[[Observing Log]]

* CSV2016: Subref tilt offsets of DASH345/BAND8 (2016-08-31) [#ibdcce54]

** Tasks [#yb14e5cb]
- Subref tilt offsets in DASH345

*** Preparations [#bf9602d7]
+ Basic checks
-- Record which kisa files are used for DASH345 and BAND8
 aste16@aste-ms1: ssh astecntl@aste-1c "ls -l /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/{DASH3,BAND8}"
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun  3  2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/BAND8 -> BAND8.150603
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun  1  2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/DASH3 -> DASH3.150601
-- Check all subref parameters (dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz) are zero
-- Check Aspirin is working in the "WIND ON" mode
+ Tuning at EL=60.0 deg
-- [[Tuning of DASH345/BAND8 for continuum observations>CSV/2016#i6322df7]]
-- Don't forget to record weather conditions
*** Subref tilt offsets in DASH345/BAND8 [#d9bcd3f8]
+ Repeat cross scans toward Saturn with various (dtx,dty)
-- Pointing toward Saturn
 BAND8:   stx5b8.start
 DASH345: stx5d3.start
-- Repeat cross scans toward Saturn using the batch mode
 BAND8:   ststb8.list (NOT stsbb8.list)
 DASH345: ststd3.list (NOT stsbd3.list)
---&color(red){Don't forget to turn on auto-pointing in the QLOOKC GUI};
---&color(red){Set AVERAGE = 1 in the QLOOKC GUI};
+ Data reduction
-- Still under preparation


** Information [#k7c65cb4]
- Observers: Kawamura, Ashitagawa
- Site: Mitaka
- Weather conditions (2016-08-30T23:30)
 Temperature: -4.11 C
 Humidity: 0.44 hPa
 Wind: 6.75 m/s (266 deg)
 220GHz opacity: 0.0452

-- Record which kisa files are used for DASH345 and BAND8

 [aste16@aste-1s aste16]$ ssh astecntl@aste-1c "ls -l /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/{DASH3,BAND8}"
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun  3  2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/BAND8 -> BAND8.150603
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun  1  2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/DASH3 -> DASH3.150601

-- Check all subref parameters (dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz) are zero -->OK
-- Check Aspirin is working in the "WIND ON" mode 
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ /cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw on
 Aspirin correction for wind is ON

                      ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/08/30 23:32:04
 ===================================ASTE Site===================================
   Temp. :  -3.99 C   Humid. :  7.79 % (  0.35 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
   Wind  :  12.21 m/s  258 deg   AirPressure : 570.56 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
   Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0537

+ Tuning at EL=60.0 deg

 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_be CONT 
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_be
 status: swbox_ctl_be CONT
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ asterx_sw DASH345 
 ### SYNTHE RF-OFF ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/synthe_ctl B RF OFF
 FREQ = 14.648303836 [GHz]
 AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
 RF   = ON
 ### After setting synthe ###
 FREQ = 14.648303836 [GHz]
 AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
 RF   = OFF
 ### SWBOX changed ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/swbox_ctl_rx 0
 ### SYNTHE set ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/synthe_ctl B AMPL +20dBm
 FREQ = 14.648303836 [GHz]
 AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
 RF   = OFF
 ### After setting synthe ###
 FREQ = 14.648303836 [GHz]
 AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
 RF   = OFF
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/synthe_ctl B RF ON
 FREQ = 14.648303836 [GHz]
 AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
 RF   = OFF
 ### After setting synthe ###
 FREQ = 14.648303836 [GHz]
 AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
 RF   = ON
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ synthe_ctl B FREQ 14.375
 FREQ = 14.648303836 [GHz]
 AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
 RF   = ON
 ### After setting synthe ###
 FREQ = 14.375000000 [GHz]
 AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
 RF   = ON
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ asterx_set DASH345
 ### Query of LO Freq ###
 LO Freq = 345.000000000
 ### Set CLNA ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/femc_ctl DASH345 CLNA_ON 345.000000000
 vd0=1.200000, id0=10.000000
 vd1=0.000000, id1=0.000000
 vd2=0.000000, id2=0.000000
 Ver 0.91
 Program running.
 Do not turn off power to CAN nodes.
 ---------- 45 4C 01 08 00 E1nd at Node index 00
 AMBSI CAN Library V1.1.2
 AMBSI Firmware V1.0.1
 FEMC Firmware V2.5.0
 FPGA V2.1.0
 10 F2 B3 58 2 8 0 1B
 1 A4 9A 4F 14 0 0 19
 23 9B DE 4C 1 0 0 44
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 > SET_CLNA 0 1 1.20 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
 > SET_CLNA 0 2 1.20 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
 > SET_CLNA 1 1 1.20 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
 > SET_CLNA 1 2 1.20 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
 > GET_CLNA 0 1 
 1.204971,10.063782,- 0.279053,0.003265,0.012817,4.910431,0.003632,0.022736,4.910400,1
 > GET_CLNA 0 2 
 > GET_CLNA 1 1 
 > GET_CLNA 1 2 
 CAN closed
 ### Set SIS bias ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/femc_ctl DASH345 SIS_ON 345.000000000
 345.000000 1.900000 1.900000 1.900000 1.900000
 Ver 0.91
 Program running.
 Do not turn off power to CAN nodes.
 ---------- 45 4C 01 08 00 E1nd at Node index 00
 AMBSI CAN Library V1.1.2
 AMBSI Firmware V1.0.1
 FEMC Firmware V2.5.0
 FPGA V2.1.0
 10 F2 B3 58 2 8 0 1B
 1 A4 9A 4F 14 0 0 19
 23 9B DE 4C 1 0 0 44
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 > SET_SIS_V 0 1 1.900 
 > SET_SIS_V 0 2 1.900 
 > SET_SIS_V 1 1 1.900 
 > SET_SIS_V 1 2 1.900 
 > GET_SIS_VC 0 1 
 > GET_SIS_VC 0 2 
 > GET_SIS_VC 1 1 
 > GET_SIS_VC 1 2 
 CAN closed
 ### Set LO Power ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345_tune 345.000000000
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345_val /home/astedev/frontend/loatt_ctl/loatt_dash345.conf 345.000000000
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345 225 310
 Set ATT     : Pol0=225, Pol1=310
  Pol0 =      225   , Pol1 =      310
  Pol0 = 0.005490[A], Pol1 = 0.007566[A]
  Pol0 = 0.655938[V], Pol1 = 0.774492[V]
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ 
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$  swbox_ctl_pol 0 1
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$  swbox_ctl_pol    
 status: swbox_ctl_pol 0 1
 400:P0-USB	402:P1-USB
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ cont_if 2 22
 Cont IF #2 Att. = 22 [dB]
 changed Cont IF #2 att. = 22 [dB]
 recieved value = -6.07382000E-04
 recieved value = -6.07382000E-04
 Cont IF #2 Lev. = -0.000607 [V]
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ cont_if 3 17
 Cont IF #3 Att. = 0 [dB]
 changed Cont IF #3 att. = 0 [dB]
 recieved value = -3.02878000E-04
 recieved value = -3.02878000E-04
 Cont IF #3 Lev. = -0.000303 [V]
** Subref tilt offsets in DASH345 [#w2f57459]

-UT23:50 stx5d3.start

-UT00:00 stsbd3.list
 Temp. :  -3.42 C   Humid. :  7.24 % (  0.34 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
 Wind  :   7.75 m/s  255 deg   AirPressure : 570.70 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
 Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0074

--wrong list, stopped

-UT00:05 ststd3.list

-- UT00:18 ANTENNA_G Fatal ERROR at ststd3c.start
 08-31 00:18:59	INF	83 147 EXECUTE ANTENNA_G  OFFSET((+0.080556 +0.000000),(-0.002778,+0.000000)) TYPE(SCAN) TIME_RANGE
 08-31 00:18:59	ERR	82 146 ANTENNA_G  REJECT  Instruct: EXECUTE command - OFFSET operand illegal
 08-31 00:18:59	ERR	Manager: Fatal ERROR. local:ANTENNA_G

--UT00:26 ststd3c.start -->OK
--UT00:29 ststd3.list
                     ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/08/31 01:34:20
 ===================================ASTE Site===================================
   Temp. :  -5.92 C   Humid. :  7.93 % (  0.31 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
   Wind  :   4.46 m/s  311 deg   AirPressure : 571.60 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
   Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0610
 ================================ Receiver Cabin ===============================
   Main Cabin:  17.2 C  Upper Cabin:  11.6 C  AzTEC AE: 168.6 C  Dewar: 168.6 C
   SCD :   ----      ----      ----      ----
 ================================Observation Room===============================
   Temp. :  13.61 degC   Humid. :  5.08 %
   Digital BE:   20.90 degC   26.00 degC   24.10 degC   22.20 degC 
   Meeting Rm.:  Temp:  room:  -----       entrance:  -----       WC:  -----
 -------------------------------Air Conditioners--------------------------------
   Internal Out     15.70 C   15.00 C   -5.20 C   16.10 C   -9.19 C   16.89 C
   Internal Ret.    17.20 C   15.00 C   15.20 C   -3.20 C   15.40 C   16.00 C
   External        168.60 C   -6.80 C    9.10 C  168.60 C
 ================================Antenna Shelter================================
   Air-cond. :    26.60 degC   26.00 degC   -6.70 degC
   Room Temp.:    21.80 degC
                    ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/08/31 03:10:10
 ===================================ASTE Site===================================
   Temp. :  -6.40 C   Humid. : 10.28 % (  0.39 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
   Wind  :   4.48 m/s  296 deg   AirPressure : 571.75 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
   Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0347
 ================================ Receiver Cabin ===============================
   Main Cabin:  15.1 C  Upper Cabin:   9.2 C  AzTEC AE: 168.6 C  Dewar: 168.6 C
   SCD :   ----      ----      ----      ----
 ================================Observation Room===============================
   Temp. :  13.44 degC   Humid. :  4.97 %
   Digital BE:   20.30 degC   25.70 degC   23.70 degC   21.80 degC 
   Meeting Rm.:  Temp:  room:  -----       entrance:  -----       WC:  -----
 -------------------------------Air Conditioners--------------------------------
   Internal Out     14.80 C   15.10 C   -4.20 C   15.90 C   -6.40 C   16.10 C
   Internal Ret.    16.80 C   14.90 C   14.50 C   -5.20 C   15.20 C   15.40 C
   External        168.60 C   -8.90 C   10.40 C  168.60 C
 ================================Antenna Shelter================================
   Air-cond. :    25.00 degC   23.80 degC   -9.19 degC
   Room Temp.:    21.30 degC

-- Emission disappeared. Stopped at ststd3e
--- Prog -> Man for sub ref. at console is OK
--- a large value at pointing offset (dEl = 211) was set.
--- reset pointing offset to 0.
--- start ststd3e again -> emission obtained.

-- UT ~ 3:45 Stop observation because of low elevation

*** Quick plots of today's results [#g740fd84]
*** Quick plots of today's measurements [#k9a954f6]
- tx
- ty

* FMLO Commissioning [#j70b6122]

- Observers: Y. Tamura, A. Taniguchi
- Site: SPdA
- Contact: yoichi.tamura (on skype)

** Tuning of DASH345/MAC [#yc9905c9]

- tuning with aste16/fmlo16/mORpsw.start
                     ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/08/31 11:15:17
 ===================================ASTE Site===================================
  Temp. :  -5.02 C   Humid. : 11.03 % (  0.46 hPa )   Solar :  0.11 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.86 m/s    2 deg   AirPressure : 571.28 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0211
 ================================ Receiver Cabin ===============================
  Main Cabin:  17.6 C  Upper Cabin:   9.9 C  AzTEC AE: 168.6 C  Dewar: 168.6 C
  SCD :   ----      ----      ----      ----
 ================================Observation Room===============================
  Temp. :  12.51 degC   Humid. :  5.19 %
  Digital BE:   19.60 degC   25.10 degC   23.20 degC   21.00 degC 
  Meeting Rm.:  Temp:  room:  -----       entrance:  -----       WC:  -----
 -------------------------------Air Conditioners--------------------------------
  Internal Out     14.40 C   14.70 C   13.10 C   16.20 C   13.20 C   16.00 C
  Internal Ret.    16.30 C   14.20 C   15.10 C   15.00 C   14.50 C   14.90 C
  External        168.60 C  -10.30 C   -1.50 C  168.60 C
 ================================Antenna Shelter================================
  Air-cond. :    24.60 degC   23.20 degC   -5.50 degC
  Room Temp.:    21.50 degC

- start tuning
 $ asterx_set DASH345
 ### Set LO Power ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345_tune 351.593821440
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345_val /home/astedev/frontend/loatt_ctl /loatt_dash345.conf 351.593821440 
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345 292 286
 Set ATT     : Pol0=292, Pol1=286
  Pol0 =      292   , Pol1 =      286
  Pol0 = 0.007127[A], Pol1 = 0.006981[A]
  Pol0 = 0.670597[V], Pol1 = 0.770846[V]
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ ifeo_tune 1 0.030
     E/O att. = 14 dB      E/O att. = 14 dB    IF level=0.036289
 new E/O att. = 14 dB    IF level=0.036988
 new E/O att. = 16 dB    IF level=0.021783
 new E/O att. = 14 dB    IF level=0.038856
 14 dB  0.038856 V
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ ifeo_tune 2 0.050
     E/O att. = 16 dB    IF level=0.046387
 new E/O att. = 16 dB    IF level=0.045550
 new E/O att. = 15 dB    IF level=0.060868
 new E/O att. = 16 dB    IF level=0.044122
 16 dB  0.044122 V
 $ yfactor 1
 R=0.036217 V,  Sky=0.016328 V, Y=3.459795 dB
 $ yfactor 2
 R=0.044810 V,  Sky=0.022926 V, Y=2.910467 dB

- start tuning again

- 11:24 UTC - Ori KL position switching
-- aste16/fmlo16/mORpsw.start
-- az,el = -001, 72
-- OK, we got spectra, but maybe we lost pointing. 

- 11:28 UTC - pointing with R-Lep
-- aste16/fmlo16/mLPpnt.start
-- az,el = -48, 78
-- daz, del = +4"/25", -1/22" ==> corrected.

- 11:37 UTC - Ori KL psw again.
-- aste16/fmlo16/mORpsw.start
-- az,el = -8, 72
-- IF2 (A3 and A4) is not tuned well
-- (2x higher Tsys, 2x lower Ta*, baseline wiggle)

** FMP Optimization Measurement using Ori-KL (AI-5C) [#p3eb325e]

- 12:19 UTC - Ori-KL FMLO FMP batch
-- aste16/fmlo16/mORopt.list
--- incl. [psw, bw1, psw, bw2, psw, bw3, psw, bw4, psw, bw5]
-- Az, El = -38, 68 deg
-- Tsys (A1) = 215 K
  Temp. :  -1.65 C   Humid. :  9.22 % (  0.50 hPa )   Solar :  0.37 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.00 m/s   44 deg   AirPressure : 571.84 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0200

-- 12:32 UTC - observation stopped with ERR of syn_fmlo_tolerance.def
--- There are too few parameters
-- 12:33 UTC - start observation from mORbw2.start in mORopt.list

- 13:07 UTC - pointing with R-Lep
-- aste16/fmlo16/mLPpnt.start
-- az,el = -82, 55
-- daz, del = +2"/30", -1"/30" ==> corrected.

- 13:15 UTC - Ori-KL FMLO FMP batch
-- aste16/fmlo16/mORopt.list
--- incl. [psw, bw1, psw, bw2, psw, bw3, psw, bw4, psw, bw5]
-- Az, El = -60, 58 deg
-- Tsys (A1) = 225 K
  Temp. :  -0.41 C   Humid. :  8.67 % (  0.51 hPa )   Solar :  0.58 kW/m2
  Wind  :   3.31 m/s  325 deg   AirPressure : 572.30 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0332

- 14:02 UTC - pointing with R-Lep
-- aste16/fmlo16/mLPpnt.start
-- az,el = -88, 44
-- daz, del = +0.1"/21", -1.1/21" ==> corrected.

- 14:07 UTC - Ori-KL FMLO FMP batch
-- aste16/fmlo16/mORopt.list
--- incl. [psw, bw1, psw, bw2, psw, bw3, psw, bw4, psw, bw5]
-- Az, El = -72, 47 deg
-- Tsys (A1) = 210 K
  Temp. :   1.59 C   Humid. :  7.91 % (  0.54 hPa )   Solar :  0.77 kW/m2
  Wind  :   7.10 m/s  249 deg   AirPressure : 572.56 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0354

- 14:53 UTC - pointing with R-Lep
-- aste16/fmlo16/mLPpnt.start
-- az,el = -93, 33
-- daz, del = +0.1"/23", -0.2/22" ==> corrected.

- 15:00 UTC - Ori-KL FMLO FMP batch
-- aste16/fmlo16/mORopt.list
--- incl. [psw, bw1, psw, bw2, psw, bw3, psw, bw4, psw, bw5]
-- Az, El = -79, 36 deg
-- Tsys (A1) = 225 K
  Temp. :   3.44 C   Humid. :  6.69 % (  0.52 hPa )   Solar :  0.92 kW/m2
  Wind  :   8.66 m/s  243 deg   AirPressure : 572.31 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0424

-- Tsys (A1) = 233 K @ El = 34 deg (mORbw1)
-- Tsys (A1) = 256 K @ El = 27 deg (mORpsw)

** Delay measurement (AI-5B) [#m7b72bfb]

- 15:56 UTC - mFXp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = +130 us 
-- aste16/fmlo16/mFXp33.start
-- TRIG_DELAY = +130 us
-- Az, El = 177, 27
-- Tsys (A1) = 253 K
  Temp. :   4.76 C   Humid. :  5.69 % (  0.49 hPa )   Solar :  1.01 kW/m2
  Wind  :  12.81 m/s  265 deg   AirPressure : 572.06 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0440

- 16:18 UTC - mFXp33B.start with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){+130 us}; 
-- aste16/fmlo16/mFXp33B.start
-- TRIG_DELAY = +1130 (130+1000) us
-- Az, El = 177, 27
-- Tsys (A1) = 249 K
  Temp. :   4.90 C   Humid. :  4.78 % (  0.41 hPa )   Solar :  1.01 kW/m2
  Wind  :   9.67 m/s  249 deg   AirPressure : 571.93 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0680

- 16:37 UTC - mFXp33M.start with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){-66870 us}; 
-- aste16/fmlo16/mFXp33M.start
-- TRIG_DELAY = -66870 (130-67000) us
-- Az, El = 179, 28
-- Tsys (A1) = 262 K
  Temp. :   4.99 C   Humid. :  4.97 % (  0.43 hPa )   Solar :  1.02 kW/m2
  Wind  :  12.05 m/s  253 deg   AirPressure : 571.88 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0491

- 16:56 UTC - mFXbch.list with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){-43870, -20870, 33130 us}; 
-- aste16/fmlo16/mFXbch.list
--- incl [mFXp33N, mFXp33O, mFXp33P]
-- TRIG_DELAY = -43870 (130-44000), -20870 (130-21000),-33130 (130+33000) us
-- Az, El = 179, 28
-- Tsys (A1) = 258 K
  Temp. :   5.07 C   Humid. :  5.57 % (  0.49 hPa )   Solar :  1.01 kW/m2
  Wind  :  11.21 m/s  256 deg   AirPressure : 571.68 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0624

-- 17:04 UTC - ERR: lost control priority
-- observation is forced to be stopped during mFXp33N.start
-- &color(red,){do not use the data};

- 17:06 UTC - mFXbch.list with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){-43870, -20870, 33130 us}; 
-- aste16/fmlo16/mFXbch.list
--- incl [mFXp33N, mFXp33O, mFXp33P]
-- TRIG_DELAY = -43870 (130-44000), -20870 (130-21000),-33130 (130+33000) us
-- Az, El = 179, 28
  Temp. :   5.24 C   Humid. :  5.82 % (  0.52 hPa )   Solar :  1.01 kW/m2
  Wind  :  13.43 m/s  258 deg   AirPressure : 571.67 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0267

-- Tsys (A1) = 259 K

-- 17:52 UTC - mFXbch.list (cont'd)
-- Tsys (A1) = 253 K
-- Az, El = +180, 28
-- Conditions:
  Temp. :   5.44 C   Humid. :  4.78 % (  0.43 hPa )   Solar :  0.94 kW/m2
  Wind  :  13.40 m/s  225 deg   AirPressure : 571.36 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0436


** FMP optimization (AI-5) [#rd54c421]

- 22:14 UTC - pointing for IRAS 162393
-- aste16/fml16/mIRpnt.start
-- Tsys (A1) = 201 K
-- Az, El = 102, 80
-- dAz, dEl = +1.2, +0.9

- 22:21 UTC - mIRopt.list for FMP optimization
-- aste16/fmlo16/mIRopt.list
--- incl. [mIRpsw.start mIRbw1.start mIRpsw.start mIRbw2.start psw bw3 psw bw4 psw bw5 psw bw12 psw bw22 psw bw32 psw]
-- Az, El = -139, 87
-- Tsys (A1) = 201 K, Tsys(A3) = 511 K
--- Note that output spectra from IF2 (A3 & A4) show large baseline fluctuations.  I don't recommend to use IF2 data.
  Temp. :  -0.95 C   Humid. :  7.56 % (  0.43 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   9.32 m/s  232 deg   AirPressure : 571.44 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0403

-- 23:24 UTC - cont'd
--- az,el = -99, 74
--- Tsys(A1) = 203 K, Tsys (A3) = 452 K   # A3&A4 baselines fluctuated.
--- Conditions:
  Temp. :  -1.73 C   Humid. :  7.69 % (  0.41 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   9.47 m/s  243 deg   AirPressure : 571.53 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0507

-23:38 UTC - finished observations

Pass priority to MTK (Tanaka-san). Gracias!

- De Nada
-23:42 UTC took over the priority@MTK.   restarted cosmos3@v1c->1c due to aspirin problem.

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