[[Tasks at Site]] --Arrived 11:50 and left 16:50 (ASTE Site). --Telefonica people start to prepare the base for the new antenna (make a hole in the earth, prepare the concret, put concret in the hole), ASTE people help in this. --Check the generator #7001 and #7002. ---#7001 12231hrs. #7002 10471hrs. ---South:closed 3200L, North:open 8500L. -Arrived 11:50 and left 16:50 (ASTE Site). -Telefonica people start to prepare the base for the new antenna (make a hole in the earth, prepare the concrete, put concrete in the hole), ASTE people help in this. -Check the generator #7001 and #7002. --#7001 12231hrs. #7002 10471hrs. --South:closed 3200L, North:open 8500L.