[[Tasks in Chile/Regular tasks]]

*** Instruction for checking the oil level and refilling the oil [#x17ae54a]
- &color(red,yellow){This instruction is only for #7001.};

- According to an e-mail from Iwashita-san on 8 Dec 2011:
 By rough estimates, it is likely that the generator #7001 burns off 
 approximately 1.4 liters of oil every 24 hours. The capacity of an 
 oil tank is 58 liters. If you find that the oil level is 'L' (low level) on 
 the oil gauge, it means 1/3 of oil (= 19 liters) should remain in the 
 oil tank.
 Now we know the oil in #7001 burns off and decreases at the 
 middle level between 'F' (full) and 'L' (low) for 14 days, which 
 means that #7001 burns 19 liters of oil for 14 days (i.e. 1.4 liters 
 for 24 hours).
 So you need to refill 
    - three small bottles of oil per 2 days, or
    - two large bottles and one small bottles of oil per a week (= 7 days)
 to the generator #7001.

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