#author("2023-07-19T15:36:38+09:00","default:astewww","astewww") #author("2023-07-19T15:36:48+09:00","default:astewww","astewww") [[ASTE Wiki]] * Open-use program > sample device tables [#w686a045] :What's this page?| This page provides sample device tables. :Last update :Last update| -- 2019-06-17 :Table of contents| #contents ---- ** Sample device tables [#v2d40f87] - Frequencies come from Splatalogue (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/php/splat/). *** DASH345 [#s1c4dd30] |CENTER: |CENTER: |RIGHT: |CENTER: |CENTER: |LEFT: |c |Spectrometer|Mode|CENTER: Bandwidth [MHz]|Line|Sideband|Dev.Table|h |WHSF|FX|1024|~|~|&ref(WHSF-FX1024-DASH3-12COL.png,,4%); (*1)| |~|~|2048|~|~|&ref(WHSF-FX2048-DASH3-12COL.png,,4%);| |~|~|4096|~|~|&ref(WHSF-FX4096-DASH3-12COL.png,,4%);| (*1) Qlook shows 2048 channels over 2048 MHz after 2-channel binning of 4096 channels over 2048 MHz in spite of Qlook Options in observation tables. &br; //(*2) Qlook shows 2048 channels over 4096 MHz after 2-channel binning of 4096 channels over 4096 MHz in spite of Qlook Options in observation tables. *** BAND8 [#kc099ed6] |CENTER: |CENTER: |RIGHT: |CENTER: |CENTER: |LEFT: |c |Spectrometer|Mode|CENTER: Bandwidth [MHz]|Line|Sideband|Dev.Table|h |WHSF|FX|1024|~|~|&ref(WHSF-FX1024-BAND8-12COL.png,,4%); (*1)| |~|~|2048|~|~|&ref(WHSF-FX2048-BAND8-12COL.png,,4%);| |~|~|4096|~|~|&ref(WHSF-FX4096-BAND8-12COL.png,,4%);| (*1) Qlook shows 2048 channels over 2048 MHz after 2-channel binning of 4096 channels over 2048 MHz in spite of Qlook Options in observation tables. &br; //(*2) Qlook shows 2048 channels over 4096 MHz after 2-channel binning of 4096 channels over 4096 MHz in spite of Qlook Options in observation tables.