[[Observing Log]] ---- #contents ---- * Obslog A16001 [#k7bc5543] ** observer [#s404cab0] - Tanaka, K - momonekodebuneko (skype) ** logs [#i51924c8] - UT2130 Tuning - UT2140 pointing (pd3w) start -- restarted cosmos3 due to the antenna error -- failure of "start tuning" due to "FFX fatal error" - UT2210 start cndy -- "FFX fatal error", restart obs - UT2330 pointing - UT2340 start p4bx - UT0100 start broad1y - UT0134 start calB8_2 -- UT0215 ended with the antenna error -- restarted cosmos - UT0218 pd3m start for checking MAC -- the error persists. stop obs. - UT0220 try the prescription provided by Kamazaki-sam (1) Stop COSMOS3 at the ASTE site asteobs@aste-1c $ sudo cos3_cntl stop all (2) Make sure no ACG process asteobs@aste-1c $ ps -ef | grep acg if some processes (of course, except for grep) are listed, please reboot aste-1c by "su halt" (3) Power-cycle the MAC asteobs@aste-1c $ mac_sw REBOOT (4) Start COSMOS3 - reboot aste-1c (though probably not related to this problem..) - did not work - reboot aste-1c (though probably not related to this problem..) and tried one again - worked