
:Table of contents|

** 3. Parameters of "Source Table" [#m455d659]

*** 3.1 (RA,DEC) (L,B) [#e1fd2f2e]

Fig 3.1  Source Table Window for (RA,DEC)(L,B)


- ''File Name'': Name of "Source Table" to save.
- ''Source Name'': Name of a source which you observe.
- ''Coordinate of Source Position'':
- ''RA/L'': Right ascension (RA) or galactic longitude (L).
- ''DEC/B'': Declination (DEC) or galactic latitude (B).
- ''System'': Coordinate system (RA,DEC) or (L,B).
- ''Epoch'': Epoch of the coordinate (B1950 or J2000).
- ''Velocity'': Radial velocity of the source.
- ''Frame'': Frame of the velocity (LSR or Heliocentric).
- ''Definition'': Definition of the velocity (Radio or Optical).
-- Radio : Vradio = (1 -ν/ν0)c
 ν: observed frequency
 ν0 : rest frequency
  c : light speed
-- Optical : Vopt = (λ/λ0 - 1)c = cz
 λ: observed wavelength
 λ0 : rest wavelength
 1+z =λ/λ0

*** 3.2 (Az,El) [#ge972809]

Fig 3.2  Source Table Window for (Az, El)


- ''File Name'': Name of "Source Table" to save. &br;
- ''Source Name'': Name of a source which you observe. &br;
- ''Coordinate'': &br;
- ''Azimuth'': Azimuthal angle is measured from the north (0 deg) toward the east. -180 deg < AZ < +360 deg. &br;
- ''Elevation'': Elevation angle is measured from the horizon (0 deg) toward the zenith (90 deg). 4 deg < El < 90 deg. &br;

*** 3.3 Solar object [#vb7a7a52]

Fig 3.3  Source Table Window for solar object


- ''File Name'': Name of "Source Table" to save. &br;
- ''Source'': Select an object. &br;

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