

* DAILY [#ga1bf1ac]
per 2-3 days
** 発電機と燃料のチェックと記録(check and record the status of genset and fuel tanks) [#v6e342d7]
- Instruction
-- Check the oil level when #7001 operates, and refill the oil. ([[instruction>Tasks in Chile/Regular tasks/Oil level check]])
- [[Log it here>Generator#s6dab009]]

** 観測データバックアップ(backup of observation data) [#qef37b22]
- [[Instruction on Data transfer>Computer and Network/Data transfer]]

** 作業記録(work record at the ASTE site) [#uf825437]
- Log it to wiki: [[Tasks at Site]] 山頂到着と出発時刻~
time when you arrived, left

** 清掃(Cleaning) [#gb66c525]
- トイレ(bathroom) etc.

** Don Esteban 停電対応(In case of power outage at Don Esteban) [#gb66c525]
- 不幸にも発電機切り替えに失敗していたら発電機の起動をする~
Unfortunately if you face the failure of generator switching of Don Esteban, you will have to start the generator...
- Instruction manual is placed in ASTE office
- @SPdA

* WEEKLY [#i6f72423]

** 運用会議(weekly operation meeting telecon) [#we259d03]
- 通常水曜日の夜(木曜 9:30am JST)~
usually Wednesday night (Thursday morning 9:30am JST)
- @SPdA

** 週報 to aste-unyo (weekly report to aste-unyo) [#be8baed4]
- これが運用会議のagendaとなるので運用会議の前に aste-unyo に送る。~
Send it to ML (aste-unyo=at=nro.nao.ac.jp) before the telecon such that the report is used as an agenda for the weekly telecon.
-use a Polycom telecon system in SPdA office

* PERIODIC [#u67b9edf]

** 車給油(refueling of cars) [#xca838eb]
- per ~ 7 days
-send a fuel request email to Joaquin, Maria Angelica and Veronica Gareca~
Keep in good contact with them.~
[[Fuel request (car) Form>Tasks in Chile/Regular tasks/Fuel request]]
- @OSF

** 借上車メンテナンス(periodic maintenance of ASTE cars) [#ld6a55ba]
- per 5000km
- contact Joaquin-san, Maria Angelica-san or Veronica-san

** 発電機切り替え(switch genset) [#ec6aaf2f]
- per 10 days
- [[Instruction on switching generators>Generator#e11fce42]]

** コマツ発電機メンテナンス(periodic genset maintenance by Komatsu) [#pccd1f54]
- per 3 weeks
- Instruction on Komatsu maintenance
-- Contact technicians on the night before the maintenance day and tell them when to meet at the ALMA gate.
-- Accompany them all through the ALMA road.
- [[Instruction on Komatsu documents you will receive>Generator#d796233b]]
- [[Komatsu technician contacts>Generator#db63e80d]]

** 発電機給油(genset fuel supply by SHELL) [#p27bf18d]
- Usually 15,000L per 48 days
- Instruction on receiving generator fuel
-- When: usually 10:00-11:00AM
-- SHELL will come up via Paso de Jama road. You will meet the driver at the ASTE site.
-- upload the SHELL documents to wiki
-- upload the photos of test in the fridge to wiki
- [[Instruction on SHELL delivery documents you will receive>Generator#j49c84de]]
- [[SHELL driver contact>Generator#n6a3b4be]]

** 燃料タンク切り替え(switching genset fuel tanks) [#hb0758b3]
- [[Instruction on genset fuel tanks>Generator#g4e6d24f]]

** 計算機、通信機器のホコリの確認と清掃 [#xb4bbcfd]
- 定期的にほこりにまみれてないかチェックする
- 特に機器のファンの周辺。通気が悪くなっていたら確実に要清掃。

** エアコンのフィルタの清掃(clean the filters of air conditioners) [#u9b77956]
- monthly
- 山頂(特に観測コンテナ)・山麓両方
- both ASTE site(especially control room) and SPdA office

*NON-PERIODIC [#mbf0bf9c]

** Consumables [#df73592a]
- 20Lの飲料水はALMA-J(NAOJ)で供給してもらう。~
Ask for "20L drinking water tank"at ALMA-J(NAOJ) 
- 消耗品の在庫がなくなった場合は、ALMA水野氏に購入依頼をする~
Ask Joaquin-san or Mizuno-san at ALMA-J if you need some consumables (Toilet paper, alcohol, liquid soap...)

** Shut down (and startup) procedure for ASTE office in SPdA [#o92122ef]
- When you need to shutdown the office due to long power-blackout, etc...~
[[Computer and Network/computers/shutdown SPdA]]

** 荷受け(receiving shipment from Japan) [#e75892eb]
- 山頂での引き取りとCalama空港倉庫での引き取りがある~
reception at the ASTE site or pick up at the warehouse of Calama airport
- 山頂引き取りの場合は、前日に日通が山麓オフィスに来て打ち合わせる~
In case of reception at the ASTE site, Nippon Express driver will visit Don Esteban office one day before the delivery.

** grease up of EL sector gear [#v6fc3f90]
- per ~ 3 month (once during NAOJ maintenance)
- ギア表面がうっすらと見えてきた場合はすぐに行う~
Whenever you find the grease became thin

** check satellite network modem signal levels [#n1cf121a]
- whenever we find trouble with the satellite connection
- [[Instruction and Log>Computer and Network/satellite network]]
- @ASTE site and @SPdA

** [[webcam用ハロゲンランプの交換(replacing the halogen lamp bulbs)>halogen lamp]] [#o541eab8]
- ストックは観測コンテナ入口の棚か赤40ftコンテナ~
stocks are in observation container or red 40ft container.

** 降雪後(after snow fall) [#h1d5d2ca]
- 鏡面、ELセクタギアを観察して氷がついていないことを確認~
check that no ice is present on the main reflector surface and the EL sector gear
- OK かどうかを aste-unyo に報告~
report the situation (OK or not) to aste-unyo

** 廃油回収のための量調査と立会い Retrieval of Oil waste (diesel, lubrication oil etc.) [#x3ac4dfa]
- per ~6 month
- 回収はALMAを通して行われる~
retrieval process is carried out via ALMA project
- 運用マネージャーから廃油量確認依頼と日程の連絡がある~
You'll receive from ASTE managers, a request for counting the amount of oil waste and date of retrieval by ALMA.~
- 発電機小屋内、外部燃料タンク、会議室コンテナ前などの廃油缶量を運用マネージャーに連絡。未使用のvalvolineの缶をカウントしないように注意!~
Report to ASTE managers the amount of oil waste found inside the generator house, around the large diesel tanks, in front of meeting room container. Be careful not to count the unused blue valvoline cans.~
  genset house:
   60L full: ** cans
   60L half: ** cans
  fuel tank yard:

** 消火器の消費期限確認 Checking the expiry date of Extinguishers [#j649827e]
- 全てのコンテナで確認する~
check all the extinguishers in every container
- 消費期限とサイズとを記録し、Tasks at Site に記録~
record the size and the expiry date to Tasks at Site
- 消費期限の切れたもの・近いものがあれば ASTE managers, Joaquin-san, Mizuno-san へ報告~
if expired or expiry date is close, report to ASTE managers, Joaquin-san, Mizuno-san
- 再充填はALMA-Jを通してWilug@Calamaによって行われる~
refill will be done by Wilug@Calama via ALMA-J

*miscellaneous [#c1ce6e83]
**Antenna position [#q879e7b8]
-park position: AZ=-180, EL=60
-When snow fall is predicted:AZ=-180, EL=10 http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~aste/guide/observation/monitor.html
-Sun angle must be larger than 25deg~
check with solview (just click "solar monitor" on COSMOS3 launcher or type "solview" on solaris machine)

** 注意事項(warnings) [#n4ac31df]
- 車関係(ASTE car related)
-- do not contact Hertz directly
-- contact Joaquin-san, Maria Angelica-san or Veronica-san, they support us around the clock (24hrs)
-- use ASTE team cell phone or see [contact information] to contact them
- respect the speed limit on ALMA road. do not break the rule.

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