[[Tasks at Site]]

-Arrived 10:20 and left 16:00 (ASTE Site).
-Check the generator #7002.
--#7001 10391hrs. #7002 8803hrs.
--South:open 9450L, North:closed 7200L
-We continuum starting the site (Observing room).
-We check the satellite communication, maybe the problem is the satellite o connection in Universidad de Chile.
-Okuda-San worked in Antenna room.
-Work in Don Esteban.

* Back side in satellite box [#j801ceb8]
|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2634.JPG,around,30%,,);&br;Back main panel|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2635.JPG,around,30%,,);&br;Zoom back main panel|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2640.JPG,around,30%,,);&br;Down side box|

* Lights on in satellite box [#j801ceb8]
|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2624.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;Main panel|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2629.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;On the Router|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2630.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;On the Router (left)|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2631.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;Status red LAN and WAN in Satellite box|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2636.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;Back side Router|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2638.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;Connections|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2639.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;Zoom back side Router|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2641.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;Level of power 10.4 dB > 6 dB, is good|

* After Okuda-San worked in Antenna room [#j801ceb8]
|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2643.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;After Okuda-San worked in Antenna room|

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