[[ASTE Wiki]]

* Open-use program > receiver performance [#g9a88a99]

:What's this page?|
This page provides information about the current receiver performance.

:Last update|
-- 2023-09-22

:Table of contents|

** DASH345 [#l201eb76]

- The following TSYS calculations use the atmosphere model in ALMA (https://almascience.nao.ac.jp/tools/about-alma/atmosphere-model).

*** Receiver performance [#g8b02486]
- ''Receiver temperatures (TRX)'' and ''Image Rejection Ratio (IRR)''

*** Calculated system temperatures [#i250786e]
- ''330GHz(LSB)'' and ''345GHz(LSB)''
- ''357GHz(USB)''

** CAT8W [#ced1baea]

- The following TSYS calculations use the atmosphere model in ALMA (https://almascience.nao.ac.jp/tools/about-alma/atmosphere-model).

//*** Receiver performance [#h46c26e5]
//- ''Receiver temperatures (TRX)'' and ''Image Rejection Ratio (IRR)''

*** Calculated system temperatures [#nf7f0633]
- ''461GHz(LSB)'' and ''492GHz(USB)''


** BAND8 (not CAT8W; decommissioned) [#sad9d95c]

- The following TSYS calculations use the atmosphere model in ALMA (https://almascience.nao.ac.jp/tools/about-alma/atmosphere-model).

*** Receiver performance [#h46c26e5]
- ''Receiver temperatures (TRX)'' and ''Image Rejection Ratio (IRR)''

*** Calculated system temperatures [#nf7f0633]
- ''461GHz(LSB)'' and ''492GHz(USB)''

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