氏名 / Name (FAMILY First and Middle) 生駒 大洋 [IKOMA, Masahiro]
所属 / Division 科学研究部 / Division of Science
職名 / Position 教授 / Professor
研究連携主幹 / Director of Research Coordination
Phone 0422-34-3740
Fax 0422-34-3746
E-mail masahiro.ikoma_at_nao.ac.jp
ウェブページ / Web Page  
学位 / Degree 博士(理学)(東京工業大学)/Doctor of Science (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
専門分野 / Research Field 系外惑星、惑星形成、系外惑星大気/ Exoplanets, Planet Formation, Exoplanetary Atmospheres
研究活動概要 / Summary of Research Activities "We have been conducting theoretical research on exoplanets, focusing on issues related to the formation and evolution of planets and planetary systems. We have also committed to future space telescope missions for spectroscopic observations of exoplanet atmospheres toward verification of our theories.
主な研究業績・論文 / Research Achievements or Papers (1)Ikoma, M. et al. (2000), Formation of giant planets: dependence on core accretion rate and grain opacity, ApJ 537, 1013.
(2)Ikoma, M, & Hori, H. (2012), In situ accretion of hydrogen-rich atmospheres on short-period super-Earths: implications for the Kepler-11 planets, ApJ 753, 66.
(3)Ikoma, M. et al. (2018), Water partitioning in planetary embryos and protoplanets with magma oceans, SSRv, 214, 76.
所属学会 / Academic Society 日本天文学会、日本地球惑星科学連合、日本惑星科学会、国際天文学連合
受賞学術賞 / Academic Award 地球惑星科学振興西田賞、文部科学省若手科学者賞、日本惑星科学会最優秀研究者賞
その他社会活動等 / Other Activity  

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