[[Observation and Analysis]]

* Useful shortcuts [#sb4b49a4]
:What's this page?|
This page lists commands that will be useful when you come across some troubles relevant to the telescope control system, COSMOS.

:Revision history|
-- 13-Jun-2014 - YT - created.
-- 30-Spt-2014 - BH - modified.
-- 28-Jan-2016 - KA - added Linux version.
-- 20-May-2016 - YT - added SSH's -t option to force pseudo-tty allocation.
-- 29-Aug-2016 - Kamazaki,T. - added minor comments to Aspirin.
-- 27-Nov-2016 - Kamazaki,T. - removed shortcuts for Solaris COSMOS3.

:Table of contents|


** Linux COSMOS3 [#tcc7461d]

|CENTER: Descriptions |CENTER: Fullcommands |
//|Restart COSMOS3 on the ASTE site |%%ssh -t aste-1c "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart all"%% &br; &color(red){Some processes could remain in this way. Please use the following way until this is resolved.}; |
|Restart COSMOS3 on the ASTE site |ssh -t aste-1c "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart all" |
|~|alternatively, &br; (1) ssh asteobs@aste-1c &br; (2) sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart all |
|Start COSMOS3 on the ASTE site |ssh -t aste-1c "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl start all" |
|Stop COSMOS3 on the ASTE site |ssh -t aste-1c "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl stop all" |
|Restart remote-site COSMOS3 and its connections to the ASTE site on a remote site |ssh -t aste-mt1 "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart" (Mitaka [MTK]) |
|~|ssh -t aste-rt1 "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart" (Remote [RMT]) |
|~|ssh -t aste-at1 "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart" (SPdA [SPdA]) |
|Restart Envmon and Aspirin &br; &color(red){%%(Don't forget to restart ASPIRIN after envmon restarts)%%}; |%%(1) ssh aste-v1c "/opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/naoj/rc3.d/S99astnaojd stop; nohup /opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/naoj/rc3.d/S99astnaojd start" &br; (2) ssh -t aste-1c "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/rc3.d/S99astnaojd stop; nohup sudo /cosmos3/naoj/rc3.d/S99astnaojd start"%% &br; Restart COSMOS3 on the ASTE site |
|Turn on Aspirin-blue (wind correction) |ssh aste-1c "/cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw on"  |
|Display ASTE site status |ssh aste-1c "/cosmos3/naoj/bin/astemon.sh -nw"  |

** Instrumental control [#k37aa6f7]

|CENTER: Descriptions |CENTER: Fullcommands |
| MAC power-control | (1) ssh asteobs@aste-1c |
|~| (2 power-cycle) mac_sw REBOOT &br; (2 power-off) mac_sw OFF &br; (2 power-on) mac_sw ON |
| WHSF power-control | (1) ssh asteobs@aste-1c |
|~| (2 power-cycle) ffx_sw REBOOT &br; (2 power-off) ffx_sw OFF &br; (2 power-on) ffx_sw ON |

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