[[Observing Log]]

* CSV2016: Remaining works (2016-09-24) [#l358fb95]

** Tasks [#r2659c93]
- Spectral comparison between P0 and P1 of DASH345

*** Preparations [#ha4d9955]
+ Tuning at EL=60.0 deg
-- [[Tuning of DASH345/BAND8 for continuum observations>CSV/2016#i6322df7]]
-- Don't forget to record weather conditions


** Information [#ie886c0c]
- Observers: Kamazaki
- Site: Mitaka
- Weather conditions (2016-09-23UT23:24)
 Temperature: +1.6 C
 Humidity: 1.6 hPa
 Wind: 12.5 m/s (225 deg)
 220GHz opacity: 0.11

** Spectral comparison between P0 and P1 of DASH345 [#a4d4ae92]

*** 345.796GHz (LSB) [#v6fc4f79]
*** 345.796GHz (LSB, LO=350.874671904) [#v6fc4f79]
- UT23:30 aste16/linux16/345796L.tune
 az,el = -62 60
-- &ref(345796L.txt);

- UT23:39 aste16/linux16/345796L.start
 az,el = -68 74
 daz,del = +2.0 +3.0
               P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4] = 266.9 299.5 299.4 332.5
 peak Ta* X[1,3]=[P0,P1] : ~60K ~30K

- UT23:49 aste16/linux16/345796L.tune
 el = 60
-- Just in case, re-tuning
-- &ref(345796L-retry.txt);

- UT23:55 aste16/linux16/345796L.start
 az,el = -73 70
               P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4] = 287.6 329.3 324.3 361.4

*** 330.587GHz (LSB) [#xbc5c646]
*** 330.587GHz (LSB, LO=335.667426048) [#xbc5c646]

- UT00:05 aste16/linux16/330587L.tune
 el = 60
-- &ref(330587L.txt);

- UT00:11 aste16/linux16/330587L.start
 az,el = -76 67
               P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4] = 428.7 356.8 533.9 319.1

- UT00:25 aste16/linux16/330587L.start
 off-position +00:30:00.0 00:00:00.0
 az,el = -79 64
-- Similar spectra as those of the UT00:11 execution

- UT00:37 aste16/linux16/330587L.start
 az,el = -81 61
-- Similar spectra as those of the UT00:11 execution

*** 351.257GHz (USB) [#m94c19a3]
*** 351.257GHz (USB, LO=346.095141192) [#m94c19a3]

- UT00:40 aste16/linux16/351257U.tune
 el = 60
-- &ref(351257U.txt);

- UT00:47 aste16/linux16/351257U.start
 az,el = -83 59
              P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4]: 293.8 386.0 407.2 345.8
 2016/09/24 00:59:43
  Temp. :   1.09 C   Humid. : 24.25 % (  1.60 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.94 m/s  174 deg   AirPressure : 574.11 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0751
 Current time = 2016/09/24 00:59:44
 Aspirin time = 2016/09/24 00:59:42
 Weather time = 2016/09/24 00:59:34
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   5.39,  -7.67 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

*** 356.734GHz (USB) [#if0d9aa0]
*** 356.734GHz (USB, LO=351.571450296) [#if0d9aa0]

- UT01:00 aste16/linux16/356734U.tune
 el = 60

- UT01:07 aste16/linux16/356734U.start
 az,el = -85 58
               P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4] = 311.5 530.4 485.5 420.8
-- Spurs in X2 -> START TUNING again
-- &ref(356734U.txt);

- UT01:13 aste16/linux16/356734U.start
 az,el = -87 52
               P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4] = 322.2 643.9 604.3 432.5

*** 347.331GHz (USB) [#tefe35fc]
*** 347.331GHz (USB, LO=342.169530720) [#tefe35fc]

- UT01:27 aste16/linux16/347331U.tune
 el = 60
-- &ref(347331U.txt);

- UT01:34 aste16/linux16/347331U.start
 az,el = -88 48
               P0U   P0L   P1U   P1L
 Tsys X[1-4] = 390.9 331.2 357.3 432.8

*** 347.331GHz (LSB) [#m605b856]
*** 347.331GHz (LSB, LO=352.409243256) [#m605b856]

- UT01:44 aste16/linux16/347331L.tune
 el = 60

- UT01:49 aste16/linux16/347331L.start
 az,el = -90 45
-- Spurs in X1 and X2 -> full-tuning again
-- &ref(347331L.txt);

- UT01:57 aste16/linux16/347331L.start
 az,el = -91 43
-- Lost control priority -> Just took the priority again

- UT02:03 aste16/linux16/347331L.start
 az,el = -91 42
               P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4] = 347.3 566.8 466.1 538.8

*** 345.796GHz (USB) [#b140205c]
*** 345.796GHz (USB, LO=340.634629320) [#b140205c]

- UT02:22 aste16/linux16/345796U.tune
 el = 60
-- &ref(345796U2.txt);

- UT02:27 aste16/linux16/345796U.start
 az,el = -93 36
               P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4] = 412.6 308.9 326.9 432.6

*** 345.796GHz (LSB) [#l4f05acc]
*** 345.796GHz (LSB, LO=350.874364968) [#l4f05acc]

- UT02:34 aste16/linux16/345796L.tune
 el = 60
-- &ref(345796L2.txt);

- UT02:39 aste16/linux16/345796L.start
 az,el = -94 33
               P0L   P0U   P1L   P1U
 Tsys X[1-4] = 376.6 501.5 450.9 509.2
 2016/09/24 02:50:41
  Temp. :   0.01 C   Humid. : 26.00 % (  1.59 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.08 m/s  260 deg   AirPressure : 574.05 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0909
 Current time = 2016/09/24 02:50:42
 Aspirin time = 2016/09/24 02:50:40
 Weather time = 2016/09/24 02:50:34
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  10.14,   4.60 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

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