[[Tasks at Site]] ---- 2012-04-08 #author("2019-06-19T08:33:50+09:00","","") - ASTE site: Arrived 08:40, left 17:00 -- Oshima, Iwashita, Sato, Takekoshi, Minamidani -- Checked TES camera dewar (Cont.) --- Checked cold optics part --- Checked Band 2 FPM -- Brought down two sets of 4K Helium compressors (indoor and outdoor units) from the telescope. --- Put one set of 4K Helium compressor to the iron frame. -- Checked Genesets --- #65099(South): 513.2hrs (suspended) --- #65098(North): 699.54hrs (RUNNING) -- Checked Fuel tanks --- South: 8,400L (OPEN) --- North: 10,100L (closed) - Don Esteban office -- Hirota -- Checked TES camera Backend rack --- Checked DfMUX boards --- Checked Timing board --- Checked IRIG-B TTL-to-RS485 converter