[[Observing Log]] * Obslog A16001 [#hea710e1] ** observer [#l716bcc2] * Obslog A16001 [#ta754eaf] ** observer [#sbe59ef4] - Tanaka, K - momonekodebuneko (skype) ** logs [#x3bb074f] ** logs [#w89abcf5] - UT2200 tuning - UT2220 pointing dAz, dEl -> 2, 0 - UT2225 pd3m.start -- UT2253 antenna trouble -- Real, Prog values are not updated -- -- update of Real, Prog values stopped [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ ipcs -a ------ Shared Memory Segments -------- key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status 0x00000000 0 root 644 114692 1 0x00000a74 32769 root 666 4888 0 0x00000a75 65538 root 666 67200 0 0x020322e1 98307 root 777 204832 5 0x040322e1 131076 root 777 1044 5 0x00000a79 163845 root 666 4888 1 0x00000a7c 196614 root 666 256 0 0x00000000 360459 root 644 40 2 0x00000000 1376269 root 644 96276 2 0xffffffff 720918 astecntl 666 228 6 0x00000000 1474583 root 644 40 2 ------ Semaphore Arrays -------- key semid owner perms nsems 0x00000000 65538 root 644 1 0x000010e7 98307 root 666 1 0x000010f1 131076 root 666 1 0x010322e1 163845 root 777 1 0x030322e1 196614 root 777 6 0x000010ec 229383 root 666 1 0xffffffff 262152 astecntl 666 1 ------ Message Queues -------- key msqid owner perms used-bytes messages -- appears recovered - UT0050 d3p2dx start - UT0200 antenna console trouble -- antenna status is not displayed on the console. all zeros. -- restarting cosmos did not work -- approximately Az, El = -110, +25