[[Tasks at Site]] ---- 2012-05-11(Fri) - ASTE site: Arrived 09:30, left 20:00 -- Oshima, Hirota, Minamidani -- Checked TES camera compressor and chiller -- Fuel supply to the geneset tanks --- [[Photos:https://picasaweb.google.com/116003497615639077469/20120511_Shell_fuel_supply?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCLnOopvjq7LH6AE&feat=directlink]] --- Total: 20,000L --- South: 4,100L --> 14,100L --- North: 5,500L --> 15,500L -- Checked Genesets --- #65099(South): 996.11hrs (RUNNING) --- #65098(North): 1012.35hrs (suspended) -- Checked Fuel tanks --- South: 14,100L (closed) --- North: 15,500L (OPEN) -- Checked fuel leakage from the South tank --- Stopped ?! (No change in fluid level)