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[[ASTE Wiki]]
* Demo [CI](3P2-3P1) maps of a massive star forming regio...
:Last update|
-- 2021-08-03 released.
//-- 2021-07-02 CI images were added.
//-- 2021-04-02 created.
:Table of contents|
** Data archive [#q113d8ca]
- Demo science observations toward RCW38 with [CI] are on...
- Since the observations are still on the way, observatio...
- If you want to access the data, please contact with "[[...
** Data information [#je8cebb2]
| Target | RCW38 |
| Observation date | 2019/11 |
| Receiver | CAT10 (DSB) |
| Spectrometer | WHSF (FX mode) |
| Mode | OTF mapping |
| Target line | [CI](3P2-3P1) |
| Frequency | 809.341970 GHz |
| Bandwidth | 1024 MHz |
| Channel spacing | 0.5 MHz |
| Velocity resolution | smoothed to 0.5 km/s |
| Beam size (FWHM) | 12.6 arcsec x 13.1 arcsec (after ...
| Mapping size | 6 arcmin x 4 arcmin |
| Total mapping time | ~4 hrs |
| Tsys | 2000 K at the zenith |
| PWV | ~0.5 - 0.8 mm |
//** Data calibration
//- Absolute calibration
** Sample image [#mcd3ae65]
- [CI](3P2-3P1)
|BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): [CI] - Integrated intensity map |BGCOL...
|LEFT: - Integrated v_LSR range = -5 km/s ~ +15 km/s||
|BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): [CI] - RMS map ||
|LEFT: - RMS v_LSR range = -10 km/s ~ -5 km/s|~|
-- Note that non-uniform noise levels can be seen in the ...
** Acknowledgement and references in publications [#i7fa1...
*** Acknowledgement [#y1fd402a]
- Please include the following statement in the acknowled...
The ASTE demo science data collection was partially suppo...
*** References [#tf1eab4d]
- Band10 receiver
-- Ito, T., et al. 2020, Proc. SPIE, 114533Q
- CSV of the Band10 receiver
-- Kamazaki, T., et al. 2020, Proc. SPIE, 114533X
//- Please include the following paper for the reference ...
//Izumi, N. et al. 2001, PASJ, 73, 174
[[ASTE Wiki]]
* Demo [CI](3P2-3P1) maps of a massive star forming regio...
:Last update|
-- 2021-08-03 released.
//-- 2021-07-02 CI images were added.
//-- 2021-04-02 created.
:Table of contents|
** Data archive [#q113d8ca]
- Demo science observations toward RCW38 with [CI] are on...
- Since the observations are still on the way, observatio...
- If you want to access the data, please contact with "[[...
** Data information [#je8cebb2]
| Target | RCW38 |
| Observation date | 2019/11 |
| Receiver | CAT10 (DSB) |
| Spectrometer | WHSF (FX mode) |
| Mode | OTF mapping |
| Target line | [CI](3P2-3P1) |
| Frequency | 809.341970 GHz |
| Bandwidth | 1024 MHz |
| Channel spacing | 0.5 MHz |
| Velocity resolution | smoothed to 0.5 km/s |
| Beam size (FWHM) | 12.6 arcsec x 13.1 arcsec (after ...
| Mapping size | 6 arcmin x 4 arcmin |
| Total mapping time | ~4 hrs |
| Tsys | 2000 K at the zenith |
| PWV | ~0.5 - 0.8 mm |
//** Data calibration
//- Absolute calibration
** Sample image [#mcd3ae65]
- [CI](3P2-3P1)
|BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): [CI] - Integrated intensity map |BGCOL...
|LEFT: - Integrated v_LSR range = -5 km/s ~ +15 km/s||
|BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): [CI] - RMS map ||
|LEFT: - RMS v_LSR range = -10 km/s ~ -5 km/s|~|
-- Note that non-uniform noise levels can be seen in the ...
** Acknowledgement and references in publications [#i7fa1...
*** Acknowledgement [#y1fd402a]
- Please include the following statement in the acknowled...
The ASTE demo science data collection was partially suppo...
*** References [#tf1eab4d]
- Band10 receiver
-- Ito, T., et al. 2020, Proc. SPIE, 114533Q
- CSV of the Band10 receiver
-- Kamazaki, T., et al. 2020, Proc. SPIE, 114533X
//- Please include the following paper for the reference ...
//Izumi, N. et al. 2001, PASJ, 73, 174