氏名 / Name (FAMILY First and Middle) | Dainotti Maria Giovanna [ Dainotti Maria Giovanna ] |
所属 / Division | 科学研究部 / Division of Science |
職名 / Position | 助教 / Assistant Professor |
Phone | |
Fax | |
maria.dainotti_AT_nao.ac.jp | |
ウェブページ / Web Page | |
学位 / Degree | PhD in relativistic Astrophysics |
専門分野 / Research Field | Gamma-Ray Bursts and machine learning |
研究活動概要 / Summary of Research Activities | gamma ray bursts (GRBs), statistical methods to overcome selection biases in astronomical data, machine learning. Discoverer of the several correlations, named the Dainotti relations, in GRB afterglows between the luminosity at the end of the plateau phase, its rest frame duration, and the peak luminosity of the prompt emission. |
主な研究業績・論文 / Research Achievements or Papers |
(1) A time–luminosity correlation for γ-ray bursts in the X-rays MG Dainotti, VF Cardone, S Capozziello, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 391 (1), L79-L83 (2) Discovery of a tight correlation for gamma-ray burst afterglows with “canonical” light curves, MG Dainotti, R Willingale, S Capozziello, VF Cardone, M Ostrowski The Astrophysical Journal Letters 722 (2), L215 (3) A fundamental plane for long gamma-ray bursts with X-ray plateaus MG Dainotti, S Postnikov, X Hernandez, M Ostrowski The Astrophysical Journal Letters 825 (2), L20 |
所属学会 / Academic Society | American Astronomical Society (AAS), 2012, and since 2016 Affiliated Member of the Fermi-LAT collaboration from March 2016 |
受賞学術賞 / Academic Award | 1. Received the Knighthood of the Italian Republic,
order of merit of the Italian Republic, the highest recognition in Italy, for excellence in the field of Astrophysics.
This prize is among the highest recognition in Italy. Notably, I was awarded this prize at the age of 34,
when it is typically awarded to individuals over the age of 35. The ceremony took place in the historic Quirinale Palace in Rome the 8th March 2013. 2. Received the International Principess Sichelgaita Prize on the 4th of June 2018. This is prestigious international award which enjoys the patronage of the Chamber of Deputy, the Senate and the Presidency of the Italian Republic. Received the medal from the Presidency of the Italian Republic. The Prize promotes women from South of Italy who have distinguished themselves and have become a role model in their category at national and international level. 3. Named Marie Curie’ Fellow of the week 26th of April 2019 from Marie Curie Programme Scheme. The award has been notified on 29th of October 2018. 4. Distinguished Fellow of the City of Cava dei Tirreni, home town of the fellow. This award is given to people who have distinguished in any discipline for their contribution and currently are abroad. Award will be given the 15th of December by the major of the city and by the President of the Rotari Club of the same city. This prize enjoys the patronage of the Rotari Club. 5. Selected for an interview from the Marie Curie’ media as Marie Curie’ success stories, published in April 2019. 6. Special guest of honor at the Fulbright Alumni event held in Rome 30th of September 2019 as a successful example of Fulbright Alumni |
その他社会活動等 / Other Activity |
1. Selected Reviewer 1.1 For several Swift cycles, for several NPP cycles, for NASA postdoctoral proposal, for NASA Astrophysical Data Analysis Panel (ADAP) 1.2 Poster panel of the AAS 220th Meeting, Alaska, Anchorage, June 2012 1.3 Selected member of the Academic Promotions Committee at the University of Bahrain to evaluate the work of a researcher in the field of GRBs to become Associate professor. 1.4 For Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), ApJL, ApJS, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), Advances in Astronomy, Galaxies, New Frontiers in Astronomy and for Nature Communications. 2. Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the 2.1 Workshop on Astrophysical Big Bangs at Riken, 6-10 November 2017 2.2 Workshop on “GRB-SNe”, Riken in Tokyo, August 31-2 September 2015 2.3 Conference `Relativistic Jets: Creation, Dynamics and Internal Physics', Cracow, April 2015 2.4 Conference, Kyoto, GRB-SNe Japan, 11-15, November 2013 2.5 Conference `Understanding Relativistic Jets', Cracow, 23rd-26th May, 2011. 3. Editorial experience 3.1 Editor of New Frontiers in Astronomy, January 2017- present 3.2 Co-Editor of a Special Issue for the journal Galaxies on “Observations and Theory of Short GRBs at the Dawn of the Gravitational Wave Era”, published in 2019 4. Chair of sessions a. of Black Hole II at the 229th AAS Meeting, Grapevine, 5th of Jan 2017 b. of GRB topics, VIII Fermi Symposium, Baltimore, 17 October 2018 c. Astronomy Education in Hawai'I, at the 234th AAS Meeting, Hawai, 1/05/2020 d. CMB, at the 234th AAS Meeting, Hawai, 1/6/2020 e. Large-Scale Education Efforts for Reform, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, at the 234th AAS Meeting, Hawai, 1/6/2020 f. Molecular Clouds, HII Regions, Interstellar Medium on Extragalactic Scales, at the 234th AAS Meeting, Hawai, 1/6/2020 g. GRB iposter plus at online Virtual Meeting 236th AAS Meeting, 11/01/2021 h. New Frontier missions, at online Virtual Meeting 236th AAS Meeting, 13/01/2021 Press releases: PRESS RELEASES 1. Topic the optical GRB plateaus for more than 100 GRBs 1.1 Optical Luminosity-Time Correlation for More Than 100 GRBs (Astronomy) – Uncover reality (theuncoverreality.in) 1.2 OAUJ: Astronomy Object of the Month 2. Topic: GRBs-KNe as standard candles Distributed by AAS, 2.1 by Kilonovae: Ambushing the standard candle in its own nest (phys.org) 2.2 Ambushing a Standard Candle in Its Own Nest | CosmoQuest 2.3 Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory Gamma-Ray Burst Associated with Kilonovae: Ambushing the Standard Candle in its own Nest (Astronomy) – Uncover reality (theuncoverreality.in) 2.4 Standard candles news and latest updates (phys.org) 2.5 OAUJ: Astronomy Object of the Month 2.6 https://www.spacescience.org/docs/Dainotti_SSI_press_release_2020-11-24_final.pdf 3. Topic: The theory meets the observations 3.1 Delving Back Deeper: Towards GRBs as Standard Candles | Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) (stanford.edu) 3.2 Study In Astrophysical Journal Presents Gamma Ray Burst Theory Meets Observations: Birth Of New Standard Candles (ladailypost.com) 3.3 OAUJ: Astronomy Object of the Month. 3.4 Teoria kontra obserwacje rozbłysków gamma: narodziny nowych świec standardowych | Urania - Postępy Astronomii 4. Topic: the GRB fundamental plane as a discriminant among GRB classes By INAF on 4.1 The study of a fundamental plane for X-ray afterglows, published on ApJ the 13th of October 2017, http://www.inaf.it/en/inaf-news/gold-grb Additional press releases on the same article are the following 4.2 By Stanford http://kipac-web.stanford.edu/three-dimensional-step-towards-sorting-out-grb-zoo 4.3 By European Commission https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/news/20171017-sorting-out-gamma-ray-bursts-zoo_en 4.4 by Le Scienze, the Italian edition of Scientific American http://www.lescienze.it/lanci/2017/10/13/news/ inaf_lampi_gamma_per_studiare_la_storia_dell_universo-3709301/ 4.5 http://www.portaltotheuniverse.org/blogs/posts/view/607798/ 4.6 https://www.facebook.com/pg/FulbrightCommissionItaly/posts/ on the 13th of October 4.7 https://www.facebook.com/pg/Marie.Curie.Actions/posts/?ref=page_internal on the 18 October 2017 4.8 https://twitter.com/lorealitalia on the 16th of October 2017 5. AAS 228 Meeting: INVITED PRESS BRIEFING BY AAS and PRESS RELEASE Swift GRBs: A 3D Step Toward Standard candles, 12-16 June 2016, San Diego. The press briefing can be found at https://aas.org/media-press/archived-aas-press-conference-webcasts. Press release of Swift is present at the following web page http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/news/2016/grbs_std_candles.html The press briefing given at the 228th AAS has been featured in many journals, publications, websites, and blogs, including: 5.1 NASA press release https://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/news/2016/grbs_std_candles.html 5.2 http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=48942 http://phys.org/news/2016-06-swift-gamma-ray-burstsa-3d-standard.html 5.3 https://phys.org/news/2016-06-swift-gamma-ray-burstsa-3d-standard.html 5.4http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Swift_Gamma_Ray_Bursts_A_3D_Step_Toward_Standa rd_Candles_999.html 5.5 http://www.spacetoday.net/olderlinks.php?sid=294088 5.6 http://asterisk.apod.com/viewtopic.php?t=36073 5.7 by STANFORD blog https://kipac-web.stanford.edu/swift-grbs-3d-step-toward-standard-candles 5.8 http://www.ooyuz.com/geturl?aid=12095872 5.9 https://twitter.com/cosmoquestx on the 21th, June 2016 5.10 http://www.portaltotheuniverse.org/blogs/posts/view/483250/ 5.11 This research topic has also been mentioned in Scientific American, see https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/blinded-by-the-dark-energy/ 5.12 The news has been taken by the Fulbright Commission, the European Commission and the l’Oreal Commission. The Stanford blog about this news received many views and has been featured among the most popular KIPAC blog http://kipac-web.stanford.edu/most-popular-blog-posts?page=1 5.13 Many other websites, publications, and newspapers in Italy such as the ones taken from Media INAF (National Italian Institute of Astrophysics) reported the news http://www.media.inaf.it/2016/06/21/lampi-gamma-dainotti/ http://www.astronews.it/ Other newspapers quoted the news: 5.14 “il Giornale di Lecco”, a newspaper of the city and province of Lecco, Italy 5.15 “Positanonews”, a newspaper of the city of Positano, Italy see http://www.positanonews.it/articolo/177246/importante-scoperta-della-astrofisica-maria-giovanna-dainotti-originaria-di-cava-de-tirreni-sui-grbs 5.16 “Pomezia notizie”, a newspaper of the city of Pomezia, Italy 5.17 “Fermento”, a newspaper of the city of Cava dei Tirreni, Italy 5.18 “Dentro Salerno”, a newspaper of the city of Salerno, Italy. 5.19 “The magazine “Corrente Rosa” on the discovery of the fundamental plane of GRB afterglows, June 2016, http://www.correnterosa.org/maria-giovanna-dainotti-eccellenza-nellastrofisica/ 6.TV and radio interviews with 6.1 Fulbright, as Fulbright Alumni on the impression on the Fulbright Program and the knighthood of the Italian Republic, July 2015, see you tube https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrTcdQyd8dYrrcA9EMnnIlQ?p=mari agiovanna+dainotti&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs- 001#id=2&vid=c59c23a3886a535b9a0351d2156bd2f9&action=view 6.2 RAI (Italian Radio television) Storia, National Italian TV channel regarding the Knighthood prize, 9th March 2013, http://www.raistoria.rai.it/articoli/giornata-internazionale-della-donna- avanti-ragazze/20146/default.aspx 6.3 “il Mattino” newspaper about the l’Oreal Unesco-Italy award, May 2012. 6.4 “Famiglia Cristiana”, a weekly newspaper about the l’Oreal award in 2009 and the study of GRBs and the Dainotti relation. 6.5 The magazine “Corrente Rosa”, an Italian magazine promoting activities conducted by women regarding the knighthood of the Italian Republic, May 2013. 6.6 The magazine “Corrente Rosa” on the use of the fundamental plane as cosmological tools, October 2017. 6.7 TG2 RAI News. This is among the most prestigious Italian TV news channels. The video is in Italian with English subtitles. This news has been shared by the Marie’ Curie’ Actions via facebook and via Twitter at the following links: https://www.facebook.com/Marie.Curie.Actions/photos/ a.443662259040646.98825.135877696485772/1984777551595768/?type=3&theater; https://twitter.com/MSCActions/status/978542432135639040 The same news has been shared by the l’Oreal Italia on the 20th March at 9:20am: https://twitter.com/lorealitalia/status/976136889953673216 and by Fulbright Italia on the 22th of March at https://twitter.com/FulbrightIT 7. Experience as Fulbright Alumni, 30th of September 2019, Rome, Italy 8. The News of the L’Oreal award was featured by national newspapers such as ANSA and ADNKRONOS, La Repubblica, il Mattino, il Sole 24 ore, il Corriere della Sera, l’Avvenire and regional newspapers such as, Cinque Giorni di Milano, Lab il Socialista, and a weekly magazine tutto scienza e tecnologia. 9. JSPS Science in Dialogue, Lecture on “An introduction to Gamma Ray Bursts, hands on session on spectral analysis computation” at Shizuoka, High School, Japan, 28 May 2014. 10. Open House and Outreach 10.1 At Riken, Japan, 19 April 2014 10.2 for the celebration the 10th Anniversary of KIPAC, Stanford University, CA, 27th March 2013. 10.3 Cassini Mission outreach, 15th September, 2017, Bologna, INAF, Italy. 10.4 Researcher Night “Speed dating about Gamma-Ray Bursts”, 29th of September 2017, Bologna, Sala Borsa, Italy. |
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