radio Physics, Nanjing University) 
専門分野 / Research Field Superconducting electronics and its application in radio astronomy
研究活動概要 / Summary of Research Activities 1. Fabrication techniques of superconducting devices
2. Multibeam heterodyne receivers development
3. Superconducting devices physics studies
主な研究業績・論文 / Research Achievements or Papers (1)
Wenlei Shan, Ji Yang, Shengcai Shi, etc., “Development of Superconducting Spectroscopic Array Receiver: A Multibeam 2SB SIS Receiver for Millimeter-Wave Radio Astronomy,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol.2 , issue 6, pp. 593-604, 2012.
Wenlei Shan, Masanori Takeda, Takafumi Kojima, Yoshinori Uzawa, Shengcai Shi, Takashi Noguchi and Zhen Wang, “Low-Noise Waveguide-Type NbN/AlN/NbN SIS Mixers Approaching Terahertz Frequencies,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp841-848, 2010.
Wenlei Shan, Shinichiro Asayama, Mamoru Kamikura, Takashi Noguchi, Shengcai Shi and Yutaro Sekimoto “A 385-500GHz Low Noise Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor Mixer for ALMA Band 8”, IEICE Trans. Electron. ,Vol.E89-C,No.2, 170-176, 2006.
所属学会 / Academic Society  
受賞学術賞 / Academic Award  
その他社会活動等 / Other Activity  

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