[[Observing Log]] * Observation a16001 [#z54c5322] ** observer info [#s4e43e48] - name tanaka kunihiko - skypeid momonekodebuneko - site MTK - env Temp. : 4.74 C Humid. : 11.31 % ( 0.97 hPa ) Solar : 0.32 kW/m2 Wind : 12.42 m/s 278 deg AirPressure : 570.48 hPa ( Rain: 0.01 ) Opacity @220 GHz : 0.0739 - pwv > 2 ** logs [#ob2f6aee] - UT2100 tuning d3p2ay - UT2105 try pd3w. too high Tsys - UT2110 re-tune pd3w (different center frequency) - UT2112 start pd3w -- noticed that i mistakenly tuned mac, not whsf orz.. - UT2115 start pd3w -- dAz, dEl = 3, 0 - UT2132 re-tune d3p2ay - UT2137 start d3p2ay -- heavy spikes in the X3 array. tune the table again. - UT2144 start d3p2ay OK. - UT2304 pd3w -- dAz, dEl = 0, 0 - UT2317 d3p2by - UT2339 emergency stop : Lost control priority - UT2341 d3p2byr - UT0042 pd3w - UT0050 d3p2cy - UT0110 Tsys > 3000. give up observation. This data cannot be used.