[[Observing Log]] *Observation CN2016B-71 [#s6dfcec3] **Observer Info [#md7d6f24] - Observer: Izumi, N. - contact : izumi.natsuko **Observing Log [#d615cca1] - UT2314 Tuning DASH345 & MAC --Filename: EPA5pB2.tune ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/10/05 23:14:37 ===================================ASTE Site=================================== Temp. : 0.25 C Humid. : 8.67 % ( 0.54 hPa ) Solar : 0.00 kW/m2 Wind : 13.13 m/s 229 deg AirPressure : 571.35 hPa ( Rain: 0.01 ) Opacity @220 GHz : 0.0595 ================================ Receiver Cabin =============================== Main Cabin: --- C Upper Cabin: --- C AzTEC AE: --- C Dewar: --- C SCD : ---- ---- ---- ---- ================================Observation Room=============================== Temp. : 14.02 degC Humid. : 5.14 % DBE(MAC): 17.5 degC 20.2 degC 21.8 degC 21.2 degC DBE(WHSF): 17.0 degC 17.0 degC 18.0 degC 20.0 degC 20.0 degC 19.0 degC Meeting Rm.: Temp: room: ----- entrance: ----- WC: ----- -------------------------------Air Conditioners-------------------------------- Internal Out 15.50 C 15.40 C -3.70 C 16.00 C -9.40 C 16.89 C Internal Ret. 16.80 C 15.30 C 15.40 C 16.00 C 15.20 C 16.10 C External 168.60 C -0.20 C 15.20 C 168.60 C ================================Antenna Shelter================================ Air-cond. : 9.40 degC 9.30 degC -0.60 degC Room Temp.: 10.00 degC -UT2335 Pointing -Filename: EPA5pD2.start ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/10/05 23:36:02 ===================================ASTE Site=================================== Temp. : 0.10 C Humid. : 8.84 % ( 0.54 hPa ) Solar : 0.00 kW/m2 Wind : 8.61 m/s 236 deg AirPressure : 571.56 hPa ( Rain: 0.01 ) Opacity @220 GHz : 0.0514 ================================ Receiver Cabin =============================== Main Cabin: --- C Upper Cabin: --- C AzTEC AE: --- C Dewar: --- C SCD : ---- ---- ---- ---- ================================ObservationRoom=============================== Temp. : 14.35 degC Humid. : 5 .09 % DBE(MAC): 17.6 degC 20.3 degC 21.7 degC 21.3 degC DBE(WHSF): 17.0 degC 18.0 degC 18.0 degC 20.0 degC 20.0 degC 19.0 degC Meeting Rm.: Temp: room: ----- entrance: ----- WC: ----- -------------------------------Air Conditioners-------------------------------- Internal Out 15.60 C 16.20 C 1.00 C 16.70 C 14.70 C 16.80 C Internal Ret. 17.10 C 15.70 C 16.10 C 16.20 C 15.60 C 16.20 C External 168.60 C -0.30 C 13.50 C 168.60 C ================================Antenna Shelter================================ Air-cond. : 9.10 degC 9.00 degC -1.00 degC Room Temp.: 9.60 degC -UT2346 Tuning BAND8 & Mac --Filename : M17cpBs.tune ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/10/05 23:46:42 ===================================ASTE Site=================================== Temp. : -0.14 C Humid. : 9.06 % ( 0.55 hPa ) Solar : 0.00 kW/m2 Wind : 8.23 m/s 222 deg AirPressure : 571.57 hPa ( Rain: 0.01 ) Opacity @220 GHz : 0.0687 ================================ Receiver Cabin =============================== Main Cabin: --- C Upper Cabin: --- C AzTEC AE: --- C Dewar: --- C SCD : ---- ---- ---- ---- ================================Observation Room=============================== Temp. : 13.81 degC Humid. : 5.24 % DBE(MAC): 18.5 degC 23.8 degC 22.6 degC 21.1 degC DBE(WHSF): 17.0 degC 17.0 degC 17.0 degC 19.0 degC 19.0 degC 18.0 degC Meeting Rm.: Temp: room: ----- entrance: ----- WC: ----- -------------------------------Air Conditioners-------------------------------- Internal Out 15.40 C 15.70 C 12.80 C 16.30 C 12.30 C 16.80 C Internal Ret. 16.89 C 15.20 C 15.50 C 14.80 C 15.00 C 16.20 C External 168.60 C -0.70 C 9.00 C 168.60 C ================================Antenna Shelter================================ Air-cond. : 8.80 degC 8.80 degC -1.20 degC Room Temp.: 9.40 degC -UT2347 Calibration --Filename : M17cpBs.start **Observer Info [#md7d6f24] - Observer: Ando, M. - contact : misaki.ando - project : proj1 **Error Report [#d615cca1] - LST ~ 00:18 - 00:55 -- There were no response when we put "START OBSERVATION" for a pointing source "porj1:p_OCetM", and we saw "Now re-connection... (1/100)" in source "p_OCetM", and we saw "Now re-connection... (1/100)" in COSMOS GUI. Firstly, we restarted MITAKA COSMOS (aste-mt1), but we still saw "Now re-connection... (1/100)" in COSMOS GUI. Then, we restarted ASTE cite COSMOS (aste-1c) and MITAKA COSMOS asteobs@aste-mx1$ ssh -t aste-mt1 "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart" -- Then, we restarted ASTE cite COSMOS (aste-1c) and MITAKA COSMOS (aste-mt1) again. After a few minutes of the above procedure, the expression of "Now re-connection... (1/100)" disappeared. asteobs@aste-1c$ sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart all asteobs@aste-mx1$ ssh -t aste-mt1 "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart" -- After a few minutes of the above procedure, the expression of "Now re-connection... (1/100)" disappeared. - LST ~ 01:12 -- There were no response when we put "START OBSERVATION" for a pointing source "porj1:p_OCetM". We closed the all windows of COSMOS and restarted observation. - LST ~ 01:30 -- We found ASTE antenna doesn't move at all. We stopped observation.