
:Table of contents|

** 2 How to use "Aobs-xffts" [#u1630130]
** 2 How to use "Aobs" [#u1630130]

*** 2.1 Start "Aobs-xffts" [#v97ec6fb]
*** 2.1 Start "Aobs" [#v97ec6fb]
+ Login to Amazon WorkSpaces (AWS) with your AWS account (e.g. aobs00).
+ Double click ''aobs-xffts'' icon on your AWS desktop. Startup Window appears as shown in Fig 2.1.
+ Enter the information listed below, and push ''Start'' button.  Main Window appears as shown in Fig 2.2.
+ If you quit Obstable, push "Quit" button.
Fig 2.1  Startup Window


- ''Obs Account'': Observation account (e.g. a23000)
- ''Obs Project'': Normally either of 'proj0', 'proj1' or 'proj2'
- ''Observer'': Observer name (optional)


Fig 2.2  Main Window

*** 2.2 Preparation of 'Source Table', 'Scan Table', and 'Device Table' [#b2c053db]
You have to make three subtables (''Source Table'', ''Scan Table'', and ''Device Table''). Windows to set parameters of the subtables are opened by pushing buttons on Main Window.  For example, if you select ''(RA,DEC)(L,B)'' button for ''Source Table'', Source Table Window appears as shown in Fig 2.3. (You can see windows for other subtables in section 3-section 5.)

+ Open a window to set parameters by selecting a type on Main Window.
+ Enter parameters in the subtable.  (The details of the parameters are discribed in section 3-section 5.)
+ Push ''Save'' button to save the parameters.
+ Push ''Quit'' button to close the window.

Make Source Table, Scan Table, and Device Table by this way.

Fig 2.3  Source Table Window

*** 2.3 Preparation of 'Observation Table' [#v75d9251]
After you make the subtables, you have to make Observation Table from the subtables, and send it to the workstation that controls the ASTE 10m telescope system. The operation mentioned below is performed on Main Window.

+ Enter name of ''Observation Table'' to save.
+ Set a subtable for each of ''Source Table'', ''Scan Table'' and ''Device Table''.
+ Push ''Save'' button.  (The ''Observation Table'' which you set will be saved in the directory of ~[Group]/[Project]/obstable/ on your AWS.)
+ Push ''Send'' button.  (The ''Observation Table'' will be send to an on-site workstation.)

After you send ''Observation Table'' to the on-site workstation, you can start observations with the observation table.

*** 2.4 Basic Operation [#q18ec005]
Basic operation of ''aobs'' is listed here. When you push a button, use the left mouse-button.

- ''Get parameters of an existing file''
++ Push ''List'' button.
++ Select a file from the list.
++ Push ''Load'' button.
++Type file name whose parameters you want to get in 'File Name'.
++Push ''Load'' button.
- ''Delete an existing file''
++ Push ''List'' button.
++ Select a file from the list.
++ Push ''Delete'' button.  Then, a window for confirmation appears.
++ Push ''Delete'' button again.
- ''Print screen''
++ Push ''Print'' button.
- ''Save table''
++ Enter file name in 'File Name' ('Observation Table' for Main Window).
++ Push ''Save'' button.  If there is a table which has the same name, a window for confirmation appears.

- ''Close window''
++ Push ''Close'' button.
Send Observe Table (Main Window)
Enter file names of 'Observation Table' and subtables.
Push type buttons of the subtables (e.g., "(RA,DEC)(L,B)" for "Souce Table").
Push ''Send'' button.
- ''Quit aobs''
++ Push ''Quit'' button on Main Window.

- ''Buttons''
-- ''Close'': Close window.
//-- Cont. List: Show a list of continuum sources. (Source Table Window)
-- ''Delete'': Delete the file specified in File List.
-- ''List'': Show the list of existing files.
-- ''Load'': Get parameters from the specified file from a list or specified in "File Name".
//-- LST Clock: Start the LST clock for the ASTE site.
-- ''Make'': Make a "Observe Table" using subtables which you set.
-- ''Print'': Print screen.
-- ''Quit'': End "obstable".
-- ''Save'': Save parameters of the table which you set.
-- ''Send'': Send a table to the workstation that control the ASTE 10m telescope system.
-- ''Set'': Set a subtable on the Main Window.

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