[[Tasks at Site]] -Arrived at 10:00 and left 15:00 (ASTE Site). -I make backup data. -We check the advance in the Juan Donoso work, it’s no finish jet. -We account the old bottles with oil in ASTE site: --2 big bottles (200 L each one). --~7 small bottles (20 L each one). --~60 medium bottles (60 L each one). -We checked the new generator, it's working Ok. -we make a part for the lines in new generator. -Connect the power line in new generator. -We have a problem with a fuel in new generator, was necessary clean fuel from the floor in generator room. -We checked the face in the power line connection of the new generator, is Ok. -We tried to change the #7001 generator for the new generator, but something is wrong, was impossible synchronize both generator, we decide no switch both generator and ask to Japan. -I called to Carlos Burgos (Komatsu Chile), we postpone the arrive of the second new generator for the next week. -We kept the wood for repair the 40 ft container inside self. -Check the generator #7001. --#7001 13445hrs. --Switch Large fuel tank, Opened South, Closed North. --South:open 8800L, North:closed 4400L.