
:Table of contents|

** 4. Parameters of "Scan Table" in Line Observations [#sbbd6ed2]

*** 4.1 Common parameters [#g13aff75]

Fig 4.1  Scan Table Window

- ''File Name'': Name of "Scan Table" to save.
- ''On Positions''
-- ''Scan Pattern'': Select a scan pattern from the list shown by pushing the button. A window to set parameters appears except for Center (one-point).
--- ''Center (one-point)'': To observe the coordinate of one source position defined in "Source Table".
--- ''5 Points'': To observe 5 (or 9) points like a cross. This pattern is mainly used for pointing.
--- ''Strip'': To observe equally spaced points along a strip.
--- ''Map (single-grid)'': To observe a rectangular area with a single grid spacing.
--- ''Random Positions'': To observe random positions. Coordinates of 40 ON positions can be defined.
--- ''Spiral'': To observe a square area with a single grid spacing like a spiral from the center.
--- ''OTF'': To observe a rectangular area with On-The-Fly (OTF) method.
-- ''Integration Time'': Integration time for ON position.
-- ''On Point Numbers'': Numbers of start point and end point of ON positions. If you observe all ON positions defined in Scan Pattern, enter "1-total number of ON positions". You can observe some specified ON positions among the positions defined in Scan Pattern by using this parameter.

- ''Off/Calib Positions''
-- ''Coordinate System'': Coordinate system for OFF positions.
-- ''Coordinate Mode'': Definition of OFF positions.
--- ''offset from center'': Offset from the coordinate of a source defined in "Source Table".
--- ''absolute value'': Absolute value on the specified coordinate system.
-- ''Coordinate Values (1) - (4)'': Coordinates of OFF positions. 4 OFF positions can be defined.   For frequency switching and beam switching, OFF position (1) is used for calibration.
-- ''Integration Time'': Integration time for OFF position.

- ''Sequence'': Observation sequence is defined by On Point Numbers, Sequence Pattern, and Number of Sequence (see examples).
-- ''Sequence Pattern'': Sequence pattern of ON positions (*) and OFF positions (1 - 4).
-- ''Number of Maps'': Total number of scan per one ON position.

- ''Calibration'': Parameters for intensity calibration.
-- ''Calibration Mode'': Select a calibration system for intensity calibration.
--- ''R-SKY'' : Default
-- ''Integration Time'': Integration time for calibration. In general, this is set to be the same as the integration time of ON position.
-- ''Interval'': Number of Sequence Pattern between intensity calibrations. Typical value of the interval time of the calibration is 10-20 min.  You should decide this parameter considering the weather condition.

- ''Switching Mode Options'': You can use only position switching mode.
-- ''Frequency Switch'': (Not available)
*** 4.2 Scan pattern - 5 Points [#vbb2f3dc]

Fig 4.2  5 Points Window

- ''Observation Mode'': For pointing observation, select pointing.
- ''Coordinate System'': Coordinate system of scan.
- ''Number of Positions'': Number of ON positions. Since the center is observed twice in one cycle, total number of ON positions is 6 for 5 points and 10 for 9 points (9 points observation is not available now).
- ''Grid Spacing 1'': Position offset (of the inner points for 9 points) from the center.
- ''Grid Spacing 2 (for 9 points)'': Position offset of the outer points from the center.
- ''Position Angle:'' Position angle of scan on the specified coordinate system. (+ : CCW)

Fig 4.3  Scan pattern of the above Scan Table.

*** 4.3 Scan pattern - Strip Scan [#r8d036ff]

Fig 4.4  Strip Scan Window

- ''Coordinate System'': Coordinate system for ON positions.
- ''Number of Grid'': Number of ON position.
- ''Grid Spacing'': Grid spacing of ON positions. You can enter only positive (+) value.
- ''Position Angle'': Position angle of a strip of ON positions on the specified coordinate system. (+ : CCW)
- ''Reference Position'': Coordinates of the reference position (*). The origin is the coordinate of a source defined in "Source Table".

Fig 4.5  Scan pattern of the above Scan Table.

*** 4.4 Scan pattern - Map (single-grid) [#k6e5cc12]

Fig 4.6  Map (single-grid) Window

- ''Coordinate System'': Coordinate system for ON positions.
- ''Number of Grid'': Grid numbers along X and Y axes.  Total number of ON positions must be less than 10000.
- ''Grid Spacing'': Grid spacing of X and Y directions.  Scan direction is defined by +/- (A positive (+) value is recommended because it has some bugs when a negative value (-) is entered).
- ''Initial Direction'': Initial direction of scan.
- ''Position Angle'': Position angle of a map on the specified coordinate system.  (+ : CCW)
- ''Reference Position'': Coordinates of the reference position (*). The origin is the coordinate of a source defined in "Source Table".

//Fig 4.7  Scan pattern of the above Scan Table.

*** 4.5 Scan pattern - Random Positions [#nb28714f]

Fig 4.8  Random Position Window

- ''Coordinate System'': Coordinate system for ON positions.
- ''Point (1) - (20)'': Coordinate of ON positions.  20 ON positions can be defined.
- ''Position Angle'': Position angle of a map on the specified coordinate system. (+ : CCW)

*** 4.6 Scan pattern -Spiral Scan [#mb852a16]

Fig 4.9  Spiral Scan Window

- ''Coordinate System'': Coordinate system for ON poisition.
- ''Number of Grid'': Grid number (N) of one side of map from the reference position (*). The total number of one side of map will be set to be 2N+1.
- ''Grid Spacing'': Grid spacing of ON positions.
- ''Spiral Direction'': Initial direction of scan.
- ''Position Angle'': Position angle of initial direction of scan. (+ : CCW)
- ''Reference Position'': Coordinate of the start position.  The origin is the coordinate of a source defined in "Source Table".

//Fig 4.10  Scan pattern of the above Scan Table.

*** 4.7 Scan pattern - OTF [#x416287d]

Detailed information is "[[HERE>http://aste.nao.ac.jp/guide/prepare/aobs/otf/obs.html]]".
Detailed information is "[[A Guide to OTF Observations with ASTE>http://aste.nao.ac.jp/guide/otf/index-e.html]]".

Fig 4.11  OTF (raster) Window

-''Coordinate System'': Coordinate system for ON position.
-- ''dX0, dY0'': Coordinate of the start point of a map (not include Approach).
-- ''Direction'': Direction of scan (X or Y).
-- ''Length'': Length of main scan path. Approach is not included. Scan direction is defined by +/- (cf. Fig 4.16).
-- ''Spacing'': Spacing between scan paths. Direction of the next scan path is defined by +/-.
-- ''Begin-End'': Numbers of start scan path and end scan path.
-- ''Position Angle'': Position angle of a map on the specified coordinate system. (+ : CCW)
- ''Time'':
-- ''Approach'': Time for acceleration.
-- ''Scan'': Scan time of main scan path. Scan speed of the antenna is Scan Length/Scan Time. The typical scan speed is 10-20 arcsec/s.
-- ''Transit'': Transit time to start point of the next scan path.
-- ''Return'': Time to return to the start point.

Fig 4.12  Scan pattern of the above Scan Table.

*** 4.3 Tips [#m21d0b6e]

- Total number of ON position
-- Center (one-point) : 1
-- Map (single-grid) : X Grid Number * Y Grid Number
-- Map (multi-grid) : (X Grid Number * Y Grid Number : Smalll Grid) * (X Grid Number * Y Grid Number : Large Grid)
-- Five points : 6 or 10
-- Spiral scan : N = (Side Grid Number)2 or {(INT)(Area Side Length / Grid Spacing)}2
If N = even, N = (Side Grid Number + 1)2 or {(INT)(Area Side Length / Grid Spacing) + 1}2

- Observation sequence
 e.g.1) On Point Numbers : 1-4
          Sequence Pattern : 1**
          Number of Sequence : 2
               OFF1, ON1, ON2,
               OFF1, ON1, ON2,
               OFF1, ON3, ON4,
               OFF1, ON3, ON4
 e.g.2) On Point Numbers : 1-4
          Sequence Pattern : 1**1**
          Number of Sequence : 2
               OFF1, ON1, ON2, OFF1, ON3, ON4,
               OFF1, ON1, ON2, OFF1, ON3, ON4
 e.g.3) On Point Numbers : 2-6
          Sequence Pattern : 1**2**
          Number of Sequence : 2
               OFF1, ON2, ON3, OFF2, ON4, ON5,
               OFF1, ON6, ON2, OFF2, ON3, ON4,
               OFF1, ON5, ON6

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